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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 16, 2011
Hi All

I received my iPhone 6 a few days back and used the supplied charger/cable combo. On my first and second days with the phone my Daughter took it off the charger before I woke up to play games. On the third day when I woke up I saw the dreaded "This Accessory May Not Be Supported" and the phone was at 100% but was not charging for several hours (seen in usage)

I had my USB extension cable plugged in, so I figured it was that and removed it. Now today I wake up and see the same message!

I am curious if this could be a problem with my phone, or just have Apple swap out the charger/cable. This is a bit frustrating as I do not have too much spare time to go down to the local genius bar. I spoke to Apple Care and they say its better to go in person so they can diagnose the phone first.

Anyone else have this issue? Could there be another cause for this error even though I never received it on my 5S using the oem cable and aforementioned USB extension cable?

Thanks in advance!
The only times I have had this it has been a damaged cable that's been the cause. I just purchased a new cable. Understand you probably won't want to do that as it's just a few days old.
The only times I have had this it has been a damaged cable that's been the cause. I just purchased a new cable. Understand you probably won't want to do that as it's just a few days old.

Definitely don't want to buy a new cable, and it has not been damaged. I would test with another cable, but the only other one I have at home is an Amazon Basics cable that I use in my car.
Do these lightning cables have any warranty?
I am waiting for my 6+ to be delivered.
Never had a problem with the old leads, but I know my daughters seem to go through the lightning cables at an alarming rate.They are silly enough to keep on paying for new ones.I wouldn't be happy with that.
Do these lightning cables have any warranty?
I am waiting for my 6+ to be delivered.
Never had a problem with the old leads, but I know my daughters seem to go through the lightning cables at an alarming rate.They are silly enough to keep on paying for new ones.I wouldn't be happy with that.

They are covered for 1 year, but if its damaged I do not know how they can help.
Definitely don't want to buy a new cable, and it has not been damaged. I would test with another cable, but the only other one I have at home is an Amazon Basics cable that I use in my car.

I've never had a problem getting Apple to exchange a cable or plug for me. Just go to the Genius bar and the them what's been happening and they'll prob give you a new one esp since the phones just came out.

As a side note, I have also gotten this message on my iP6 but with an aftermarket lightning cable, and only after the phone has reached 100% charging. it will charge just fine but as soon as it hits 100%, I get the message. It may be a software issue. I've reported it just case.
I've never had a problem getting Apple to exchange a cable or plug for me. Just go to the Genius bar and the them what's been happening and they'll prob give you a new one esp since the phones just came out.

As a side note, I have also gotten this message on my iP6 but with an aftermarket lightning cable, and only after the phone has reached 100% charging. it will charge just fine but as soon as it hits 100%, I get the message. It may be a software issue. I've reported it just case.

That is my exact issue! When it hits 100% I get the error message. Hopefully a new cable will help!
That is my exact issue! When it hits 100% I get the error message. Hopefully a new cable will help!

Interesting. I think it may be the aftermarket cable and how iOS8 sees it. I assume the extension cable is aftermarket (not official Apple)? I don't encounter the issue when I'm using the official cable at all.
Same here, have seen it couple of times now on 3 day old iPhone 6+. I am using out of the box cable plugged into pc. Saw the massage at 96% charged. Then few times more. Also saw it in the car connected to radio (not apple cable). Never seen it on my iPhone 4S though.
Got the same message today on my 6+ with the same cable I've used for the last year on my 5s.

The phone still charges so I'm not losing sleep. What could it be... an iOS 8 bug?
Well, googling on this it has been around since iOS 7 already. So not a new thing. Just one of those things not picked up by Apple i guess.
Same here. IP6 gives me that message once it reaches 100%. This only happens if it's charging through my computer. According to Battery Doctor, it stops charging once it starts "trickle" charging the device. Tried with multiple cables, no changes.
seems so, i just unplugged mine (it is charged 100%). When i plug back in message appears straight away (but then disappears and continues charging)
I keep getting the same message at 100% battery on iPhone 6 with OEM cable. Mine is plugged into a surge protected power bar though, perhaps this is causing issues?
I had the same problem ended up switching out phones and it now fine.

Really? It's hate to have to switch out devices since it takes so long to sync the 128gb but this problem is annoying. Thanks for the update.
Really? It's hate to have to switch out devices since it takes so long to sync the 128gb but this problem is annoying. Thanks for the update.

Ya it also took me a few days to find a replacement as I wanted a new in box one instead of one that comes in the white box so I was able to in two days and switched out my original space gray one for a silver one brand new it works great now have zero problems.
Cable not supported...

Getting that same message with my iPhone 6 plus. It will not charge my new phone. Cord came with the iPhone 6+ and will not charge it! It will charge my iPhone 6 no problem, but not the 6+. Any ideas?
"Accessory May Not Be Supported" From OEM Apple Charger/Cable on ip6

Getting that same message with my iPhone 6 plus. It will not charge my new phone. Cord came with the iPhone 6+ and will not charge it! It will charge my iPhone 6 no problem, but not the 6+. Any ideas?

Take it to the Apple store they will replace it once they check it and bring the cable too.
Take it to the Apple store they will replace it once they check it and bring the cable too.

I have an appt tomorrow at the local Apple Store. I was just curious if anyone had an idea why the cord works with the iphone 6, but not the 6+. Weird situation. Unless it is a 6+ phone problem.
I have an appt tomorrow at the local Apple Store. I was just curious if anyone had an idea why the cord works with the iphone 6, but not the 6+. Weird situation. Unless it is a 6+ phone problem.

Nope its just a Odd problem that is affecting a few people. Its not a major problem at all.
So the issue was happening more and more and with other cables. I finally contacted Apple and we went through all the troubleshooting. They eventually determined that it is a hardware issue and they are sending me an Express Replacement. It's not a widespread issue but if you're getting this error and it's happening more frequently, it's likely a bent pin. Worth getting it replaced.
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