So I took a ton of time to permanently tag a lot of my ripped movies using metax. I added really nice custom artwork to each of them. looks great! Now however, I'm making the switch to Plex, and while I'll still continue to tag a lot of my ripped dvds using metax, I want to make my existing files compatible with Plex's system of displaying artwork.
unfortunately, at this time Plex does not read internal metadata, and the artwork that it scraps is subpar for my picky tastes, I'm wondering if there's a program that can quickly extract all the artwork in my tagged mp4/m4v files. Currently I'm doing the time consuming process of copying the artwork in iTunes, and then opening it up in Preview and saving it... but man does that take forever! Any suggestions?
unfortunately, at this time Plex does not read internal metadata, and the artwork that it scraps is subpar for my picky tastes, I'm wondering if there's a program that can quickly extract all the artwork in my tagged mp4/m4v files. Currently I'm doing the time consuming process of copying the artwork in iTunes, and then opening it up in Preview and saving it... but man does that take forever! Any suggestions?