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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 25, 2008
AoEIII Trial has no text in the buttons or menus. It seems to be working other than that, but it's difficult to get into the game to know for sure.

Anyone else? How about the full version?
I'm having the same problem. Just downloaded the demo on my 1 day old Macbook Pro and it seems like everything is running perfect except there's no text.
Well, the game runs fine under the full version. Make sure you're running the latest software and drivers?
Age of Empires III under 10.6

My AoE 3 is a full version and I have exactly the same problem. No text on buttons etc... The game runs fine, just no text.
I have tried lots of things like reinstalling, installing the update for AoE 1.0.4, installing the optionals on 10.6, adding fonts,... still no solution to this problem. HELP!

Problem solved


my problem with AoE 3 and Snow Leopard concerned the FRENCH full version, not the trial version
I found a solution on internet and it worked fine. I suppose this could also do for other language versions although I did not try it out!

Do as follows:

Contents->Resources->GameData FR->FONTS->Open the file Fonts2.xml
Change the first line of this file as follows:
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>

that's all. For me this worked.

if you are using another language version, I suppose the file "GameData FR" should be replaced by your language version.

In any case, keep a backup copy of the original file. You never know...

Many thanks to "houlala63" on "macgeneration", a forum for French speaking Mac users

Hi there, where could I find this path? I'm a mac-newbie and can't seem to locate this Fonts2.xml file.




my problem with AoE 3 and Snow Leopard concerned the FRENCH full version, not the trial version
I found a solution on internet and it worked fine. I suppose this could also do for other language versions although I did not try it out!

Do as follows:

Contents->Resources->GameData FR->FONTS->Open the file Fonts2.xml
Change the first line of this file as follows:
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>

that's all. For me this worked.

if you are using another language version, I suppose the file "GameData FR" should be replaced by your language version.

In any case, keep a backup copy of the original file. You never know...

Many thanks to "houlala63" on "macgeneration", a forum for French speaking Mac users

Hi there, where could I find this path? I'm a mac-newbie and can't seem to locate this Fonts2.xml file.



To access the "contents" you right click on the AoE 3 application and select "show package contents" and then go from there.

my problem with AoE 3 and Snow Leopard concerned the FRENCH full version, not the trial version
I found a solution on internet and it worked fine. I suppose this could also do for other language versions although I did not try it out!

Do as follows:

Contents->Resources->GameData FR->FONTS->Open the file Fonts2.xml
Change the first line of this file as follows:
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>

that's all. For me this worked.

if you are using another language version, I suppose the file "GameData FR" should be replaced by your language version.

In any case, keep a backup copy of the original file. You never know...

Many thanks to "houlala63" on "macgeneration", a forum for French speaking Mac users


I to am having the same problem with the trial version. Tried to do Bernard's solution but when I open the 'Fonts2.xml', I just get a blank page. I can view the source but am unable to edit it. Fairly new to the Mac and stuck. Can someone advise how I open the xml file and edit it. I guess I am opening wrongly.

Thanks V much......

EDIT: Sorry folks, but just found out how to open and edit..... (Something else learned !!). All up and running now. Thanks for posting the solution Bernard.
EDIT: Sorry folks, but just found out how to open and edit..... (Something else learned !!). All up and running now. Thanks for posting the solution Bernard.

How do I go about doing this? I downloaded XML Converter for Microsoft Office, but when opening the fonts2.xml file it said there was nothing to read. I am using safari, by the way. I didn't want to upgrade to firefox unless I needed to.
How do I go about doing this? I downloaded XML Converter for Microsoft Office, but when opening the fonts2.xml file it said there was nothing to read. I am using safari, by the way. I didn't want to upgrade to firefox unless I needed to.

No need to do the things you are talking about.
All you do is right click on fonts2.xml
Open with. Then select, 'Other'
Scroll down the programs till you see 'Textedit' and click on it.
Now click Open
Edit the file as directed and save it.
This should now work, as it did for me.
Good Luck
I just downloaded and installed this tonight.

I opened the package contents of the trial AOE and contents->resources and there is no file that says fonts and no file that contains the word font.

How are you supposed to edit this for the trial version so it works?

Please help
Did anyone get the text to work in the trial version?

There is no GameData folder or fonts file.
Did anyone get the text to work in the trial version?

There is no GameData folder or fonts file.

Sorry your not having much joy. Maybe going about the wrong way.

You have the folder open (usually Applications) and you see the AOE 3 icon.
Right click icon and select 'show package contents'
Another finder window will open, with a folder in it, called contents. Double click this.
Now double click the 'resources' folder
Then double click the 'Gamedata' folder
Double click the 'FONTS' folder
right click on fonts2.xml
Open with. Then select, 'Other'
Scroll down the programs till you see 'Textedit' and click on it.
Now click Open
Edit the file as directed and save it.

Appologies if this instruction is too basic but dont know what you already know.

Good luck...
Did anyone get this to work on the trial?

I changed the first line in the trial version and none of the text appears in the game even after these changes? Anymore suggestions?
I changed the first line in the trial version and none of the text appears in the game even after these changes? Anymore suggestions?

I have the trial version and I did exactly what he said to do by changing the very first line of the text and it worked for me. All you are changing is the 16 to and 8 at the end of the first line. Make sure you SAVE also! Many people forget this and it discards any changes you have made. Restart AOE and it should work!!
I downloaded the trial this evening and had the same problem. Thanks to this thread I resolved it within a couple of mins.

Re: Problem Solved

Age of Empires 3 working on my iMac 10,6,2
The instructions worked like a chram on my iMac for the us trial and the french version. Not even the technicians from "Destineer support" could help me.

Many thanks to "houlala63" on "macgeneration", and SPECIALLY to Bernard for posting the solution on this thread.
great everything except

okay so i followed all the instructions - thanks btw for being so helpful!- but i had to download a similiar "textedit" app online because i didn't have it already (one of many things im finding im missing on my 2010 mac). and was able to change that first line's "16" to an "8" but it didn't give me text still.

im using the english version and am running 10.6.7 on my mac os x.
Initially Didn't Work....but then....

#1. This is a very insightful and intelligent solution. Thank you.

#2. It didn't initially work for me and, I noticed, others having difficulty. But do what's instructed, open package contents, get to FONTS folder.

My problem was not being able to open an .xml file but then it did open with TextEdit but then TextEdit not only wanted to save it as a .txt file but I think added two lines at top, a date and something else.

After saving it as a .txt file I then used GetInfo to simply change it's name...but that didn't work in this case.

I knew about this free program, TextWrangler, at:

The key value of this program is to open up all sorts of file types and it opened up this xml file -- I made the change -- and I was able to save it as an xml file; it worked.

If this helps anyone, great. Thanks again for the initial solution idea.
#1. This is a very insightful and intelligent solution. Thank you.

#2. It didn't initially work for me and, I noticed, others having difficulty. But do what's instructed, open package contents, get to FONTS folder.

My problem was not being able to open an .xml file but then it did open with TextEdit but then TextEdit not only wanted to save it as a .txt file but I think added two lines at top, a date and something else.

After saving it as a .txt file I then used GetInfo to simply change it's name...but that didn't work in this case.

I knew about this free program, TextWrangler, at:

The key value of this program is to open up all sorts of file types and it opened up this xml file -- I made the change -- and I was able to save it as an xml file; it worked.

If this helps anyone, great. Thanks again for the initial solution idea.

Thanks a lot dude, textwrangler did it for me. Now I FINALLY have text!
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