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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Appleinsider claims that Apple will be releasing their 17" MacBook Pro at the National Association of Broadcasters conference next week.

The NAB Conference takes place between April 22-27 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Last year, Apple announced
Final Cut Pro 5, Motion 2, SoundTrack Pro and DVD Pro 4 HD.

The new 17" MacBook Pro is said to be similar in form factor to the current 15" MacBook Pro but offer faster speeds, more storage, and, of course, a 17" display.

There are also hints that Final Cut Pro 6.0 could be sighted as well as potential updates to Apple's other Pro applications.


macrumors regular
Jun 3, 2005
The same article also notes that the ibook replacement (macbook) has been pushed back to a "next month" timeline.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 11, 2003
St. Louis, USA
Nothing but good news here. My dad will be going :).

He's interested in a MacBook Pro, now that Boot Camp and Parallels have been released. He runs a few apps for his IT job that are Windows-only... but he loves using his G5 at home.

A 17" MBP would be good for pros wanting more screen real-estate, but not necessarily the greater portability of a smaller laptop.


Jan 14, 2004

I'm gonna be really pissed if the FC 6.0 is released next week. I *JUST* sent the PO out for the 5.1 upgrade of the suite!

It would be nice to see the 17" MacBook Pro released. I'll bet it's a monster!

Lord Blackadder

macrumors P6
May 7, 2004
Sod off
17" laptops are so big they should put folding legs on them so they can double as lawnchairs. :rolleyes:

I'm curious to see what performance enhancements it has - I'm sure it will be a monster.


macrumors 68000
Apr 12, 2002
dagger01 said:
I'm gonna be really pissed if the FC 6.0 is released next week. I *JUST* sent the PO out for the 5.1 upgrade of the suite!

It would be nice to see the 17" MacBook Pro released. I'll bet it's a monster!

I doubt it. Apple would surely stage a keynote of sorts. But they're not having one. Just a booth.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 18, 2004
I planned on putting my piggy bank money into my bank account before NAB for this very reason, so i do indeed hope this is true. i do not care if these are announced and not shipping until june when the 2.33 chips come. KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE.

But if this is wrong i will weep with bitterness so pure it will be spoken of to children in four generations.

Blackadder, i agreed until i open reason and logic and had side by side windows with a decent amount of space in logic. tears of joy man.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 14, 2005
How dare you

Lord Blackadder said:
17" laptops are so big they should put folding legs on them so they can double as lawnchairs. :rolleyes:

I'm curious to see what performance enhancements it has - I'm sure it will be a monster.

Lord Black Adder, you should be ashamed of yourself! Haha, I dream of a 17 inch MBP for well, none other than a bit of cs2 and of course, bootcamp gaming.

If I could have it for just pure unadulterated fun and spelling mistakes, I would take it... My little go getter ibook g4 can get a new batter for portability, but really, I dare say power is paramount in my book at the moment!

How dare you...:eek:


macrumors member
Oct 1, 2005
bretm said:
I doubt it. Apple would surely stage a keynote of sorts. But they're not having one. Just a booth.

i tougth they would have a press conference on sunday actually


macrumors 6502a
Jun 18, 2004
bretm said:
I doubt it. Apple would surely stage a keynote of sorts. But they're not having one. Just a booth.

i noticed this too. but hopefully it's just a surprise or something. (i just really want the thing dangit)


macrumors 68000
Oct 3, 2005
Nelson, BC. Canada
dagger01 said:
I'm gonna be really pissed if the FC 6.0 is released next week. I *JUST* sent the PO out for the 5.1 upgrade of the suite!

It would be nice to see the 17" MacBook Pro released. I'll bet it's a monster!

It's likely to be announced, but unlikely to be 'available'. Apple are currently running a promotion that ends 26th June. My guess is the next Studio version will be made available some time after that.

I'm waiting to hear what the next version will have and how much, then decide whether to get 5.1 or the next version (6?).


macrumors member
Mar 12, 2004
not really that big

Lord Blackadder said:
17" laptops are so big they should put folding legs on them so they can double as lawnchairs. :rolleyes:

I'm curious to see what performance enhancements it has - I'm sure it will be a monster.

Although it looks a lot bigger, if you take the trouble to compare the 15" MBP or 15" PB dimensions to those of the 17" PB, you'll see that the 17" is just slightly larger.

Not really that much more trouble to lug around.

Given the excessive heat issues with the current 15" MBP, I'm begining to think that a 17" form factor that allows better heat dissipation may well be the better buy.



macrumors newbie
Oct 11, 2004
London, UK
what about the 12" ?

the only rumors one seems to hear is that 12" is dead, makes me wonder why, does anybody know whether the sales figures for these machines have been bad or what could be the reason for the apparent lack of interest of Apple to make them?


macrumors regular
Feb 1, 2006
Los Angeles
Figured something like this was coming.

NAB is a huge event. Have no doubts, it's a BIG deal for the North American Continent. Apple claims to produce "professional video products" (some might say prosumer), so there presence there is always strong.

Additionally, things have been pretty quiet lately on the hardware front. It's time for Cupertino to drop a new bomb.

Then again, slow and steady is supposed to win the race...


macrumors regular
Sep 6, 2004
Cooling the 12"

sparksinspace said:
the only rumors one seems to hear is that 12" is dead, makes me wonder why, does anybody know whether the sales figures for these machines have been bad or what could be the reason for the apparent lack of interest of Apple to make them?

Based on the heat problems with the 15" MBP, i would guess cooling the 12" MBP with a duo core chip might have something to do with it. After using the 15" MBP at the Apple store several times, I passed on buying one of these units because of how hot they run. Hopefully the 17" will perform better if it has more room to cool. This could be negated by putting a faster chip in the unit though. Gonna have to wait and see. I prefer the 17" MBP if the heat issue isn't there.

Lord Blackadder

macrumors P6
May 7, 2004
Sod off
iGuy said:
Although it looks a lot bigger, if you take the trouble to compare the 15" MBP or 15" PB dimensions to those of the 17" PB, you'll see that the 17" is just slightly larger.~iGuy

I was being only half serious, but both the 15" and 17" are a little big for my tastes. I won't deny that the screen on the 17" is a revelation though - I just wouldn't want to lug one around.

If I was buying a large-screen laptop though, I would probably skip the 15" and go straight for the 17".

Heat dissapation is still an issue too, so the better cooling of the 17" is a factor.


Apr 17, 2005
Currently in Switzerland
I just hope they release a strong MB 12"/13" offering soon; my trusty G3 iBook is chugging along well, but I would love to purchase a brand new Mac notebook to replace it in the next 12 months... :)

Chris Bangle

macrumors 6502a
Apr 3, 2006
It makes sense that apple will launch them at NAB... I read somewhere that there will be a press conference so no keynote will be needed. Im not bothered that there wont be a keynote because theyve been a bit dull recently.

manu chao

macrumors 604
Jul 30, 2003
sartinsauce said:
I'm pretty sure that the 12" and 17" Powerbook G4s were simultaneously released at NAB in 2003.

Anyone else remember if that's correct or not?

They were released in January in San Francisco.


macrumors 68040
May 3, 2005
Washington, DC
sartinsauce said:
I'm pretty sure that the 12" and 17" Powerbook G4s were simultaneously released at NAB in 2003.

Anyone else remember if that's correct or not?

12" and 17" were released at MacWorld San Francisco in January of 2003. Apple however did announce the Dual 2.7Ghz Power Mac G5 on or around NAB last year. More on topic...anyone want to buy a 15" 2.16 MacBook Pro with a 100GB 7200RPM drive and 2GB RAM?? No whines, or dead pixels... he he he
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