I've got a 7 right now, and it gets the job done, but a few of my friends have plus devices, and I really feel like I'm missing out on that big screen and the dual cameras, is the 8 plus worth the upgrade? should I hold out for the X? I've been seeing a lot saying how the screen really isn't "bigger" on the X compared to a regular sized device, and things like FaceID and no home button have me a little wary of their practicality. But I would also feel like I'm missing out on some cool features like dual OIS and the OLED screen
I would also be doing the iPhone upgrade program, so if they fix all the weird things about the X in the next update, I would have the opportunity to get that newer model when that comes out next year assumedly
I would also be doing the iPhone upgrade program, so if they fix all the weird things about the X in the next update, I would have the opportunity to get that newer model when that comes out next year assumedly