I know I am going to get some flames for this, and that's fine. I have not received my watch yet, I was 10 minutes late to the party, 6 of those were spent trying to refresh the apple store. Anyways, I own multiple dumb watches, and do a lot of travel. Usually, the thing I notice most is a nice watch when I look at strangers. I can appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship. It's a personal accessory that each user decides for themselves. I never really gave much thought to the whole watch face being blank the majority of it's use. The more I think about, when I see an apple watch..doesn't matter if it's gold, ss or sport...am I really going to think..nice..blank lcd screen on your wrist. I don't know, historically I have always had the latest gadget on the block because I enjoy learning new technology's, but this one is / has lost it's luster quite quickly and I haven't even touched the device. Professional and user reviews are painting this in a light I didn't see coming, the people jumping up and down over it mostly seem young, which isn't what I was going after.