My screen was broken and I had it replaced, everything works perfectly the colors looks good but the photos and videos look ver weird (attached photo)
Did anyone experience such an issue before? Can anyone help?
Yes Its the MacBook Pro, I will look for that thanksI have a feeling this question is in regard to a MacBook Pro, and not a Mac Pro.
If so, then you’ll probably get better help in that particular forum.
Thanks for taking the time to reply, I have been trying to get help but I don't know how or where someone can help, the color problem is clear in the picture I think, all the normal images looks like there is an effect applied on the imageIt's almost impossible to tell what's wrong from your post.
1) We don't know how that photo originally look like
2) Your camera introduce lots of noise when capturing the monitor output
Perhaps the replacement screen is a cheaper knock off? It sort of looks like a lower color bit depth issue to me. Might be worth double checking the monitor settings I suppose in the system preferences. Who completed the repair?
You need to ask the repair shop to use an OEM display. Normally, they will use a non-OEM replacement to save money. The cost is at least a $100 difference.
This is real easy to check, was it done by Apple? Or not?Thanks JPack they said they did use OEM display