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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 15, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Hi guys,

I've reported this bug for about the last 2 months. Apple doesn't seem to care about it, although it's part of the core OS.

Anyway, here it is on 10.15.7 on 2020 iMac 27" with 5300.

When opening finder and moving the window around, the 3 Traffic light window controls gain these squares around it.

Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 2.32.30 pm.png

Why would a bug like this be present in a .7 release? lol....

Thanks for listening to my rant xD
1. I don't see it with my 2017 27" iMac running 10.15.7
2. Apple don't care about it? You think the software engineers are just rolling their thumbs waiting for a bug to be reported?

I've reported this bug for about the last 2 months. Apple doesn't seem to care about it
Seems to be a dark-mode issue. Calling it a bug goes too far: it only irritates you.
It is a bug. It is not meant to be there and not deliberately implemented by the developers.
It is a bug; it's not supposed to do that (and it doesn't happen on my 2020 with 5700 XT).
Thank you! :)
I insist: this is not a bug. "BM" just doesn't like it.
Yea most people don’t like what’s not meant to be there and shows up when not asked for. Apple fangirls are too closed off for any productive criticism of Apple to even admit a bug when they see it lol!
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Seems to be a dark-mode issue. Calling it a bug goes too far: it only irritates you.
Are you arguing that Apple engineers intentionally put boxes behind those buttons. Is that what you're suggesting, that this was an intentional design decision? Because if it wasn't, then this is by definition a bug.

Here's a definition from Wikipedia, to help you get up to speed:
A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.
Whilst still a bug, there are far bigger issues with Apple's OS's in recent years, none of which are ever addressed, as they don't actually give a stufff anymore.

They don't need to make the experience flawless anymore, too many people buy Apple products regardless of the clearly sloppy developers.
I don't see it on my Mac.
That's what the developer said who this bug was assigned to :-(

The tiniest and at the same time most irritating bug that took them many years to fix: When you display the clock in the menubar, the digit "1" used to be less wide than the other digits. As a result, if you displayed the clock with seconds, every ten seconds when the last digit changed to 1 then to 2, the clock display would move a tiny bit to the right and then back to the left. (It also happened if you just displayed hours and minutes, but every ten minutes only, so you wouldn't notice it).
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