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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 8, 2008
Hi all,

I'm new to the whole forum talk thing but I got a question of which I can't find the answer anywere else so here it is.

I can't play AoE 2 on 1280x1024 the highest res I get is 1024x748 the 1280x1024 box is just grayed out.
I found a function on the windows version that anables you to give a command before you start up the game but this aplication is not available on mac...

does anyone have/had the same problem and knows how to fix it please help.

thanks Bloath

EDIT* I forgot to mention that I got a white macbook

EDIT** So next problem when I play the game on 1024x748 its boxed with black bars on both sides, same game same settings but on my GF's macbook (also white macbook) its a full screen...
does anyone know how to get the game to run full screen on 1024x748 thanks in advance.
Wat kinda comp do u have? If you have a macbook or macbook air, they can't support that kind of resolution (highest is 1280x800). If you have a mbp or something like that, then idk.
Wat kinda comp do u have? If you have a macbook or macbook air, they can't support that kind of resolution (highest is 1280x800). If you have a mbp or something like that, then idk.

oh **** I forgot to mention that yeah I got a white macbook but if I remember correctly I played games with a with a resolution higher then 1280x800
I found a function on the windows version that anables you to give a command before you start up the game but this aplication is not available on mac...

What application?

First off, you need to make sure that your Mac and monitor can do 1280x1024 or higher. Go to system preferences and try it. If you can and it still doesn't work then hold the command key while opening the game and see what options you have. Let us know.

EDIT: You beat me to it. Never mind.
What application?

First off, you need to make sure that your Mac and monitor can do 1280x1024 or higher. Go to system preferences and try it. If you can and it still doesn't work then hold the command key while opening the game and see what options you have. Let us know.

EDIT: You beat me to it. Never mind.

yeah it seems that my mac doesn't support resolutions higher then 1280x800 so that means I have to play the game zoomed in or with black bars on the side... thanks anyway for the fast answers.
Hello, I also can't set resolution to 1280 x 1024 and I have an iMac 20". So I have black bars too. BUT, if you start the game by pressing down command key, a options window will appear. Now you must force 256 colors(For use on older Macs). Now you will have a full screen.

I hope this works for you.
Hello, I also can't set resolution to 1280 x 1024 and I have an iMac 20". So I have black bars too. BUT, if you start the game by pressing down command key, a options window will appear. Now you must force 256 colors(For use on older Macs). Now you will have a full screen.

I hope this works for you.


so I followed your advice which didn't work :( but when I wanted to press launch I accidentally pressed "don't show this message again" so now the option box is gone and holding the option key doesn't bring it back...:S
really its like I'm not meant to play this game :p
If I remember correctly I could never get it to display full screen either. I tried all kinds of things, even going as far as messing with the Graphics Rules file .sgr). In the end I learnt to live with it. :(
I've had the same issue with my Macbook. But I just got a 24" monitor and connected it up. And boy does AoE2 is 1280x1024 look good. :D

so I followed your advice which didn't work :( but when I wanted to press launch I accidentally pressed "don't show this message again" so now the option box is gone and holding the option key doesn't bring it back...:S
really its like I'm not meant to play this game :p

If you read the message you quoted, he's holding down the command key not the option key.

ghehe you're right ;) not that it makes any difference cause I tried all keys ;)

You must have a lot of fingers LOL.

But seriously, holding down the command key didn't work for you? You have to hold it until the screen comes up.
You must have a lot of fingers LOL.

But seriously, holding down the command key didn't work for you? You have to hold it until the screen comes up.

yeah I'm holding it till my fingers drop off but nothing happends...
I tried reinstalling it too but that didn't work either :S

so I followed your advice which didn't work :( but when I wanted to press launch I accidentally pressed "don't show this message again" so now the option box is gone and holding the option key doesn't bring it back...:S
really its like I'm not meant to play this game :p

The command key(left and right keys from the space bar) should bring the option window up, even if you accidentally pressed "don't show this message again". Maybe you are running it from dock, becouse that will not work, it will only show you where the AoE II file is.

The command key(left and right keys from the space bar) should bring the option window up, even if you accidentally pressed "don't show this message again". Maybe you are running it from dock, becouse that will not work, it will only show you where the AoE II file is.

fixed it allready but thanks anyway,

still the game isn't playing full view but with black bars on each side but a inch thick.
same settings, macbook, game, really everything is the same on my GF macbook an she doesnt have any bars :s
trash the preferences? how do I that?

hard drive>user>"user name">library>preferences>"name of application"

In this case drag "Age of Empires II preferences" to trash. Empty trash and restart.

still the game isn't playing full view but with black bars on each side but a inch thick.

The game was made for 4:3 aspect ratio. The macbook is 16:9 aspect ratio thus the empty space.
I updated to 1.0.6 and checked the Force 256 colors option, and it worked for me on a 20'' iMac :)

updated to 1.0.6
but it doesnt work on 20'' iMac :(

... and 1280x1024 box is STILL grayed out.
I024x748 is NOT convinient on large monitor ...

What can I do?
24" iMac 1024x768 looks awful!

Reading through and looking for the same solution everyone else is.
My options (in game) also have the 1280x1024 option greyed out.

iMac 24"
2.8 GHz Core2
Radeon 2600 Pro 256
My guess is she should fly at 1280x1024.

Updated AOE2 to 1.06
also tried the reinstall route...
tried the options of forcing 256 colors...
tried changing refresh rate...
I have the gold edition...does that make ANY difference
(or is that the only Mac edition)
I'm used to playing this on my PC
(and can do that with a reboot to Windows)
But I'd rather get this one to work!!!

Any help out there?
Thanks from a Mac noob!
Did you try changing your monitor resolution to 1280x1024? It's what I did with my 24" external monitor.

If that still doesn't work, you could always download the software SwitchresX.
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