Without naming the person, the
Postings part of their profile shows the most recent post as 06:16 yesterday. That's consistent with my news feed.
At the same person's profile, under
Areas the most recent post was 09:11 yesterday.
If the latter is true, then I guess that
@arn is correct (thanks) and that a rule was broken at 09:11.
I began this topic at 11:52 yesterday.
AFAIR originally I simply attempted to follow the person, then I was repeatedly confused by the system never showing the name that I repeatedly added. I could have mentioned that detail in the opening post, but I wanted to keep it simple.
Anyway ... if the person is temporarily banned, then:
- I like the discretion
- the confusion (the apparent failure of the system to follow someone) can be negligible.
I'll review and probably resolve this topic if/when that person reappears.