I just noticed a scratch on mine. I have no idea how it happened but now I'm a little mad.
Post your pictures of you scratched apple watch
Post your pictures of you scratched apple watch
I just noticed a scratch on mine. I have no idea how it happened but now I'm a little mad.
Post your pictures of you scratched apple watch
Is the scratch on the bottom left? This has concerned me with the sport. But the watch is supposed to be weaker on impact.
Looks like your screen protector has a scratch on it....
Get AppleCare plus and be done with it
Several Apple employees have told me that AppleCare+ will not provide a replacement Watch for cosmetic damage. They will only replace a Watch if the functionality is affected. They said if the screen is horribly scratched so much that it is hard to read the screen then they would replace that, but not for minor scratches.
If you call Apple you can buy AppleCare+ after you already received your Watch. They have no way of knowing if it is already damaged.
Buying AppleCare+ after purchase requires you to bring your watch to the store for inspection...
And yes, AC+ covers accidental/cosmetic damage for 2 instances, but you have to pay a minimum charge to get your watch replaced each time.
I just noticed a scratch on mine. I have no idea how it happened but now I'm a little mad.
Post your pictures of you scratched apple watch
Again, AC+ does not cover cosmetic damage that does not otherwise affect the functionality of the Watch. Read the terms and conditions.
You're paying for accidental protection. if you want a replacement stomp on your watch and bring it in.
That's called fraud, and people wonder why Apple jacked up the AC+ deductible for the iPhone to $79 from $49. We can thank people like you.
if hes paying for it how is it fraud?