I've got two meetings downtown tomorrow a.m., and I'll stick my nose in to check - I'm interested in the new trackpad - and I'll chime in when I get back...Called a local store in Portland, OR and they stated they expect to have the new accessories in later today.
My order on apple website is still at preparing for shipment. Ordered the magic keyboard and trackpad 2. Hoping it gets shipped today or tomorrow.
Mine has been preparing for shipment since yesterday. I also paid for fast shipping
I selected standard shipping. Expected delivery date is the 21st or 22nd. But if it gets shipped today, I'm hoping friday, if I'm lucky.
Mine is expected the 15th (tomorrow) through the 19th.
Crossing my fingers for tomorrow!
God, I want a new Magic Trackpad 2 to go with my new iMac, cannot find them anywhere around here. Typing away on the computer, but the trackpads are hard to come by. My local Apple Store said they should have them within the week. They have the other new accessories.