The temperature reported on your laptop is for Intel iGPU, and there is no report for Radeon GPU proximity temps. That is why there "is" 30 degrees difference in temps.
No, this is Radeon proximity temp. I have Apple store version, he has the one from web. The fact that CPU is 25 deg higher didn't ring a bell? The fin stacks temps, no, nothing? The fact that there is another, separate iGPU temp which is over 20C higher on Vega also doesn't mean anything. That every bloody sensor shows 20+ difference?
Why is GPU power draw higher? Simple reason: Dynamic Power Limit shared between CPU and GPU, which deas not occur in Polaris based Radeon Pro GPUs.
Why is that? My theory is that is because you have separate VRM for GDDR5, on Polaris Based Radeon Pro and you cannot control power between both VRMs. With Vega - you have single VRM, and you can control both, because it is one system-on-package.
So we went from perpeteum mobile, through 50% efficiency VRMs to Dynamic Power Limit shared between CPU and GPU which algorithm, set by OEM, not a physical component, is responsible for missing 26 watts between those two machines. And which by the way is present on Polaris equipped MBP too, and every notebook that has dGPU... And for the single VRM thing - count them on pictures of the internals. Number is the same, the chokes are bigger on Vega because they have to deal with much higher current.
Static TDP for the GPU, when both CPU and GPU is simultaneously loaded appears to be 30-35W. Which fits perfectly what I was claiming.
LOL. So the TDP of a GPU is only measured when the CPU is simultaneously loaded and we call it static TDP. Poor manufacturers, how do you set a comparable test conditions. Do you make this stuff up as you go or do you have a list? I don't even .... What is going to happen when CPU package is, oh, I don't know, 10W? Now this going to be 50W and we call it dynamic TDP and it is totally not your 35W claim. And on Polaris dynamic TDP = static TDP. There, I have an explanation for you.
We can settle this debate.
There was never a debate. My 4 year old can see it, my dog can see it, but its a border collie so it sets a pretty high standard. I'm 100% sure you see it too, so the only logical explanation I have is you spread BS for the sake of spreading BS. I was fully expecting you to be just over optimistic AMD enthusiast, who is going to say, 'sorry I was wrong'. But you have different agenda, which is ok, I just need to account for this. I'm done, discussing this with you with all the fantasy arguments is pointless. I will react only if somebody else is going to fall for your stories. Oh btw - all the sensors are locked on Windows side.
Thanks again for providing the Vega 20 sensor numbers. You're still the only one who did it.