Also returning this thread so feel free to chime in anyone...
What did you decide
@537635 ?
I just got the last Pro Max 256 graphite from xfinity ($250 for a a new line and $212 for my X when I do send it in). They didnt have any regular pros in stock and they are back ordered. I still have 12 days to make a return on this and order a back ordered 12 pro 256 gb graphite. I enjoyed everything but the feel of the phone in hand. I workout regularly so this will be an adjustment.
I am coming from an X so it's a substantial upgrade for me regardless pro vs pro max and I do take a lot of photos with it. I just think I would prefer the comfort of the pro but I know others have said you get used to it. I also only have one other apple device (rMB, no watch, iPad, etc) so it would make sense for the pro max if anything.
Ill be testing this out until I have to return / keep it.
I would say keep the iPhone 12 Pro Max. You state you take a lot of pictures with your iPhone so I just do not see why you would want to essentially downgrade the camera. It has been shown in many videos and written about in many articles that the Pro Max camera is significantly better than the iPhone 12 Pro. Also, you get the extra screen real estate which is always nice, and I promise you will get used to it super quick. I have had plus size cell phones since they came out and had the iPhone 11 Pro Max last year and I got used to them very quickly.
Especially coming from an iPhone X, you are probably already noticing a massive improvement in pictures and if you take video, there is a massive performance upgrade there. Not to mention shooting photos in Apple ProRAW and then editing them to how you would like, or if it came out great (which is rare because RAW photos have more noise because it retains every detail) just keeping it as is.
Once again, I would strongly encourage you to stick with the iPhone 12 Pro Max, however, it is your money you are spending so obviously do what you want to do. I am just giving you my personal opinion from using it, and I have a launch day iPhone 12 Pro Max, so I have been using it for as long as the general public possibly could have.
This is probably the best article I have read about the difference in cameras between the Pro and Pro Max and the other iPhone 12's. It was written by the makers of Halide (an amazing camera/photo editing app) and the clear winner is the Pro Max. Do not take my word for it, take theirs, they are the professionals:
Over at Halide HQ, we’ve been busily working away on a very deep, technical analysis of what’s new in iPhone 12 cameras this year. All four of ’em. On
Quote from the article talking about the iPhone 12 Pro Max vs. all the other current iPhones and all iPhones before it:
"If you are an advanced user, the type that uses more than just the stock apps, this phone offers a lot.
Compare it to when Apple releases a new chip. They’re already ahead of the curve, and then they release an even newer chip that blows the old one away. Some will ask: “What can this even be used for?” Before you know it, you have console-quality graphics and amazing AR experiences.
We’d compare this camera to a next-generation chip. In daily use, an average person won’t notice the signal to noise ratio or longer lens, or superb stabilization and sensitivity. But as developers like us build apps for it, and this camera system works its way into future iPhones over the next few years, we can expect even the ‘traditional’ camera market to be forced to step up.
The iPhone 12 Pro Max is a Pro photographer’s iPhone. And we couldn’t be more excited to start building for it."
Hope this helps and you keep your iPhone 12 Pro Max because if you take a lot of pictures like you said you did, I think you will benefit greatly from it! The iPhone 12 Pro Max camera module is truly superior to any other iPhone current or former, it is that simple.