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My optimal storage and connection combo will be the 64GB LTE. But Apple didn't let me have this model......
Me. All my files for work are small. I have a wifi HDD for my movies if I do go away for a long trip.
Just ordered the 128. No way 32 is gonna work for me with how much of a media beast this is and travel w/o a connection. Love this device and Best Buy is getting me the 128 on Wednesday, much faster than apple.
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Went in to Best Buy with the intent to buying the 32 Gig but ended up springing for the 128 instead. I think now I can have piece of mind not worrying about how much I'm putting on there and in cloud (juggling act) and less need to bump up to iPP 2 next year (you know it's coming) unless they make significant changes
I might just go with the 32GB. I want the 128GB, but the price is really holding me back on it. Being that I would also get the Pencil, Apple Care and a smart cover, I can't justify spending $1200 on an iPad. That, and I totally forgot that my current iPad Air is only a 32GB and I've never ran into space issues.

EDIT: Actually, that's exactly what I ended up doing. Just placed an online order for one from Best Buy. 32GB Space Grey :)
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If I do purchase an iPad Pro, it will be the 32GB. I don't actually keep anything local on my iPads other than a few apps and games.
I've had a 32GB iPad before and the space was more than adequate.
There are many people who quickly dismiss the 32GB. I think that is unfair. It is the same device for those who don't need to store so much.

I went with 128GB because I want to max out this time and have the cellular bonus, plus I can keep all my music without having to stream it. I have a lot of music. Previously, I would stream on my iPads, but I'm enjoying having it local this time.

Again, the truth is though, for the most part, people have the identical experience with the 32GB. There are some professional and heavy use cases that push you the other way, but it will work great for many, many people.
I've stuck with the 32gb as I don't stuff it full of media and the apps I run on it aren't space hungry. So far, so good. Now waiting for the pencil to arrive to unlock it's potential :)
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The idea of buying a 32 GB iPad Pro blows my mind... why??
Apple should have used 64GB in the "cheap" model... but they are all about maximizing their profits which is understandable but they should sometimes be a bit more realistic! 32 GB for a device labeled "Pro"? Come on!!!

Also: The availability of the Apple Pencil also blows my mind! Where is it?

Nevertheless - I got the 128GB Wifi model on Friday and so far I am loving it. Really a sight to behold to run Word and Adobe Comp in split screen.
However the home screen looks really old school and outdated! An outrage like using 32GB instead of 64GB!
Only two days in, but so far happy with 32gb. Purchased the smart keyboard as well and didn't really want to go over the $1000 mark. Very happy with it. Media will be on external wifi HDD and cloud while all of my other content leaves me with 14GB free space.
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I never even considered the 32GB until I saw this thread. But now that I think about it, it does makes sense for me.

If I buy an iPad Pro, my primary use for it will be as a writing pad, using the Apple Pencil. I'll only ever be doing that from my office, where I have adequate wifi. I already have an iPad Air 2, which came with a great cellular plan.

I have no interest in getting the keyboard. It's ugly and I have a MacBook Pro, which I'm not planning to get rid of.

The only thing still tempting me towards the 128GB + cellular, is that my cellular provider has a great offer which makes it much cheaper to purchase in the short-term, though more expensive overall, obviously.
If I do purchase an iPad Pro, it will be the 32GB. I don't actually keep anything local on my iPads other than a few apps and games.
I've had a 32GB iPad before and the space was more than adequate.
That's wise assuming that you use the iPad Pro for the same things and in the same way that you use your other iPads.

If apps are developed that increase the capabilities of what is possible with the iPad Pro, then you may find yourself scrambling for space.

Having said that, Apple uses fear, uncertainty, and doubt about 32GB to drive people to buy the 128GB model. There's a reason why there's no 64GB option. ;)
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Had my 32gb for a few days now. Loaded up all I want and have 6gb remaining. May need to do a bit of storage managent at some point as
more apps and stuff go on but no big deal as I quite enjoy cleaning up
and getting rid of dross that I don't use.
May have gone for a 64gb if it had been available but no way would I
pay for the 128gb when I've still got my 64gb Air 2 which is only half
Each year me and my friends have a 'from now on' list, such as .. from now on, only retina displays, .. from now on ssd only, from now on 16gb ram only.. And yeah, 2015 we kinda said, from now on.. 64gb for iOS storage.
It's a bit silly, but, 32gb only if you can't afford 128, I guess.
That's wise assuming that you use the iPad Pro for the same things and in the same way that you use your other iPads.

If apps are developed that increase the capabilities of what is possible with the iPad Pro, then you may find yourself scrambling for space.

Having said that, Apple uses fear, uncertainty, and doubt about 32GB to drive people to buy the 128GB model. There's a reason why there's no 64GB option. ;)

Fair enough.

I don't personally buy into the hype of "iPad Pro as laptop/desktop replacement", the iPad has always been a secondary consumption device for me, and honestly I don't see that changing anytime soon. So for simple use cases like mine, I'm pretty confident 32GB will be enough. By the way, Apple in my country charges 180€ for the additional storage!
If I wanted this for my primary computing device, then obviously I would go for the 128GB. But I just want a larger iPad with stereo speakers. ;)
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Is anyone staying with the 32GB version?

Nope. I learned my lesson when my iPad Mini (my first iPad) ran out of space. I thought I'd never fill up 16 GB. Some Audubon field manuals and a lot of photos later, along with many apps, and I knew my mistake. My Pro is 128 GB, and I hope that's enough.
Only used about 15gb on my 64gb Air 2. Don't keep music on the iPad so i think i can make it work.
I don't personally buy into the hype of "iPad Pro as laptop/desktop replacement", the iPad has always been a secondary consumption device for me

Agreed. For me it's all about figuring out what each device is best for. I don't think any one of them could replace all of the others.
The idea of buying a 32 GB iPad Pro blows my mind... why??
Apple should have used 64GB in the "cheap" model... but they are all about maximizing their profits which is understandable but they should sometimes be a bit more realistic! 32 GB for a device labeled "Pro"? Come on!!!

Also: The availability of the Apple Pencil also blows my mind! Where is it?

Nevertheless - I got the 128GB Wifi model on Friday and so far I am loving it. Really a sight to behold to run Word and Adobe Comp in split screen.
However the home screen looks really old school and outdated! An outrage like using 32GB instead of 64GB!

I have a 15" retina that does all the real work (that the iPad "pro" wouldn't be able to do anyway).

I have Apple Music for streaming, and don't need to store large amounts of photos.

The iPad is more for PDFs and notes.

I would love if something like staffpad gets ported, but that shouldn't be too big of an installation..
I'm staying with my 32. I still have 12 gb available after everything installed and 6000 photos synced via iCloud Photo Library (I am using optimized storage instead of storing originals).
This should tide me over nicely till next year when the pro2 releases ^^
How are you planning to split your time/work between the Pro and the Air? Will you keep both?

The Air
How are you planning to split your time/work between the Pro and the Air? Will you keep both?

The Air has cellular whereas the Pro is wifi only. I take the Air everywhere
and it is a superb piece of kit. Most unlikely to get rid of it.

To be honest the Pro is rather big and clumsy and I could never envisage
taking it out of the house so I will probably keep them both. It's a nice to
have for certain things but without the pencil or keyboard it's basically just
a bigger heavier iPad. I can't think why these accessories are in such short
supply. Bizarre!
I got a 32gb today. It's pretty expensive here in Italy (€ 919!) and I didn't want to indulge. I plan to use it mainly to read music, it will sit on my piano most of the time, won't need much storage. I have plenty on my other devices.

So I spent the difference on a new Watch band :D
So I own the 128GB model, filled about 46GB. That being said, 25GB of that is taken by downloaded iTunes movies which take about 5-6GB each in HD. I have mostly productivity apps, streaming apps and maybe a game or two. If you do nothing but stream and don't have a desire to keep your movies or music locally and don't store photos on it, I could easily see a 32GB model working for many people. If you want to keep movies on it for offline use or want to store large files, music and photos, I guess your only other option is the 128GB model.
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