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Original poster
May 28, 2011
Williamsburg, Virginia
I have a 128 gig iPhone 6 Plus which is doing more than fine for me at the moment. Anyone else just thinking of waiting for the next iPhone next year, the iPhone 7?

I saw an article about a mock up of a "radical" new design and I thought I'd stick it out.
I was seriously considering getting the 6 Plus. I was having serious phone problems, about a month ago. 3D Touch and Live Photos didn't seem like enough of a reason to wait for the 6s Plus.

I just ended up deciding to pre-order and wait. It was hard. My order getting screwed up and the 6s Plus shortage made things even harder.

If I had a 6 Plus, I would be waiting for the iPhone 7. The features are nice, and the upgrades, but, unless you just have to have them, waiting is cool.
I'd love to have the 3D Touch thing right now, but I am looking forward to a new design most of all. I can wait. It will suck balls, but I think I can do it. I think I can.
I'm definitely waiting. My wife got the 6s, and it's a great upgrade, but so far not worth the extra money for me.

I used to upgrade annually, but I think I'm going to start doing a biennial upgrade simply to save money. The older I get the more ludicrous it seems to upgrade every year (unless one has an excess of money - of course) when I could be putting the money towards a capital purchase, or paying down principal on student loans, etc.

The 2GB of RAM is the sweetest new upgrade to the 6s IMO.
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I was going to wait but decided to get a 6s. I will now wait until the 7s or whatever. No more annual upgrades for me. By the time developers can fully take advantage of the new OS or hardwar, a new phone comes out. So you never realize the full benefit of upgrading all the time. Unlike video game consoles which mature and the games get better, phones always play catch up. It's really to the point where a new phone should almost come out every two years instead of one. I know, blasphemy I speak.
I have the 6 Plus now which has been perfect from the day I received it. If the 6S Plus that I'm getting tomorrow isn't that much better than my 6 Plus. I'm going to return it and wait for the 7. I don't mind spending the money for the latest iPhone. However, I do mind if it's not going to be that much different than the one that I have. I'll use the 6S Plus for a few days and see how well it performs.
I have a 128 gig iPhone 6 Plus which is doing more than fine for me at the moment. Anyone else just thinking of waiting for the next iPhone next year, the iPhone 7?

I saw an article about a mock up of a "radical" new design and I thought I'd stick it out.

You posted this word for word on Reddit too.

To answer your question, I upgrade every year then sell the old one after to offset the cost.
If you can wait another year it would be better for you. The stuff that I'm reading about the iPhone 7 is that it is pretty radical.
If you can wait another year it would be better for you. The stuff that I'm reading about the iPhone 7 is that it is pretty radical.

You can always say that though. I waited two years and went from the iPhone 5 to the 6+, only to find that it was rubbish. Why wait for the i7 and not the 7S? Or wait a while longer 'because the S models are only incremental' and get the i8?
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I have a 128 gig iPhone 6 Plus which is doing more than fine for me at the moment. Anyone else just thinking of waiting for the next iPhone next year, the iPhone 7?

I saw an article about a mock up of a "radical" new design and I thought I'd stick it out.
I'm on a 6s+ right now, but that's only because we changed carriers and needed to trade in phones. I'm normally on the numbered upgrade path. So, we will be getting back on it next year with the 7. We would have stayed on the 6/6+ if we had not switched carriers so this year is an anomaly for us.
Yes, I was planning to hold out for the iPhone 7. Currently have the iPhone 6. However, after the Samsung test drive, I realize how nice it is to have a larger screen size. I will probably purchase the 6S Plus sometime in November. The iPhone 6 screen is so small to me now that it's hard to use.
I'm on a 6s+ right now, but that's only because we changed carriers and needed to trade in phones. I'm normally on the numbered upgrade path. So, we will be getting back on it next year with the 7. We would have stayed on the 6/6+ if we had not switched carriers so this year is an anomaly for us.

You finally switched carriers? Hooray!! I'm going to miss your rants about Sprint :)
You finally switched carriers? Hooray!!

Yeah, next Tuesday will be a month with T-Mobile. We primarily use our phones for phone calls. After 16 years, Sprint started to fail us on that. I could swallow slow/no data/limited coverage but when I cannot make a phone call or it keeps dropping in and out so I cannot have a conversation with the other person - it's time to go.

So, we left.
Since I'm dealing with a little smartphone fatigue right now I'm definitely sticking with my 6 Plus. Favorite iPhone so far and the performance is fine for me. Only thing I'm looking forward to is the 2 gigs of RAM and Band 12 for T-Mobile. Otherwise completely happy with it and does everything I need it to do. I'll see what the 7 brings.

Yeah, next Tuesday will be a month with T-Mobile. We primarily use our phones for phone calls. After 16 years, Sprint started to fail us on that. I could swallow slow/no data/limited coverage but when I cannot make a phone call or it keeps dropping in and out so I cannot have a conversation with the other person - it's time to go.

So, we left.

Has T-Mobile been better? I was thinking about leaving AT&T and I'm doing the Samsung test drive with a Verizon Note 5. I realized that Verizon is bad in my area; one bar of LTE service. After bashing AT&T, it turns out that they have the better service for my area. I would consider T-Mobile as well if they brought back the 2 lines unlimited data for $100.
Has T-Mobile been better? I was thinking about leaving AT&T and I'm doing the Samsung test drive with a Verizon Note 5. I realized that Verizon is bad in my area; one bar of LTE service. After bashing AT&T, it turns out that they have the better service for my area. I would consider T-Mobile as well if they brought back the 2 lines unlimited data for $100.
Well…all I can do is relate my experience.

I don't trust ANY carrier's maps, so I checked and for coverage. And T-Mobile was pretty good in my area. According to one of their employees I live in a certain section that for right now is pretty much 4G and congested LTE but should see upgrades in a few months.

I'm ok with that because outside, everywhere I go, I have strong and fast LTE coverage. 4G at work is even faster than Sprint LTE. And at home I am willing to eat being on WiFi because of that. And also because making and holding a call now is solid at home and out.

T-Mobile is eating my lease fees, option buyout and ETFs for my two Android tabs. We got the $80 fully unlimited plan (no throttling) with 7GB hotspot for both phones and two iPad Air 2's with 5GB data plans and THOSE also have the ability to tether. All for roughly the same price I was paying Sprint.

The 5GB data plans for the iPads are actually $5 cheaper than what Sprint was charging me for 1GB of data. :rolleyes:

So, all I can say is check sensorly and rootmetrics for your area. Those are crowdsourced sites where actual users of the carrier report coverage and speeds. Versus the often completely inaccurate maps the carriers have.

And if unlimited data is not your thing, they also have good prices on other plans. And they have data stash, which is rollover of your unused data from month to month (for a year I think) if you go with a tiered plan.

All the way around it's been a great deal for us. Right now we are just awaiting the last credits of one phone and one tab to be applied to our account and the final bill from Sprint so I can submit the lease and ETF fees for payment to T-Mobile.
Waiting for the iPhone 7 is not that hard for me. My 128GB iPhone 6 runs perfect and none of the features on the 6S make me want to spend the cash right now. New design is the coolest feature any iPhone could have IMO.
You can always say that though. I waited two years and went from the iPhone 5 to the 6+, only to find that it was rubbish. Why wait for the i7 and not the 7S? Or wait a while longer 'because the S models are only incremental' and get the i8?

Waiting is your prerogative of course. There's nothing wrong with buying a 6S or 6S plus but like I said, if you can hold out until the iPhone 7, it promises to be a significant upgrade.

PS If you upgraded from a 5 to 6+ that was a bad move. Buying a phone with only one gig of memory in 2014 was not a wise move.
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Waiting is your prerogative of course. There's nothing wrong with buying a 6S or 6S plus but like I said, if you can hold out until the iPhone 7, it promises to be a significant upgrade.

The 6S was a very significant upgrade.
I'm staying with my launch day 128gb 6 plus, and fine with it. It still does everything I need out of a device. However I will be upgrading my air first generation to at least the new air or the pro. In a few months the iPhone 7 leaks will start to hit the internet and hit heavy lol. I usually pay out right full price so it will be worth the wait!
I always buy my phones outright and have always used a two year cycle. So yes, I have a 6 and will see what the 7 brings before I decide. The non S design always brings a new shape/size etc while the S cycle just adds more features.

I would be quite happy staying with the 6 if the I do not consider the 7 enough of an upgrade.
I always get the design refresh cycle so yes I'm getting the 7. Never had an S cycle except the 3GS but thats because I started from 3GS. I guess its just a personal choice but I just can't shell out cash for a design that has been around for a year. Doesn't create that sense of "excitement" than a design refresh. I'm hoping that 'radical' design is not going back to plastic or some matt texture like you see on some android phones. My only wish is that they minimize the antenna bands and make the camera flush with the phone.
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