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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Macworld reports that Adobe will not be exhibiting at Macworld Expo this year. The company will still have a presence, however, and does plan on providing conference sessions during the event:
“Adobe has decided to shift its focus at the Macworld trade show this year,” the company said in a statement given to Macworld. “Macworld is a valuable industry show and we will still be an active part of it with members of our product team involved in Macworld tracks, including a full day of CS4 demo sessions with Adobe evangelists on Wednesday, January 7.”
TUAW reports the decision to drop out of Macworld is a reflection of wider layoffs and cutbacks at Adobe.

Article Link: Adobe Not Exhibiting at Macworld Expo San Francisco

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
Remember everyone, Apple and Avid both dropped out of NAB last year. Everyone was shocked, but it really just comes down to money.

For the millions of dollars they spend on these shows, they could do smaller education-sessions all around the country and reach many, many more people for the same price.

Avid figured that made more sense for NAB. Apple agreed. Now Adobe is seeing the same thing.

Hardly a surprise.


macrumors 65816
Jul 14, 2004
They're probably just trying to save some costs to get in a better position to ride out the recession. The physical conference approach is on the wane anyway (dropping of Macworld Boston, Apple eschewing NAB, increasing irrelevance of E3, etc.). I'm sure if it weren't for the Stevenote, Macworld would fade into a minor conference pretty quickly.


macrumors 603
Jun 28, 2004
Chicago, IL
Remember everyone, Apple and Avid both dropped out of NAB last year. Everyone was shocked, but it really just comes down to money.

For the millions of dollars they spend on these shows, they could do smaller education-sessions all around the country and reach many, many more people for the same price.

Avid figured that made more sense for NAB. Apple agreed. Now Adobe is seeing the same thing.

Hardly a surprise.

I think for Adobe, at this point, the large show presence isn't necessary or cost-effective because it is still creating relatively niche products. They can still access those people who use their software through their educational sessions and those people will continue to purchase the product.


macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2007
There may be more truth to that than most think at first glance.

But now? After all apple / adobe product releases so far? Nah.

As others have mentioned, shows are dinosaurs and money sinks, and we are in a recession and the smartest thing for companies to do is to hold onto cash whenever possible.


macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2005
"No, sorry, pack up the 'Flash on the iPhone' stand people, it's not happening... yeah, sorry to waste your time everyone, let's go home... "

EDIT: Aw Beric, 2 minutes!!


macrumors 6502a
Feb 15, 2007
Adobe is a huge company, why are they affected?!

The same reason why Google has cut back. The economy sucks and people/businesses are cutting back their spending. Why buy CS3 when CS2 is working just fine?

You can also look at how everything is interrelated. When a company feels a pinch, advertising is often the first thing to go. Companies who design ad campaigns are probably some of Adobes biggest customers. Well when other companies cut back their advertising that hits the advertising company and then that his Adobe.


macrumors 68020
Jan 22, 2008
Bay Area
"No, sorry, pack up the 'Flash on the iPhone' stand people, it's not happening... yeah, sorry to waste your time everyone, let's go home... "

The problem with that? Flash is one of the main differences between the iPhone being a true mini-computer or not being one.


macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2005
The problem with that? Flash is one of the main differences between the iPhone being a true mini-computer or not being one.

Yeah, I know, it sucks, I was just joking. That and copy & paste.


macrumors regular
Sep 12, 2006
Edgewater, NJ
I wouldn't read too much into this. The big trade show concept is fantastically expensive, and with everyone hedging their bets at the moment, this isn't the least bit surprising.

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
If Adobe is pulling out (only a month before the expo) I think we can expect MacWorld to be much smaller this year -- possibly down to one hall again.


macrumors 601
Oct 24, 2007
I would reckon there would be some cutbacks.

The figures for CS4 are still pretty strong. Its the biggest release in the companies history. Besides, time = money, and the enhancements made will increase the speed of an independent designer ten fold, and a design house will probably recoup the cost of upgrading their licenses with a short number of clients with the considerable enhancements with cross app interoperability.

/me thinks Adobe has a sizable warchest to play with, too :D

macrumors 65816
Nov 10, 2006
Well if they are pulling back non-essential events and focusing their engineers and money on 64-bit versions and integration of future Grand Central and OpenCL features, then I'm all for it.


macrumors regular
May 27, 2008
Sacramento CA
hmm... trouble in paradise? Cost benefit ratio must not have been good enough to make it happen. makes sense though
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