I will agree with the learning part, however as a business analyst, I use the function keys extensively on my Windows work machine, and I have learned where they are by feel through constant (and I mean constant) use. I can say that if I lost that "touch" feel of the function keys, I would take a bit to get accustomed to touching a single flat surface.
On my MacBook though, I mostly do photo editing or word processing, so I never really learned to use the function bar on a comprehensive level. For me personally, I find the "adaptive" nature of the Touch Bar to be useful in the apps that I use on my Mac.
In any case I can see where some complain about the Touch Bar on a business application level, but in the end, we all know technology never stays the same and is ever evolving. You have to learn to adapt as it changes, and as a rule, us humans don't like change, and aren't always that willing to learn new ways of doing things. I personally have adapted and love it, as I am sure many others do as well.