As time goes on, parts for certain Macs become more and more scarce. 3D printing has opened a whole new world of possibility for getting replacement parts for our old and faithful Macs.
Except there's one problem...
There's an extreme lacking in any files online for parts. Every so often you come across someone making you pay for them to print and ship it to you, which is great for when you don't have a 3D printer or have access to one. Personally, I have access to 2 different MakerBots at school and I'd love to be able to print out parts. However, I don't know how to model the parts, nor do I have any precision measuring tools to attempt to make them. So for the sake of all of us who have access to 3D printers, I'm asking if anyone has or can make models for common parts for Macs. These parts include:
ODD covers for iBook Clamshells
Apple Leaves for iBook Clamshells
Slot Loading Optical Disk covers for Lombard/Pismo PowerBook G3s
Various front covers, casings, and buttons for various Power Macintoshes
Compact Macintosh Floppy Disk eject motor gears
Various other commonly broken plastic parts
Hopefully someone has or can make/share models that can be printed to replace these commonly broken parts. Thanks!
Except there's one problem...
There's an extreme lacking in any files online for parts. Every so often you come across someone making you pay for them to print and ship it to you, which is great for when you don't have a 3D printer or have access to one. Personally, I have access to 2 different MakerBots at school and I'd love to be able to print out parts. However, I don't know how to model the parts, nor do I have any precision measuring tools to attempt to make them. So for the sake of all of us who have access to 3D printers, I'm asking if anyone has or can make models for common parts for Macs. These parts include:
ODD covers for iBook Clamshells
Apple Leaves for iBook Clamshells
Slot Loading Optical Disk covers for Lombard/Pismo PowerBook G3s
Various front covers, casings, and buttons for various Power Macintoshes
Compact Macintosh Floppy Disk eject motor gears
Various other commonly broken plastic parts
Hopefully someone has or can make/share models that can be printed to replace these commonly broken parts. Thanks!