My 8 year old Sony ILC cameras (a6000 and a7) only have 24MP each and either will easily blow a smartphone toy camera out of the water. No comparison. Claiming 200MP is just a gimmick. A tiny sensor with tiny lenses equals very little light entering the camera, which means garbage photos in anything but highly lit areas. You can scale down the size of sensors and lenses, but you can’t scale down a photon. You can only capture so many photons with a tiny camera. No in-camera processing or BS rhetoric will change that. Add to that the fact that Apple’s cameras are terrible as far as usability goes, and you are much better off with a bigger camera with much better controls and flexibility. I fail to see why anyone, other than a selfie snapper, would ever get excited by smartphone “cracker-jack box” toy cameras. They are okay for selfies and photos in bright locations that will be viewed on small screen phones. They suck for photos you want to print out are take in low lighted locations. Even the professional studio produced videos shot with iPhone 13 Pro Max cameras for Apple look like garbage.