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Johnny Be

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 25, 2020
Are you happy with the 12 Pro Max Camera, or did you expect more? For me I really expected more compared to the Iphone 12. I think Apple oversold the "87% more light, and 47% bigger sensor. It does not seems that it has that big effect - or any at all?..

I dont have a comparaison, but when looking at differen youtube videos and the pictures taking with my 11 pro I really cant see that much of a difference.

Can you? or is there anything I am missing..?
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macrumors member
Sep 18, 2012
I'm very happy so far. Of course, I don't upgrade each year. Like the previous poster, I jumped several generations.

I think in cases of yearly upgrades, you will only see incremental improvements.


macrumors newbie
Nov 27, 2020
Are you happy with the 12 Pro Max Camera, or did you expect more? For me I really expected more compared to the Iphone 12. I think Apple oversold the "87% more light, and 47% bigger sensor. It does not seems that it has that big effect - or any at all?..

I dont have a comparaison, but when looking at differen youtube videos and the pictures taking with my 11 pro I really cant see that much of a difference.

Can you? or is there anything I am missing..?
Not happy at all with mine vs my 11 pro max. My photos look too warm, shadows are less defined and skin tones are just plain weird looking. I never had that issue on the 11.


Nov 17, 2020
I think that the potential for improvement is there. You’re not at the ceiling with 12 PM. I think that Apple can do more over time.


macrumors 6502
Oct 6, 2017
So far I am more than happy with camera on my 12 Pro Max. Not yet had chance to test with many photos, but what I have taken has not disappointed.

The only downside I have come across is that the larger lenses than the 11 Pro will not focus so close if you are into macro photography


macrumors 68030
Jul 5, 2010
Central Tx
Are you happy with the 12 Pro Max Camera, or did you expect more? For me I really expected more compared to the Iphone 12. I think Apple oversold the "87% more light, and 47% bigger sensor. It does not seems that it has that big effect - or any at all?..

I dont have a comparaison, but when looking at differen youtube videos and the pictures taking with my 11 pro I really cant see that much of a difference.

Can you? or is there anything I am missing..?
The new sensor and camera is awesome! Many reviews show the two cameras and display photos taken during the day. In this case you can’t really tell a difference. The new camera / sensor is better in low light. So, read this: it will help clear things up for you and everyone else who thinks the same way.


The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
yeah very happy but to be honest in current times not exactly taken loads of pictures anyway but where I'm impressed is in the night mode and having more options for taking photos at night in different angles.

I would say you can say it's the best camera on a smartphone in terms of a complete package so for me it does what most people would want on a smartphone. Those who were on the fence about to get pro or pro max I would never really say to somebody get the max as most will be very happy with the regular model from a camera point of view.

Tom G.

macrumors 68020
Jun 16, 2009
Champaign/Urbana Illinois
I upgraded from an 11 Pro Max to the 12 Pro Max and although I w happy with it, I am happier with the 12 Pro Max. I’ll admit Apple can go farther with the camera features, but good thins take time.

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
the next great development will be when they add a pericope lens for better zoom which is rumoured for 2022 and next year ultra wide is getting a big upgrade so yeah each year camera improvements are there but each year it's harder to get better every 12 months.

pro motion next year will be what I'm looking forward to as it does feel better with that higher refresh rate


Staff member
Feb 21, 2012
New Jersey Pine Barrens
Very impressed with the camera on my 12 pro max. I upgraded from a 6s Plus, so obviously that is a big upgrade. The sensor shift image stabilization does a terrific job on video, did a test walking down a trail in the woods and it looks like it was shot with a steadicam. HDR is great and very surprised by the quality of the telephoto, even with 12x digital zoom. The LIDAR scanner is another incredible feature, the 12 pro also has that but the regular pro doesn't.

Of course, I don't have an 11 pro for comparison but I have no regrets about getting the 12 pro max. :)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2008
New York, NY
Even from the 11 Pro Max to the 12 Pro Max, there are enough positive differences. If you regularly shoot mirrorless or DSLR, you'll probably see the differences immediately and care a lot more. For folks here taking photos and going from phone straight to social, it won't matter enough.

Personally, I'm in it for ProRAW and that larger sensor will definitely make a difference when editing.


macrumors regular
Jun 23, 2010
From an 11 and above, you have to be really picky to see the differences. Literally you have to compare it to a photo take from previous models to see difference. For social media posting, you won’t see a difference. Now if you come from a X or below, it’s huge difference.

two of the most disappointing things on the pro max was the sensor shift, and the larger sensor salesman pitch. The difference between the 12pro and 12pro max are negligible. I would say about 5% improvement on the max. Not worth the size if you really don’t want to carry a big phone.

my opinion, they probably would be better off getting rid of three cameras and putting one big camera w a lidar sensor. Then get into 3rd party lenses like Moment, Sandmarc have done. This way, you can put a big significant sensor on it that will compete w DSLR’s. Don’t get me wrong, the software already helps them compete w them, but that would really be huge.


macrumors member
Nov 15, 2018
The hardware differences are huge and theoretically in a perfect world we should obtain large benefits in shots; if this doesn t happen yet (at least improvements are visible vs series 11 but not that huge), it means that software is far from being fixed. I can see some issues as autofocus on short distance shots, color balance, details cut due to noise overcorrection. By using a third party camera like Halide I somehow resolved some of these, but I would expect big improvements once ProRaw feature will get released.
Physical issue that may remain and worries me is the lens flare on backlight shots...
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