Hi all,
I'm new to the whole forum talk thing but I got a question of which I can't find the answer anywere else so here it is.
I can't play AoE 2 on 1280x1024 the highest res I get is 1024x748 the 1280x1024 box is just grayed out.
I found a function on the windows version that anables you to give a command before you start up the game but this aplication is not available on mac...
does anyone have/had the same problem and knows how to fix it please help.
thanks Bloath
EDIT* I forgot to mention that I got a white macbook
EDIT** So next problem when I play the game on 1024x748 its boxed with black bars on both sides, same game same settings but on my GF's macbook (also white macbook) its a full screen...
does anyone know how to get the game to run full screen on 1024x748 thanks in advance.
I'm new to the whole forum talk thing but I got a question of which I can't find the answer anywere else so here it is.
I can't play AoE 2 on 1280x1024 the highest res I get is 1024x748 the 1280x1024 box is just grayed out.
I found a function on the windows version that anables you to give a command before you start up the game but this aplication is not available on mac...
does anyone have/had the same problem and knows how to fix it please help.
thanks Bloath
EDIT* I forgot to mention that I got a white macbook
EDIT** So next problem when I play the game on 1024x748 its boxed with black bars on both sides, same game same settings but on my GF's macbook (also white macbook) its a full screen...
does anyone know how to get the game to run full screen on 1024x748 thanks in advance.