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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
Sources close to AppleInsider claim online retail giant is working on a subdivision of their store to feature all flavors of iPods & iPod accessories. A specific live date hasn't been released, but the iPod store is expected to be online prior to the holiday shopping season. Amazon would not confirm or deny any of the reports, stating simply "unfortunately, we cannot talk about what we may or may not do in the future."


macrumors 68000
Jan 22, 2003
In your head. had a glitch on their system that closed out their iPod store and iPod links last night. I hope that this rumor is not based on that.

In any case, wile not a deidicated store, I thought that all iPods were avalible on

I found the glitch while I debated’s “100 dollar off an iPod” insentive.


macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2004
Sounds weird. Does this exist for other products as well? I know that the ipod is a huge seller, but a whole page on Amazon for it?


macrumors 68000
Jan 22, 2003
In your head.
Sounds weird. Does this exist for other products as well? I know that the ipod is a huge seller, but a whole page on Amazon for it? belair has lots of "specialty stores", not to be confused with the ones on their site tabs. For instance they have a Home Theater Center, MP3/Digital Audio Players page (1/2 the page are iPods), and Early Adopter Store - to name a few.

What is the big deal? It isn't like people have problems finding iPods, iPod accessories, or music on the web. What person is limited to using 'acmnoz.' keys and a mouse? It could be a killer portal, but beyond that what will it do?


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2002
Champaign, IL

Why bother...I mean the MSN music store will soon eclipse the iTMS and then who's going to want an iPod that can't play music from the #1 music store!? :D


macrumors 6502a
Feb 18, 2004
Amazon is a great channel to sell iPods. Amazon gets a lot of traffic over the holidays, so this would be good for apple to keep their commanding market share lead.

iPod are easy to shop for if you want one. The thing is when you shop for something on amazon, you might end up buying more stuff cuz they have links to products they may think you buy based on your browsing. Plus, many people get amazon gift certificates as presents ... my work just gave me one. I think i might use it to get a mini ...


macrumors regular
It would be even better if Amazon offered iTunes links to all the CDs they sell. Even if Amazon got all the profit (which wouldn't be much anyway) for these referrals, iTunes would be in a much better position to overcome this online music store war.

Also, Amazon has so many brand and category stores already that one more would probably go unnoticed.

Lord Blackadder

macrumors P6
May 7, 2004
Sod off
As far as marketing is concerned, I feel as if Apple has thrown all of its eggs in one basket with the iPod. They should try to leverage the iPod success by showing Power Macs, iMacs and Powerbooks on iPod commercials, I think.

I hope the iPod bubble doesn't burst anytime soon, but it seems to be growing at an unsustainable rate, and competitors are working overtime to beat it.


macrumors 6502
Aug 28, 2003
For the love of GOD, enough of this iPod crap. It is a pocket size music player. All this cheesy pop culture attention it is getting is down right embarrassing. IMO, of course.


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
The iPod and its hype are great for Apple and for the Mac platform--especially in creating a long-term brand that will make people consider Macs when they next replace their computer.

The benefits are obvious, while the many who say the iPod hurts the Mac never seem to offer real reasons.

Do they think the iPod takes people and dollars away from Mac advertising and development? Of course not--the iPod pays for itself AND its ads AND its developers AND makes a profit on top of that. Apple has no need to pull resources away from Mac projects, and the zillion things they're doing to advance the Mac platform are evidence of that. (Tiger, GarageBand, iMac G5, AirPort Express, XGrid, Xserve, XRaid, QuickTime, etc. etc.)

If you wish Apple advertised the Mac more, or differently, that's ancient news, not some negative effect of the iPod. I'd guess Apple's waiting for a single BIG splash with Tiger and new G5s next year. Meanwhile the Mac platform will continue to get more attention--not less--due to the iPod.

People who wish the iPod was less successful, or who wish that success were glossed over by Apple news sites, can minimize the pain by not clicking stories with "iPod" in the title :)

PS, my favorite part of the Amazon iPod store (confirmed with links by AI) is the "top 5 best-selling iPod Minis"... I wonder which ones those are today? :D


macrumors 65816
Apr 26, 2004
No rumors for a week, and then we find out Amazon may display the iPods they already sell in some more focused way. Whoo-we.

Where's the iLife '05 rumors?


macrumors 65816
Apr 26, 2004
jholzner said:
Why bother...I mean the MSN music store will soon eclipse the iTMS and then who's going to want an iPod that can't play music from the #1 music store!? :D

My sarcaso-meter is giving some strange readings. Say it again.


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2004
Just as the 90's were Nirvana, the Internet, and Stock Market Bubble, the 00's will be Jay Z/50 cent, Ipod and 9/11.

A cultural reference point. Good work, Apple. Now back to work on shipping some actual computers....


macrumors 68000
Jun 4, 2003
nagromme said:
The iPod and its hype are great for Apple and for the Mac platform--especially in creating a long-term brand that will make people consider Macs when they next replace their computer.

The benefits are obvious, while the many who say the iPod hurts the Mac never seem to offer real reasons.

I bet there are quite a few iPod owners that don't even know Apple make computers.


macrumors regular
Sep 7, 2004
Sydney, Australia
Amazon are generally good HOWEVER it is very annoying that the system they use for Specials and Offers will mainly recommend items that ship to the USA only (electronics, games, toys, computer hardware) EVEN if you are logged in and it knows you do not have a US shipping address.

How does this relate to an iPod store? It would be great if Amazon had iPod's and accessories, bundle deals, discounts and all those things they usually do but then they would lock out all the international customers WHILE STILL RECOMMENDING THE ITEMS TO THEM!!


macrumors 6502
Aug 12, 2002
AndrewMT said:
It would be even better if Amazon offered iTunes links to all the CDs they sell. Even if Amazon got all the profit (which wouldn't be much anyway) for these referrals, iTunes would be in a much better position to overcome this online music store war.

Also, Amazon has so many brand and category stores already that one more would probably go unnoticed.

I agree with the first part. Amazon should simply offer downloads *through* the iTMS. This would give customers the option of buying the physical CD new or used, as well as simply downloading the tracks...or maybe Amazon would only sell whole albums. Either way, it would work well with their existing editorial and user reviews and attract customers. It seems like a really good fit for both.

In regards to the second part, Amazon should be all things all iPod all the time :)


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
MacSA said:
I bet there are quite a few iPod owners that don't even know Apple make computers.

How does the iPod prevent people from knowing about Macs? Owning an iPod makes them MORE likely to know about Macs--and one day consider owning one. Not less.

Not every iPod has to convert a user to Mac instantly--that's not how brand awareness works. If even 10% of Windows iPod owners decide, in the next 3 years, to try a Mac, that's pretty significant.

One could argue about how BIG or how FAST the "iPod Halo" effect is--I'd answer "medium" and "slow"--but you can't argue that it's bad for the Mac platform.

Besides, simply selling Macs directly isn't the only benefit the iPod gives the Mac. It puts Apple in journalists' spotlight to make them pay attentiojn to other products--like Apple cleverly arranged with the iMac G5-iPod comparison. It counters attempts by Microsoft to dominate another industry--which would be bad for all other platforms. And it brings Apple some cash :)

All good.
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