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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 24, 2010
I've been using an iPhone 6 since launch day and have loved it, coming from an iPhone 5. But I've been considering seriously going for the 6 plus as much as I love the 6, mainly because of the added battery life and because I might fall in love with the added screen estate.

But before switching to the Plus, there are a lot of factors playing around in my mind that are clouding my judgement here. Any feedback from other actual 6 Plus owners would be really useful, those who have been happy as well as those who haven't.

Anyway,these are the issues floating around in my mind:

- is the battery life on the iPhone 6 plus actually noticeably better than the 6 or only marginally?

- seems like a lot more than 9 people have found their phones bent. Those who have had a 6 plus for a while now, how's it holding up?

- is there anyone who has tried both the 6 and 6 plus and chose the 6 plus over the 6, or vice versa? Why?

- Is the lack of one handed use something you can get used to after a week or two with the 6 Plus?

- if your phone did bend from normal use, was it straight forward to get a free replacement from Apple?

- how do you get by in certain routine situations with a 6 Plus? Eg jogging, at the gym, cycling, lying in bed, when drinking coffee with one hand?

- is there any slowness/lag/stutter with the 6 plus compared to Apple's standard buttery experience?

- if you have an iPad or plan on getting one, where do you think that fits in with your 6 Plus? Is an iPad Mini pretty much defunct now? Is there still use for an iPad Air? Or can you get by with a 6 Plus as your primary and only mobile device (if you're a power user?)?

Thanks in advance for your responses.
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Sep 17, 2012
I've been using an iPhone 6 since launch day and have loved it, coming from an iPhone 5. But I've been considering seriously going for the 6 plus as much as I love the 6, mainly because of the added battery life and because I might fall in love with the added screen estate.

But before switching to the Plus, there are a lot of factors playing around in my mind that are clouding my judgement here. Any feedback from other actual 6 Plus owners would be really useful, those who have been happy as well as those who haven't.

Anyway,these are the issues floating around in my mind:

- is the battery life on the iPhone 6 plus actually noticeably better than the 6 or only marginally?

- seems like a lot more than 9 people have found their phones bent. Those who have had a 6 plus for a while now, how's it holding up?

- is there anyone who has tried both the 6 and 6 plus and chose the 6 plus over the 6, or vice versa? Why?

- Is the lack of one handed use something you can get used to after a week or two with the 6 Plus?

- if your phone did bend from normal use, was it straight forward to get a free replacement from Apple?

- how do you get by in certain use cases with a 6 Plus? Eg jogging, at the gym, cycling, lying in bed, when drinking coffee with one hand?

So, if you own or owned a 6 plus, what're your thoughts on the above?

Battery is in a different league to the 6, think Note 3 or a little better. Goes all day and the some of the next with heavy usage. I charge mine every night and no longer worry about he battery as it will last with more to spare.

My Plus is fine, no problems and have it in the official brown leather case.

I have the 6 and 6 Plus, the 6 is going back Tuesday. 6 feels like a 5S in a bigger shell IMO.

I can use it one handed but not all the time, it's fine and doesn't bother me. The leather case helps with the grip also.

No idea as mines not bent and I take care of it.

My plus is fine for Jogging and all other situations (was on a bike peddling the other day using it one handed fine, though the case may have helped that). May be different for others.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 14, 2011
I've been using an iPhone 6 since launch day and have loved it, coming from an iPhone 5. But I've been considering seriously going for the 6 plus as much as I love the 6, mainly because of the added battery life and because I might fall in love with the added screen estate.

But before switching to the Plus, there are a lot of factors playing around in my mind that are clouding my judgement here. Any feedback from other actual 6 Plus owners would be really useful, those who have been happy as well as those who haven't.

Anyway,these are the issues floating around in my mind:

- is the battery life on the iPhone 6 plus actually noticeably better than the 6 or only marginally?

- seems like a lot more than 9 people have found their phones bent. Those who have had a 6 plus for a while now, how's it holding up?

- is there anyone who has tried both the 6 and 6 plus and chose the 6 plus over the 6, or vice versa? Why?

- Is the lack of one handed use something you can get used to after a week or two with the 6 Plus?

- if your phone did bend from normal use, was it straight forward to get a free replacement from Apple?

- how do you get by in certain use cases with a 6 Plus? Eg jogging, at the gym, cycling, lying in bed, when drinking coffee with one hand?

So, if you own or owned a 6 plus, what're your thoughts on the above?

- Battery life is miles better, very very noticeable.

- No signs of bending on mine and I don't exactly treat it like its my most delicate and prized possession.

- I bought both on launch day and instantly decided on the 6 Plus, had wanted a bigger screen for years so as long as it was comfortable to use which it is I planned to keep it.

- I don't have a problem using it one handed.

- I don't and wouldn't run with it, then I found my 5S too big for running, I use a nano. Everything/everywhere else so far I haven't found the size to be an issue.


macrumors member
Jul 28, 2009
Vancouver, BC
Not sure about the battery difference between the 6 and 6 plus, however my 6 Plus has the best battery life out of all of my portable apple products.

I've had my 6 plus for about two weeks now and it looks straight. I wear skinny jeans and keep my phone in my front pocket. However I do take my phone out of my pocket when squatting down to grab something, I feel like I could snap my phone in half :rolleyes:

I'm use to using my 6 plus with one hand now, I think you eventually grasp new techniques to work around the phone.

I have an apple red leather case on my phone. I don't think I'll take this phone to the gym though, I can't imagine having such a big phone in my pocket while running. I need to buy an ipod shuffle.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 24, 2010
Thanks for the input. Definitely helpful and reassuring.

I'm going to add one more question that I heard about on the accidental tech podcast and on another thread:

- is there any slowness/lag/stutter with the 6 plus compared to Apple's standard buttery experience?


macrumors member
Sep 21, 2012
My phone is holding up great. I keep it in my pocket at work and I am a chef. I am constantly moving and bending or squating to get something low. No problems with bending. I think that isn't something to worry about.
My wife has problems using her 6 plus one handed. I don't have any issues at all with it. I am happy as can be with the form factor. I did go with a black leather case by Apple and a zagg shield for the screen. :apple:


macrumors 65816
Aug 15, 2010
- is the battery life on the iPhone 6 plus actually noticeably better than the 6 or only marginally?

Feels about 50% better but I also game on my phone.

- seems like a lot more than 9 people have found their phones bent. Those who have had a 6 plus for a while now, how's it holding up?

Solid since day one

- is there anyone who has tried both the 6 and 6 plus and chose the 6 plus over the 6, or vice versa? Why?

Wife has the 6 and it feels small. Not going back.

- Is the lack of one handed use something you can get used to after a week or two with the 6 Plus?

You just have to make some adjustments. Such as putting your most used apps on the bottom rows of your home screen and the least used on the top. Also with swipe to go back pretty much universal it isn't too bad.

- if your phone did bend from normal use, was it straight forward to get a free replacement from Apple?

I guess? But I don't feel like that will ever happen. Bendgate is a joke and media hype stop worrying about it.

- how do you get by in certain use cases with a 6 Plus? Eg jogging, at the gym, cycling, lying in bed, when drinking coffee with one hand?

I have never used a case on an iPhone in the past 7 years until the six plus. I honestly feel I would drop it without the extra grip from the case.

- is there any slowness/lag/stutter with the 6 plus compared to Apple's standard buttery experience?

Nothing that isn't caused by iOS 8 and is the same as on my other devices, but it is also clear they have a lot of bugs to work out of landscape mode safari on the six plus.


macrumors 604
Apr 6, 2007
- seems like a lot more than 9 people have found their phones bent. Those who have had a 6 plus for a while now, how's it holding up?

I've had mine for a week and half now. never leaves my sight, and it's been with me all over the place and I've taken hudnreds of pictures and a few videos, lots of e-mail, and is at my hip when I'm not using it. Still perfectly unbent.

The vast majority of bent phones I've seen online are reposts and copies of photos of people who have deliberately bent their phones. There are some who have sat on their phones and bent them. How many of these have happened compared to other models? No one knows. The iPhone 6/Plus is the only phone people freak out out when it bends or breaks, so we can't tell for sure how frequent it is compared ot others.

Bottom line: It'll definitely bend if you deliberately bend it hard enough. Use common sense with your phone and it's unlikely to bend. But if you're really concerned, get a case, and/or get Applecare+

Lastly: CR's test suggests that the iPhone 6 Plus is actually stronger than the 6.

- Is the lack of one handed use something you can get used to after a week or two with the 6 Plus?

I've been fine with it.

- is there any slowness/lag/stutter with the 6 plus compared to Apple's standard buttery experience?

I've noticed no issues with stutter on iOS8 and trha main apps. There are some apps whose developers still haven't figured out iOS8 yet, so there is that. But I attribute that to being something the developers need to fix on their apps.

Facebook, for instance, can be a bit stuttery. But it's never not been. Facebook's app has been glitchy and lousy from day 1.


macrumors 601
Oct 14, 2007

As the others have intimated the battery life is outstanding. I consider myself a heavy user and attain 2-3 days use between charges.

I've had mine for over a week with no 'bending' issues. Mine is sat in an Apple Leather Case. And then when I'm at work it sits in a leather holster on my belt.

I soon got used to not being able to use the plus one handed 100%. It took me longer to get used to not having the lock button in the top.

I looked at the 6 but coming from the 5s I didn't see it as a true upgrade even with the improved battery and a chip.

I've seen no real lag with mine and I'm sure more apps will be optimised for it. I don't jog etc so I cannot comment on that.

I hope I helped.


macrumors 68000
Oct 21, 2005
Just chiming in about jogging, I use an armband without significant difficulty. At the gym, I use the armband or a holster depending on my activity.


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2008
I have had both the 6 and 6 Plus, and though I'm embarrassed about my indecision, I'm glad I finally decided to stick with the Plus. The battery is much, much better on the Plus. I mostly use my phone for texting, browsing, and music in the car, and it can last up to nearly 48 hours.

I haven't had my Plus as long as some of the other responders, but I do wear skinny jeans, and my phone has been just fine in my front pocket. Currently using a silicone case from Apple. I do take it out when I'm sitting down, but this is mostly a comfort thing, as it still feels a bit bulky to sit with. My biggest complaint about my phone being in my pocket is that it sometimes noticeably sticks out. It was naive on my part, but I didn't expect that my phone would be *so* visible in my pocket. Since the phone is big and I wear skinny jeans, I probably should have put this together! It's not a big deal, though.

I received a faulty 6 on launch day. When I went back to Apple, I decided to go with the Plus. With the Plus, I noticed how much more I appreciated looking at the screen, and how much longer my battery was lasting. I still enjoyed the 6, but for me, it just wasn't as exciting as using the Plus. It didn't feel like a new phone to me, but the Plus definitely does.

I don't mind the lack of one handed use. I found that even with the 6, when I was using my phone in bed, I was still using two hands. I've also found that if I hold the phone differently, I can pretty much reach both sides with only one hand. It doesn't feel the most secure, though, and I wouldn't do it unless I'm sitting down. I haven't had my Plus for two weeks, but it's definitely not impossible to get used to. However, the only thing that does slightly bother me, is that my hands get tired if I'm using it for an extended period of time. I'm sure that is something I will get used to later, and it won't be an issue.

I did consider returning the Plus, because I was worried about every day use with it. Since it is larger, it is a bit more cumbersome to move around with. I was afraid I would drop it, due to not being used to moving around with a bigger device. I probably wouldn't take it jogging, but the Plus does fit inside the cubby of the treadmills at my gym. This was pretty much a major test for me, so I was glad to see that it fit. If I'm using the phone while doing something else, I've found I'm more likely to put the phone on the table, and use it almost iPad style, if needed. The screen is big enough to see and use while multi-tasking. My only concern with this is other people. At the bar, I pretty much decided not to use my phone, because I was too nervous that some drunk person would decide to pick it up. I guess that was the more socially conscious decision anyway, right?

My Plus did some weird screen jumping last night, but was fixed by going to the home screen and opening the Mail app back up. I don't know if others are experiencing this, but if I open the Facebook or Maps app, I get a black screen for a couple of seconds, and then the app opens. My 6 did this as well. Otherwise, I personally haven't experienced any other issues.

Hope this helps!


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 24, 2010
All of this definitely helps. Thanks guys.

Can't believe I'm doing this but I'm going to add *just* one more question again lol.

- if you have an iPad or plan on getting one, where do you think that fits in with your 6 Plus? Is an iPad Mini pretty much defunct now? Is there still use for an iPad Air? Or can you get by with a 6 Plus as your primary and only mobile device (if you're a power user?)?


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2008
I will still use my iPad. I have a first gen Mini, and it's mainly a Netflix/reading device. I'll still use it to stream Netflix, because that keeps my phone free for multi-tasking. It might be different for people use their iPads for anything else, but mine has pretty much always been for Netflix. Even if I'm not streaming, it's still bigger than my Plus, and it keeps my phone free.

Just a side note - I can't believe how bad the screen looks in comparison to my Plus. I know it's not even retina, but looking at the first gen Mini compared to the Plus is a huge difference.


macrumors 68000
Sep 25, 2014
- if you have an iPad or plan on getting one, where do you think that fits in with your 6 Plus? Is an iPad Mini pretty much defunct now? Is there still use for an iPad Air? Or can you get by with a 6 Plus as your primary and only mobile device (if you're a power user?)?

I have an iPad mini with retina, and I really don't think that the Plus makes it obsolete at all. The iPad screen is still much larger than the phone's and of course it uses iPad apps, which are often significantly different from phone apps. I think this is a key difference. Also, Safari defaults to the desktop versions of sites rather than the mobile versions, and browsing is generally a more comfortable experience. Of course it depends some on what you use your iPad for. Some people might find the Plus to be good enough to replace their iPads, but I do a lot of gaming and web browsing on mine, and for that the bigger screen just feels much better.


macrumors 68000
Sep 16, 2014
Seattle, WA
- is the battery life on the iPhone 6 plus actually noticeably better than the 6 or only marginally?

- seems like a lot more than 9 people have found their phones bent. Those who have had a 6 plus for a while now, how's it holding up?

- is there anyone who has tried both the 6 and 6 plus and chose the 6 plus over the 6, or vice versa? Why?

- Is the lack of one handed use something you can get used to after a week or two with the 6 Plus?

- if your phone did bend from normal use, was it straight forward to get a free replacement from Apple?

- how do you get by in certain routine situations with a 6 Plus? Eg jogging, at the gym, cycling, lying in bed, when drinking coffee with one hand?

- is there any slowness/lag/stutter with the 6 plus compared to Apple's standard buttery experience?

- if you have an iPad or plan on getting one, where do you think that fits in with your 6 Plus? Is an iPad Mini pretty much defunct now? Is there still use for an iPad Air? Or can you get by with a 6 Plus as your primary and only mobile device (if you're a power user?)?
I tend to get one hour of usage for every ten percent of battery on my 6 Plus; and it barely uses any power at all when on standby. The real world endurance of the 6 Plus is really very good, and what you'd expect from a battery in this size range.

Mine has not bent yet. I used the Apple leather case for the first few days I had it, and am currently using one of those double layer rubber and plastic cases (Kayscase for $4 on Amazon). I think for most people, bending has not been, and will not be an issue.

I got the 6 Plus on launch day, and did not try the 6 until several days after it had come out. I think the 6 is definitely a more practical size that's on par with most flagship smartphones these days. But at the same time, it isn't enough of a leap over the 5/5S to warrant an upgrade if screen size is what the user is after. I got the 6 Plus because I had been wanting a significantly larger screen for some time (at one point considering the even larger Xperia Z Ultra).

You can actually accomplish many simple tasks with one hand on the 6 Plus. But I'm also pretty used to operating my phone with both hands. No matter what kind of habits you're coming from, it's the same with any device; adjustments will have to be made, but you'll get used to it.

In terms of changing my routine, the way I carry my phone has changed dramatically, although this can be attributed more to the reports of phone-bending rather than my personal experience with the 6 Plus. I carried my previous phones (4S, and 3GS before) in my front pants pocket 99% of the time. Now I only do that if I'm wearing loose shorts. If I'm out, I usually carry my phone in a jacket pocket or a breast pocket. If I'm at home, I usually just carry it in my hand. I don't take my phone jogging with me. Lying in bed and while drinking a beverage has not changed.

Interestingly, I experienced lag in some applications occasionally for the first few days I had my 6 Plus. For instance, I would click something in an app, and the phone would freeze for several seconds before responding. This has not happened for several days now, but I have not updated the firmware from 8.0 since I got the phone. Overall, the interface is responsive and in line with my previous iPhones.

I also have an iPad 2, Nexus 7, Venue 8 Pro, and VAIO Tap 11. As far as tablets in the iPad range go (9.7"-10.1"), I don't think the 6 Plus comes close to replacing them for many tasks that you'd want such a large tablet for. It's still the sweet spot for viewing entire documents and using a keyboard. But it's definitely quite close to the iPad mini. I still think the iPad mini is a superior device for watching movies and reading ebooks however. But as a person who uses his smartphone for many tasks while on the go, the 6 Plus does make it a lot easier if this is your only device you have with you when on the road.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 24, 2010
V useful feedback guys. I'm sure many others considering the Plus will find it helpful too.


macrumors 68000
Oct 21, 2005
I have had both the 6 and 6 Plus, and though I'm embarrassed about my indecision, I'm glad I finally decided to stick with the Plus. The battery is much, much better on the Plus. I mostly use my phone for texting, browsing, and music in the car, and it can last up to nearly 48 hours.

I haven't had my Plus as long as some of the other responders, but I do wear skinny jeans, and my phone has been just fine in my front pocket. Currently using a silicone case from Apple. I do take it out when I'm sitting down, but this is mostly a comfort thing, as it still feels a bit bulky to sit with. My biggest complaint about my phone being in my pocket is that it sometimes noticeably sticks out. It was naive on my part, but I didn't expect that my phone would be *so* visible in my pocket. Since the phone is big and I wear skinny jeans, I probably should have put this together! It's not a big deal, though.

I received a faulty 6 on launch day. When I went back to Apple, I decided to go with the Plus. With the Plus, I noticed how much more I appreciated looking at the screen, and how much longer my battery was lasting. I still enjoyed the 6, but for me, it just wasn't as exciting as using the Plus. It didn't feel like a new phone to me, but the Plus definitely does.

I don't mind the lack of one handed use. I found that even with the 6, when I was using my phone in bed, I was still using two hands. I've also found that if I hold the phone differently, I can pretty much reach both sides with only one hand. It doesn't feel the most secure, though, and I wouldn't do it unless I'm sitting down. I haven't had my Plus for two weeks, but it's definitely not impossible to get used to. However, the only thing that does slightly bother me, is that my hands get tired if I'm using it for an extended period of time. I'm sure that is something I will get used to later, and it won't be an issue.

Sorry to quote a long chunk of this post but it resonates with my experience too. I have both phones still, and keep flip-flopping. I love love the battery life and the screen itself on the 6plus, but the 6 is no slouch in either department either. I wear slim jeans and pants alternating with scrubs for work and the 6 plus while making its presence known isn't significantly uncomfortable to keep there. My issues are relatively small but keeping me flip flopping. I get the same hand fatigue after mildly prolonged use as above; in addition, I find that there is decreased spontaneity of use with the bigger phone which is one of the nice perks of iPhone in general. Walking around Manhattan, for example, it's a slightly bigger chore for example to pull the phone out of my pocket to change music or respond to a series of texts. The iPhone 6 essentially functions like my 5S and earlier iPhones in this respect. I have large hands and long fingers and can one hand type on the plus comfortably (caseless, with an invisible shield back protector only for grip). Still, it's an amazing productivity device and much nicer to carry around all day in my pocket than my 5S and iPad mini, the latter of which would end up sitting somewhere in my bag at work rather than on me.

As for an idea of battery, streaming a 45 minute TV show episode on Netflix over LTE consumed about 8% on my plus and 14% on my 6; both are improved over the 5S, but the plus is a longevity revelation.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 24, 2010
As for an idea of battery, streaming a 45 minute TV show episode on Netflix over LTE consumed about 8% on my plus and 14% on my 6; both are improved over the 5S, but the plus is a longevity revelation.

That's impressive battery life.

Do you miss that spontaneity or eventually forget about it? Basically, will you be reminded that you could have got the iPhone 6 every time you have to change music when walking?


macrumors 68000
Oct 21, 2005
That's impressive battery life.

Do you miss that spontaneity or eventually forget about it? Basically, will you be reminded that you could have got the iPhone 6 every time you have to change music when walking?

Not sure yet is my honest answer. It definitely is a reminder each time I pu it out of my pocket but I'm also in the evaluation stage so I guess I'm overly focused.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2012
I love the 6 plus. The battery life is awesome. I've stopped having to charge my phone mid day which is huge. I've "almost" stopped looking at my battery indicator. Though that's going to be a hard habit to break!

BTW, I just got the Apple leather case for the plus. At first I had some cheapo case because I didn't want to spend $50 on a case. But man, it makes the phone feel great! It provides just the right amount of grip without it sticking on your pant or shirt lining when removing / inserting the phone. It also doesn't add much to the bulk. But yeah, it is $50 which is lame.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 24, 2010
I love the 6 plus. The battery life is awesome. I've stopped having to charge my phone mid day which is huge. I've "almost" stopped looking at my battery indicator. Though that's going to be a hard habit to break!

BTW, I just got the Apple leather case for the plus. At first I had some cheapo case because I didn't want to spend $50 on a case. But man, it makes the phone feel great! It provides just the right amount of grip without it sticking on your pant or shirt lining when removing / inserting the phone. It also doesn't add much to the bulk. But yeah, it is $50 which is lame.

Yeah, that leather cover is amazing. Really high quality. Most cases make iPhones feel cheap, but the leather one's a perfect match.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 24, 2010
By the way, about Bendgate fears, I just spoke to an Apple rep (second one actually) and both first reassured they haven't got any complaints but also confirmed that if the phone happens to bend then it would be covered under the basic warranty, so that's quite good :)


macrumors regular
Oct 14, 2010
Plus 1 on the leather case.

Got the Project Red for my white/silver iphone Plus and absolutely love it!

I'm also in agreement with the battery life being way better than the six. It's super nice.

On the iPad air question- I'm still undecided for certain (just 5 days with my plus) but thinking I will sell my Air. It seems very redundant now. And so far I just like using the iPhone Plus for just about everything. Works well with my MBP.


macrumors 68040
Aug 14, 2010
Fort Worth, TX
- is the battery life on the iPhone 6 plus actually noticeably better than the 6 or only marginally?

- seems like a lot more than 9 people have found their phones bent. Those who have had a 6 plus for a while now, how's it holding up?

- is there anyone who has tried both the 6 and 6 plus and chose the 6 plus over the 6, or vice versa? Why?

- Is the lack of one handed use something you can get used to after a week or two with the 6 Plus?

- if your phone did bend from normal use, was it straight forward to get a free replacement from Apple?

- how do you get by in certain routine situations with a 6 Plus? Eg jogging, at the gym, cycling, lying in bed, when drinking coffee with one hand?

- is there any slowness/lag/stutter with the 6 plus compared to Apple's standard buttery experience?

- if you have an iPad or plan on getting one, where do you think that fits in with your 6 Plus? Is an iPad Mini pretty much defunct now? Is there still use for an iPad Air? Or can you get by with a 6 Plus as your primary and only mobile device (if you're a power user?)?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

Well, I haven't owned both, but I've had the 6+ since the 19th.

I get about an hour of battery life for every 10% of usage. About 10 hours of usage time when the battery runs out. Consistently have 8 hours of usage time at 20% battery remaining.

I carry my phone in my front left pants pocket without a case (nothing else in the pocket) most of the time; I sometimes use the Apple leather case which does enhance grip. I wear Dockers-type slacks, loose fit jeans and cargo or other loose fit shorts. The phone is still straight and pristine, and I don't find it uncomfortable to sit with the phone in my pocket. If I wore tight pants, I would take the phone out of the pocket to sit.

I've played with the 6 a number of times in the Apple Store, and while I like it a lot, the big screen and longer battery life of the 6+ are greater advantages to me.

I quickly got used to using the 6 Plus two handed. I have smallish hands, so one handed use is difficult for me for a phone this size, but I'm fine with going two handed. The case adds grip, and I can more easily use it one handed with the case if need be.

When I'm walking my large breed dog, I don't have a problem getting it in and out of my pocket and doing whatever I need to do with the device; however, I am more deliberate, and I purposely slow myself down so that I don't fumble it: I think over time that I will become more confident with the handling. The 6 would be easier to handle, but not so much that I'd want to go with the smaller device. I can easily scroll one handed while drinking coffee, but I'll gladly put the drink down to use my other hand as needed.

I have noticed an occasional, almost impercptible jitter from time to time, but it's rare and not at all bothersome.

For me, there is still a great use for my iPad Air. I love the size of that screen for doing just about everything. If I couldn't afford both, I think that the 6 Plus would be workable, but reading PDFs, for example, on the iPad is still much easier than on the 6 Plus.

You really have to live with the 6 Plus for a while before making the decision to return it (assuming you go that route). Don't let the initial shock cause you to run to the Apple store for an immediate exchange. Give it the full 2 weeks if you can.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 24, 2010
You really have to live with the 6 Plus for a while before making the decision to return it (assuming you go that route). Don't let the initial shock cause you to run to the Apple store for an immediate exchange. Give it the full 2 weeks if you can.

I plan to do this actually. Try out the plus and if it's not to my liking, Apple have a generous 14 day returns policy.
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