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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Heading into the 4th of July weekend, many developers are using the holiday as an excuse to cut prices on their Apps. Prominent developers such as EA and Gameloft are amongst the participants. A running list of all App Store price drops can be seen here.


Meanwhile, sister site, which tracks all App Store sales and updates, has updated their iOS App with a number of new features, including App Store ratings, and links to 3rd party reviews.

- Top 200 rankings
- App Ratings
- Links to 3rd party app reviews
- Automatically loads apps when scrolling to the bottom of a list
- New filters for search
- Email notification settings
- Disable push notifications during certain times of the day
- In-app AppShopper account registration
- Share an app's info via Twitter, Facebook, email and more
- Various bug fixes

The AppShopper app is available for free in the App Store [Link].

Article Link: 4th of July App Sales and an AppShopper App Update
Garden Pro is shown as 99¢, slashed to free.
In the App Store (US), I see it selling for $2.99.
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