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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 20, 2015
I know how beneficial iCloud and I know all of it's functions and it seems crazy since I have all Apple devices not to have iCloud enabled. I'm just concerned about the type of privacy it offers. I'm fully confident in Apple products once you have the right settings enabled but I just can't get my mind around the cloud. Am I nuts or should I use it or not use it?


macrumors regular
Feb 2, 2007
Arvada, Colorado
Actually, I am rather reluctant to trust much to the cloud. I have backed up my iPhone and my iPad to the cloud, but would rather back up my photos to DVD's or external drives.


macrumors 68040
Sep 29, 2014
Actually, I am rather reluctant to trust much to the cloud. I have backed up my iPhone and my iPad to the cloud, but would rather back up my photos to DVD's or external drives.

What makes you feel better about an external drive than a cloud service?


macrumors regular
Feb 2, 2007
Arvada, Colorado
I want control of my personal photos, documents, etc. I feel safer if I know where my back-ups are. Of course, if my house burns down and the bank blows up, I may regret my decision.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 20, 2015
I want control of my personal photos, documents, etc. I feel safer if I know where my back-ups are. Of course, if my house burns down and the bank blows up, I may regret my decision.

Same exact stance. Have backups on spideroak cloud storage with a local encryption key and an external hard drive.
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The Doctor11

macrumors 603
Dec 15, 2013
New York
Are you crazy? Naw. But I personally don't understand why people don't want to use cloud services because of privacy concerns. I highly trust Apple and feel they respect privacy. And sure that's great but I didn't think twice about uploading each and every one of my photos to google photos. I keep all my documents and files in the cloud. It just doesn't bother me. But I do also like to have local copy's of my data as well as deep my data on multiple services so if it some how does get lost I have a backup plan.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2011
Are you crazy? Naw. But I personally don't understand why people don't want to use cloud services because of privacy concerns. I highly trust Apple and feel they respect privacy. And sure that's great but I didn't think twice about uploading each and every one of my photos to google photos. I keep all my documents and files in the cloud. It just doesn't bother me. But I do also like to have local copy's of my data as well as deep my data on multiple services so if it some how does get lost I have a backup plan.

Was it not apple that had their cloud accounts hacked last year?

T'hain Esh Kelch

macrumors 603
Aug 5, 2001
Was it not apple that had their cloud accounts hacked last year?
Yeah that was Apple. But IMO storing stuff in the cloud is worth the risk of my worthless stuff getting out lol.
No, they weren't "hacked". It was simply a matter of easy to answer security questions.

If the celebreties had considered that their personal information is all over the internet (Ie. quite easy to find out what Taylor Swifts mom is called, etc.), or using something as simple as two factor authorization, this wouldn't have been a problem. Of course, the media spun it with fancy headlines, and gullible people bought the story without just a tad research.

The Doctor11

macrumors 603
Dec 15, 2013
New York
No, they weren't "hacked". It was simply a matter of easy to answer security questions.

If the celebreties had considered that their personal information is all over the internet (Ie. quite easy to find out what Taylor Swifts mom is called, etc.), or using something as simple as two factor authorization, this wouldn't have been a problem. Of course, the media spun it with fancy headlines, and gullible people bought the story without just a tad research.
I thought it was brute force :confused:


macrumors 68040
Sep 29, 2014
I thought it was brute force :confused:

Sort of... it was weak passwords and easy to answer security questions on the part of the celebs. Like said, some of this is obvious. They most likely didn't know that when faced with security questions you answer other than what you really would in person. My answers to those questions are way off from reality so that if ever researched there will be no found match in info.
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Mar 26, 2008
I want control of my personal photos, documents, etc. I feel safer if I know where my back-ups are. Of course, if my house burns down and the bank blows up, I may regret my decision.
my external drive dropped literally out of height of about one centimeter and it broke. god bless my iCloud backup ;)

Paco II

macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2009
iCloud is more than just a backup. It's a way to keep track of your devices and lock them down if lost. It's a way to sync settings and data between devices. I couldn't imagine using an iOS device without iCloud.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2011
iCloud is the only cloud service I actually trust. Could you imagine trusting your life to google, lol. Not a chance.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
iCloud is the only cloud service I actually trust. Could you imagine trusting your life to google, lol. Not a chance.
Many many people use Google, or Microsoft, or many other services without any issues or anything happening to them.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
iCloud is the only cloud service I actually trust. Could you imagine trusting your life to google, lol. Not a chance.
Blind faith in Apple there. Who's to know what any of these companies do, or allow third parties to do with our data...
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macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2011
I don't care, they can have my naked photos. Maybe they can make me famous.


macrumors 68000
Jul 31, 2013
I've got stuff spread across various cloud stuff......

Mail\Calendar\Contacts synced with Google
iPhone\iPad photos backed up to OneDrive and my laptop with the OneDrive application for the laptop syncing a folder on there.
Use Dropbox for my general files and things also synced with my home and work laptops
My Documents on the PC synced with Google Drive
Photos from our digital camera or other places on the home laptop synced to Box account
Wifes iPhone backed up to iCloud
Also got an external hard drive with some stuff on as well.


macrumors demi-god
Oct 3, 2014
Sage, Lightning, and Mountains
iCloud is a main cloud service I no longer use. It's not just a matter of security. It is the only service to date that has lost information I had in the cloud. GDrive, OneDrive, SpiderOak, Dropbox, and Box have not lost any of my data to date.


Aug 13, 2014
I use it mainly only for iCloud backup, notes & safari sync, I would never store files there, the functionality is terrible.

Also, not sure why anyone would want to use iCloud Photos, instantly pushing every photo you take to every device? no thanks. I'd rather sync the ones I want manually.

Paco II

macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2009
I stopped using IPL and switch to Google Photos, but the concept is the same: photos aren't necessarily pushed to all devices, but rather made available to them. I take a picture on my iPhone than open GP on my iPad. The picture is available to me instantly to view. It isn't pushed in full size so isn't taking space until I open it and view. It's fantastic. I'm not sure why you wouldn't want this.

Also, not sure why anyone would want to use iCloud Photos, instantly pushing every photo you take to every device? no thanks. I'd rather sync the ones I want manually.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2011
Blind faith in Apple there. Who's to know what any of these companies do, or allow third parties to do with our data...

True, but they only make money off of the hardware and not your information. They could still be evil about it, but Google sort of has to be evil about it. Their business model is that you are the product and the advertisers are the customers. Same as Facebook. I'm constantly shocked when I ask someone who gets in this type of debate with me. I ask, "Who's Googles customers", and they reply ,"I am!" Just like the cattle think they're being fed free food by their servants I guess....
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