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Newtons Apple

Original poster
Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
Never seen this before but on iOS9 my Watch is sometimes not relaying/showing messages from my phone and there is sometimes a 5-10 minute delay.

Am I the only one?


macrumors 6502
Dec 5, 2010
Innisfil, Ontario, Canada
I don't think the Watch actually relays messages from your phone. It actually grabs the message directly from the iMessage server. If you're on a slow network, it could take a bit. I know in my car, my car usually displays a text notification about 10 seconds before my Watch gets it. Not as long as your delay, but still a delay.

Is the network you're using during the delay fast and reliable?

Newtons Apple

Original poster
Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
I don't think the Watch actually relays messages from your phone. It actually grabs the message directly from the iMessage server. If you're on a slow network, it could take a bit. I know in my car, my car usually displays a text notification about 10 seconds before my Watch gets it. Not as long as your delay, but still a delay.

Is the network you're using during the delay fast and reliable?

It is happening while out in the field and in the office on WiFi. I am pretty sure it it the watch that relays these messages to my watch, they are just not instant like they have been.


macrumors 68040
Jul 2, 2008
I'd hate to start a new thread but somewhat along the same lines with messaging. Is anyone having an issue when voice dictating a message to Siri it takes forever for the words dictated to show up? Then once they show up, I press send as text versus voice and it does do anything. I press it multiple times and it just sits on that screen.

It's very frustrating.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 5, 2010
Innisfil, Ontario, Canada
It is happening while out in the field and in the office on WiFi. I am pretty sure it it the watch that relays these messages to my watch, they are just not instant like they have been.

It's not. The Watch has a separate connection to iMessage. This is visible by watching the data used when a picture gets sent through iMessage. It uses double the data to send to the phone, then to the Watch. I'm assuming this is because iMessage works on Wi-Fi on the Watch without the phone being near it or on the same network (my dad leave his phone at the office, but the Watch can still send iMessages at home)

This is the one case where the notifications are not relayed by the phone.


macrumors regular
Jul 2, 2011
I've had this issue on and off since the release date. It always seems to resolve itself within a few hours to a day.

Newtons Apple

Original poster
Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
It's not. The Watch has a separate connection to iMessage. This is visible by watching the data used when a picture gets sent through iMessage. It uses double the data to send to the phone, then to the Watch. I'm assuming this is because iMessage works on Wi-Fi on the Watch without the phone being near it or on the same network (my dad leave his phone at the office, but the Watch can still send iMessages at home)

This is the one case where the notifications are not relayed by the phone.

No matter how it works, the last few days I am getting delayed notifications from my watch. Never happened before and all sudden it is doing it several times a day. Not even a red dot at the top of the screen. Just a few minutes ago I looked at my phone and there were two emails from almost an hour ago and not a thing on my watch.

If I can not depend on my watch telling me when I am getting a email or text . . . . .

I have reset, unpaired and repaired, even rebooted my 6+.

Newtons Apple

Original poster
Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
Yep I am thinking that ios9 is the problem. I though 9 was going to be the OS that cleaned up problems from previous editions. Maybe when they give us OS2 for the watch?.?


macrumors 6502
Feb 9, 2005
Mine is still glitch with OS2. I have seen my phone light up show a notification and then had to wait like 3 seconds until my watch notified me. For me this completely nullifies my favorite part of wearing the watch (notifications!) so I really hope what ever is wrong fixes itself. I'd hate to reset everything again.
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