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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 16, 2012
Toronto, Canada.

I just noticed that they've reduced the 5C to 8GB? How in the world do they expect someone survive with an 8GB phone. My 16GB USB flash drive has more memory than this phone and I only spent $9.99. Now that apps are getting larger (extensions, widgets etc.) and more features are being added with each iOS version which increases the size of the OS, it's going to be very tough to manage with a 8GB phone. My 16GB is almost full. Sucks for those who get it, unfortunately.


macrumors 603
Oct 14, 2007
San Jose, Ca
If you're the kind of person who is purchasing an iPhone 5c because its free when the iPhone 5s is $99 and iPhone 6 $199, then you're probably the kind of person who doesn't care about specs or its a phone for a teenager.


macrumors 68000
Mar 18, 2014
Sarf London
Personally I live *well* within 8GB because a) I don't carry music around and b) I've got no interest in phone photography, but it's a bizarre decision to offer only an 8GB version. It's almost as if they don't want to sell any more 5c models, or that they want buyers to have a really miserable experience.


macrumors 68000
Mar 18, 2014
Sarf London
If you're the kind of person who is purchasing an iPhone 5c because its free when the iPhone 5s is $99 and iPhone 6 $199, then you're probably the kind of person who doesn't care about specs or its a phone for a teenager.
'Specs' are processor speed and screen size and camera resolution and stuff. Storage capacity is much, much more fundamental to usability. I agree that the 5c is more teenager-oriented than other models, but teenagers are exactly the consumer group who will want to use a phone as a music player, and who derive pleasure from taking ridiculous numbers of selfies.


macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2007
If you're the kind of person who is purchasing an iPhone 5c because its free when the iPhone 5s is $99 and iPhone 6 $199, then you're probably the kind of person who doesn't care about specs or its a phone for a teenager.

Truth. This is still a pretty good option for grandmas who will never even figure out how to put music or content on the phone, and will barely know how to check email.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 14, 2014
That's probably enough for a lot of people. Many just use internet, email, messenger, and a handful of apps. This would suit them fine.

We're the weird ones.


macrumors 603
Oct 14, 2007
San Jose, Ca
Truth. This is still a pretty good option for grandmas who will never even figure out how to put music or content on the phone, and will barely know how to check email.

This past Christmas when several retailers were having sales on the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s, the iPhone 5c was as low as $20 and I know several of my friend's parents purchased an iPhone. They don't care about having music on the device and rarely record video.

For most people on this forum 8gb is not enough, but for people outside of this forum, you know, the real world, for them 8gb is just fine.


macrumors 68040
Apr 8, 2009
Raleigh, NC
This phone is for the person who just wants to make calls, surf the web, use email, check Facebook, and maybe use FaceTime. I could see grandparents being really content with something like this.


Jul 2, 2012
OP some people are fine with it. Honestly for that price I would rather pick up a 5s 32gb from craigslist.


macrumors member
Jan 7, 2012
I don't understand why Apple for the 6/6plus didn't make the base model 32G instead of 16G? Just seems ridiculous in 2014.


macrumors 604
Jun 19, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Options are great. Phones and storage are not a one size fits all. Many people use these as phones and to text and surf the net. And that's it. I'm sure there's an option for everyone.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 3, 2008
I don't understand why Apple for the 6/6plus didn't make the base model 32G instead of 16G? Just seems ridiculous in 2014.

It's been discussed lots already but the basic idea of it can be summed up in 1 word:

(meaning more money for Apple)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2008
There are people who can survive on 8GB. I've never gone over 4GB of total used storage on any of my iPhones (and I've had them all). Even 8GB is overkill for me.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
This phone is for the person who just wants to make calls, surf the web, use email, check Facebook, and maybe use FaceTime. I could see grandparents being really content with something like this.

That's what most 5S and iPhone 6 owners will use their phones for.

Brian Y

macrumors 68040
Oct 21, 2012
I would guess around 90% of people have a couple of games, a few hundred songs and maybe a few hundred photos on their phones, for which 8GB is fine.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
I don't understand why Apple for the 6/6plus didn't make the base model 32G instead of 16G? Just seems ridiculous in 2014.

The Note 4 comes with 3GB RAM and 32GB storage space as standard; plus it has a memory card expansion slot, removable battery, bigger screen (but the phone itself is no bigger), a 16MP camera with optical image stability and 4k video, a 3.2MP front camera which can record 1080p video, a quad-core processor....etc.
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