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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 30, 2003
Motor City
I decided to "go big" and grab a 30" ACD to replace my 2 20" displays. I wanted 2 23's, but their color and quality is so iffy it would be about impossible to find 2 good specimens...

Anyway, I missed dual screen, because its nice to have a secondary display for pallettes and such. The 30" and a 20", both at 16x9, is just too wide to use reasonably. However, fellow forum poster "blakespot" inspired me with his 30" ACD and HP 1600x1200 display mounted in portrait mode. What if I could make an adapter bracket that would allow the 20" to sit, in portrait, on my desk?


2 Hours with my Mitutoyo calipers and Solidworks 2006, and a trip to a machine shop....


The bracket is milled aluminum, and has mounting points to emulate the back of the Apple ACD, and then 4x100 MM slots to mount to the Apple VESA adapter. I used slots so I had a little adjustability so the top of the screen on the 20" would line up with the top of the 30" screen.


With the help my girlfriend patiently holding the screen when I took measurements, we determined it worked better to have the viewing area lined up between screens rather than bezels. It actually works out well, the 20" ACD "top" is where the radius on the 30" begins. Wonder if there is some secret Ives calculation in these bezel designs!









It works out great. The difference in dot pitch isnt noticeable unless you have a window displayed partially on each display. The portrait screen is great for pallettes and long lists; definitely worth the effort!


PS. That 2nd "G5" is actually an Intel Conroe PC I built a while back. (Was an AMD machine when I first posted about it)
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Reactions: alex00100
VERY nicely done. It's scary to see just how much bigger the 30" is than the 20" though! Lovely mod. :)
Very nice!! I recognise your setup from the PC in a G5 case work you did. I wonder how long it'll take for you to cave in and get a second 20" to put on the left... just for the sake of symmetry obviously!!
Very nice!! I recognise your setup from the PC in a G5 case work you did. I wonder how long it'll take for you to cave in and get a second 20" to put on the left... just for the sake of symmetry obviously!!

LOL! You know..I already have another 20" ACD..would just need a bracket..and another video card..
RichP, you are a gentleman and a scholar! (I dunno, my grandma always says that when I do good things)

Seriously though! Very nice work! You should hook up the other 20" ACD to the conroe! That'd be schweet!!!
Mind telling us how much the mod cost? I suppose that makes it prohibitive for most people. Very cool idea!
Mind telling us how much the mod cost? I suppose that makes it prohibitive for most people. Very cool idea!

Between the Apple Bracket, the one-off bracket I had made, and hardware to put it together... almost $200 :( Not exactly cost effective, and I may have reconsidered it if I knew the exact cost beforehand.
How did you get your ACD to go into 90 degrees rotation? I mean, I thought the ACD's didn't support that mode. Or is it only the hardware (the standard stand/foot of the display) that isn't supporting the rotation?
that's an awesome mod. really expensie, but eh.. you live you learn, heh.

if you could figure out how to make it inexpensively, I bet you could definitely market that. :p

oh, and I agree.. you need a second 20" on the other side, just to complete it.. heh
I may call around a few places next week and see; although I think that piece would have to be priced well below 100 to make it worthwile. Also, I would have to test it with a 23"; make sure it ddint bottom out onto the top of the stand.

What price, NOT including the Apple bracket; do you think this is "worth?"
User Blakespot has a similar setup:

Yes, I am using a 30" Cinema (2560x1600) and a 20" 4:3 aspect 1600x1200 screen rotated, in portrait mode (1200x1600). It's great. I am using the HP LP2065 which uses the same type of LG/Philips panel as Apple's Cinemas. It was $419 at NewEgg and is, I can say with cetainty, the best price/performance screen of its type out there.


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