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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Sep 16, 2012
North Wales
At 29min 40sec in this video
did CEO Sundar Pichai let slip androids actual user base -smartphone users are "probably half the worlds population" clearly he was taking about smartphones as he said it was a ten year shift after the advent of the internet.

• world population 7.4B half = 3.7B
• apple iOS top end 900M
• forgetting Windows and Linux

3.7B minus 900M = android 2.8B users
Last reported In September 2015, Android had 1.4 billion monthly active devices. If android crossed the 2 billion mark sundar would have said as much.
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Last reported In September 2015, Android had 1.4 billion monthly active devices. If android crossed the 2 billion mark sundar would have said as much.
I don't know. I think Google would be wise to start moving away from bragging about Android (it doesn't really control much of the android install-base) and start a heavy push for Google services.

Google has done little to make Android popular. It's a free OS that was timed perfectly.
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Google has done little to make Android popular. It's a free OS that was timed perfectly.

Really? So why didn't winmob gain traction... all they did was build an awesome OS that gets better every year, smoother, faster and feature rich. Those of us who don't like the walled prison approach welcome it..
2.78 billion cheap Chinese crap.


You're not that far from the truth though. It's a free OS that any manufacturer can use. So of course the small copycat manufacturers will use it. But in markets like China, Android isn't really doing all that much to advance Google's cause since Google stuff is banned in China from what I understand. So it's really just a bunch of phones using Android as a base layer on top of which everything else is built.
"Designed in California by Immigrants"
"Made in China"
"Costs $220 to make but sold for $649"
"Profits hidden off-shore to avoid tax" :p

Fixed it for you.
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No sense of humor I see. I was kidding with the 2.78 China reference. Why are you getting all bent up..

Btw United States is a country made of immigrants. So I don't get what you mean.
No sense of humor I see. I was kidding with the 2.78 China reference. Why are you getting all bent up..

Btw United States is a country made of immigrants. So I don't get what you mean.
Generally, I don't react well to posters who "fix things for me" or fix other people's posts. I want to hear The-Real-Deal82's opinion, not some nonsense about how a phone is made in China.

And the "Great American Melting Pot" argument has no relevance here.
Imagine how expensive it would be if it were built with inept American manufacturing.

Maybe that's why companies like Texas Instruments and Motorola closed manufacturing in Texas. Not only do Texans no longer have jobs but they're buying Made in China iPhones at Walmart with 300% Apple markup. Can't fault smart consumers for paying a third to half for the same or better Made in China Huawei, ZTE, Meizu, Xiaomi, etc.
Maybe that's why companies like Texas Instruments closed manufacturing in Texas. Not only do Texans no longer have jobs but they're buying Made in China iPhones at Walmart with 300% Apple markup. Can't fault smart consumers for paying a third to half for the same or better Made in China Huawei, ZTE, Meizu, Xiaomi, etc.
I don't know that American manufacturing could ever make the number of cell phones sold every year. We aren't good at it.
I don't know that American manufacturing could ever make the number of cell phones sold every year. We aren't good at it.

Maybe it's just a Texas incompetence issue because a lot of great stuff like SpaceX and Tesla are Made in California.
Maybe it's just a Texas incompetence issue because a lot of great stuff like SpaceX and Tesla are Made in California.
Congrats. Now create a billion iPhones.

We'll wait.

Also, good luck building the Austin-designed chip without Samsung in Austin and TSMC
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Maybe that's why companies like Texas Instruments and Motorola closed manufacturing in Texas. Not only do Texans no longer have jobs but they're buying Made in China iPhones at Walmart with 300% Apple markup. Can't fault smart consumers for paying a third to half for the same or better Made in China Huawei, ZTE, Meizu, Xiaomi, etc.

Or they may not be smart but simply can't afford the phone they really want? ;)
Lol, the Android Hate in this forum is truly hilarious. Guys who don't even seem remotely interested in buying Androids having invested their time in coming down here to bash it, unbelievable.

One thing I truly have enjoyed with Android is how it has afforded so many on the continent I live on the opportunity to own a computing device. I work as a PPC Account Manager in Digital Marketing, and its been amazing to see how popular the smartphone has become in doing business. Report after report I am telling my global enterprise clients how on this continent 75-90% of their leads are coming from Smartphones.

I find it interesting....actually rather disgusting that some people around here look down on the fact that Android has helped drive down component costs and allowed many to own a smartphone, makes you realise the sort of messed up world we live in. Utterly disgusting.
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