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macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2013
Are you calling same-sex marriage a sin? Because the list of such silly "sins" is
a list of common practices/occurrences

No. God does. "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."


I don't agree with you. There have been limitations on marriage in every society. You can't marry your siblings, parents etc. that is a healthy limitation, no matter how mutual they say it is.

Who defines a healthy limitation?


macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2013
Why should your (unbelievably misguided) belief's be allowed to harm others though?

Also, can you please find me a single quote on Jesus being against gay marriage?

Jesus did not address child-molestation either; neither is it one of the Ten Commandments. Does that make it okay?


macrumors 6502
Jul 14, 2012
Personally I think the last two elections went swimmingly. The party that is run by irrational religious loons who want to shove their bigoted un-American agenda down everyone's throats and try and scare the whole country into thinking that the dems are "socialists" lost. So I would say that you're wrong.

This is the exact type of comment I was talking about in the other thread.


macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2013
Well that's a refreshing change of course from the last 2000 years....

I guess if you find that refreshing, fine. Perhaps I should hunt down blacks and jews and find it "refreshing". In the last 2 thousand years take a look at every civilization and EVERYONE was barbaric. Chinese, Japanese, Africans and you want to accuse Christians of persecution? Laugh out loud.


I'm sure you'll be able to source all of the laws being written to deny Christians certain rights?

Did I offer that information? No. Google it yourself. ;) Where does the word "marriage" inherently come from? Why don't you call it a same sex union and call it good?


macrumors 601
Aug 31, 2009
in a New York State of mind
Oh, does it really? Point it out in scripture. Back it up.

The history of abuse and the Catholic Church's decisions over and over and over to cover it up and allow it to continue are all the back-up I need.....

I really don't know. Nothing I have read YET would suggest otherwise but there are many theories behind that one.

So, cool. Can I get married now?

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macrumors 68000
Jul 20, 2008
Perhaps I should hunt down blacks and jews and find it "refreshing".

Been there, done that. And you don't even have to look back 1000 years, only a couple of hundred. Only 70 in case of Jews! Nevermind the crusades, the violent colonization of south america to spread christianity, trying to convert the native americans, pope going to Africa telling them not to use condoms, the whole Galileo incident, the witch trials, the middle ages, must I really go on? Christians have been oppressing the whole world for 2000 years, guess people finally got sick of it huh?


macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2012
Been there, done that. And you don't even have to look back 1000 years, only a couple of hundred. Only 70 in case of Jews! Nevermind the crusades, the violent colonization of south america to spread christianity, trying to convert the native americans, pope going to Africa telling them not to use condoms, the whole Galileo incident, the witch trials, the middle ages, must I really go on? Christians have been oppressing the whole world for 2000 years, guess people finally got sick of it huh?

Lets not forget Muslims...

You've got a gripe with religion, not faith bro.


macrumors 68000
Jul 20, 2008
Object all you want. There are plenty of studies that show the opposite. Eduction, look at all the data, not just the data you agree with.

The majority of sex crimes are committed by men on females, that includes pedophillic sex crimes.


Lets not forget Muslims...

You've got a gripe with religion, not faith bro.

I don't forget Muslims, they're a disaster as well. But at least the terrorist types are honest and tell you they hate you and want to kill you, Christians like to hide behind a disguise of "love and salvation".


macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2012
I also feel we should include native Americans and Africans in the hating. Human sacrifice and canabilsm ftw.


macrumors 601
Aug 31, 2009
in a New York State of mind
Last time I checked, the laws that are in common with the bible happen to be in common with much of the world, all throughout history. So your gripe isn't with the bible. But keep bashing it and Christian's so you can feel better.

You know what makes me feel better?

That our country chose not to elect the candidate that was running on a platform which included writing discrimination into our constitution.

That the citizens of 4 states voted for equality in November.

That in a month the Supreme Court will begin the process of striking down both DOMA and Prop 8.

Our country is proving that they don't agree with the Bible or you. And that makes me feel better.


macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2012
The majority of sex crimes are committed by men on females, that includes pedophillic sex crimes.


I don't forget Muslims, they're a disaster as well. But at least the terrorist types are honest and tell you they hate you and want to kill you, Christians like to hide behind a disguise of "love and salvation".

Yea, Christians try to trick you into converting. Muslims hold a sword to your head. Natives just eat you. Hindus just don't give a flip...and then there are the aliens.


macrumors 68000
Jul 20, 2008
You know what makes me feel better?

That our country chose not to elect the candidate that was running on a platform which included writing discrimination into our constitution.

That the citizens of 4 states voted for equality in November.

That in a month the Supreme Court will begin the process of striking down both DOMA and Prop 8.

Our country is proving that they don't agree with the Bible or you. And that makes me feel better.

They know that, but it doesn't mean they have to go down quietly. They will go down bitching and moaning as loud as possible.


macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2012
You know what makes me feel better?

That our country chose not to elect the candidate that was running on a platform which included writing discrimination into our constitution.

That the citizens of 4 states voted for equality in November.

That in a month the Supreme Court will begin the process of striking down both DOMA and Prop 8.

Our country is proving that they don't agree with the Bible or you. And that makes me feel better.

Meanwhile, at Walmart...The economy is great! And the pres is following through on everything he said he wold do circa 2008.

Drinks on me!


macrumors 68000
Jul 20, 2008
Meanwhile, at Walmart...The economy is great! And the pres is following through on everything he said he wold do circa 2008.

Drinks on me!
And this has what to do with anything?

And if you want to get into that, it's for a whole different thread. Walmart is the cause of their own downfall.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 2, 2012
United States
And this has what to do with anything?

And if you want to get into that, it's for a whole different thread. Walmart is the cause of their own downfall.

He's running out of hot air so he has to resort to non-related topics.

Legalizing gay marriage is bound to happen. It's practically guaranteed to happen.


macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2012
And this has what to do with anything?

And if you want to get into that, it's for a whole different thread. Walmart is the cause of their own downfall.

I thought you were about to commend Our gov on a job well done. They are saving us from the failure that our forefathers created by changing everything they Bulit upon.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 2, 2012
United States
I thought you were about to commend Our gov on a job well done. They are saving us from the failure that our forefathers created by changing everything they Bulit upon.

Again, please go start another thread if you want to start an argument about a non-related topic.


macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2012
He's running out of hot air so he has to resort to non-related topics.

Bottom line of this gay marriage fight is on the biological doesnt produce anything. Gay unions cannot procreate, therefor offer nothing to the gene pool and really are useless for us. Since God is fake, and we evolved, then we should be opposed to you fabulous people from holding back your fabulous genes!i
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