I've been using Node.js for over a year now, coming from a c++ to PHP based background. First of all, it is really awesome at what it does. It's one of the greatest extensions for Javascript that turns it into a wonderful language for templating, etc. I've made several API servers in it that are easy to make and run quickly. The open source community support for it in terms of plugins is pretty amazing
Your questing centers on Google security. Google developed and uses the V8 engine simply because the performance of it is great for large Javascript applications (which that is all that Node.js application are).
They make no clear mention of any tracking code, simply because it is a c++ based engine, not a google service per say. Much of the Google debate centers around their services (like maps, etc) and the information transmitted from them.
Honestly, for Backdoors, google doesn't even supply any of the popular authentication plugins for it. Nodejs isn't run by google, it simply uses their V8 engine simply cause of it's ability to run javascript. You can run even node in a completely web isolated environment if you'd like (which is kind of odd, but doable).
Take a look at
http://passportjs.org for an example of a very popular authentication framework. The security of your node platform is left to you. Google developed the engine for the fast execution of the information, the Node.js Foundation developed node, the security is left up to you.
Hope this helps.. Node really is worth a shot. If you're really just curious with experimenting, you can always put it in a vagrant machine isolated from your OS at test it to see if it fits your needs (