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macrumors regular
Nov 5, 2009
And yes, there are more than enough unemployed peopel to fill 400,000 jobs. Based on current unemployed rate, there are approximately 7.5 Millione unemployed americans this year
That’s across the entire USA. It’s impractical to bus people from all over the country to a single manufacturing facility.

Where are you going to find a single city with 400,000 unemployed people willing to do long hours of repetitive low pay unskilled labour. I mean Amazon already has issues with its warehouses where staff are unhappy with working conditions. You will never have ideal working conditions with this sort of work. Repetitive menial work is best handled by machines.


macrumors 65816
Jul 18, 2002
I don’t think the only thing stopping Christians from going on a murderous homicide spree is a line in the Bible.

I think it’s a little vile you feel that way about Christians.

Hate to break it to you, but a lot of them feel that way and that IS the only thing stopping a fair number of them. Its creepy, but nowadays they don't even bother to hide it.


Sep 7, 2011
That’s across the entire USA. It’s impractical to bus people from all over the country to a single manufacturing facility.

Where are you going to find a single city with 400,000 unemployed people willing to do long hours of repetitive low pay unskilled labour. I mean Amazon already has issues warehouses where staff are unhappy with conditions.

I think you missed the point ;)

the topic isn't bringing all 100% apple manufacturing over to the US

its' about the mac pro. we're talking a small warehouse and a few thousan employees.

localized regional assembly can easily be done in the US and is already being done by numerous tech companies.

And yes. PEOPLE WILL TAKE JOBS. I on't get this mindset that suddenly SOME types of jobs are beneath every american, when most of the jobs in the entire world tend to be lower pay scale and manufacturing has always been a staple of every economy.

you literally have people crawling aroun in dark mines. Flipping burgers. washing floors in strip joints.

yet suddenly manufacturing computers is beneath everyone. It is an argument that has zero basis in logic an is just an excuse.


Jun 18, 2014
And you're basing that on what exactly? People elected a clown as our President to make a political statement. They're certainly capable of forgoing a discretionary purchase for the same reason.
basing on the fact that Tim Cook has never attributed on any earnings call a decline in sales due to supporters of the President. there hasn't been any indication where people are refusing to buy anything assembled in China for the past few years even though the president has said many times that Apple should be making iPhones in USA before he became president.
No, they catered to stock just like large companies do. Higher stock value tends to directly benefit executives and a small minority of investors over the overall economics.

stock value is priced by the investors. in order to get higher stock value, Apple must answer to shareholders, otherwise they'll sell and the stock price drops.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2005
Hate to break it to you, but a lot of them feel that way and that IS the only thing stopping a fair number of them. Its creepy, but nowadays they don't even bother to hide it.

Who are you speaking of again? Antifa members?
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macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2008
It amazes me that people think Apple can just miraculously move production to the US. It's not a matter of not being willing to pay proper wages or anything like that - hell, wages in China aren't even that low anymore.

I actually suspect in the next ten years, Foxconn workers in china will be making on par with American minimum wage. They may already be close (when you take into account the additional living facilities, etc in the factory 'city')

The simple reality is that the US does not have factories equipped to build computers in the volumes that Apple requires them in. Yes, Apple has the money to set up such factories but there's two fairly major flaws here:
1. Even with the correct factories, the factories still wouldn't necessarily have access to the relevant labour, nor the proximity to the other factories making other components that gives Apple a huge advantage in the manufacturing space.
2. All the time spent building factories in the US is time factories in China are using to further improve their manufacturing processes, driving down costs and improving quality. Apple quite simply *will* fall behind their competitors if this happens.

The proximity is what Steve Jobs always said made American manufacturing (not end assembly) infeasible. It's the difference between getting a replacement order of parts the next day, vs waiting on them to come by ship and through customs.


Apr 12, 2018
Having money isn’t going to suddenly make it so the US has the proper workforce and facilities to do so.
So money can't solve everything? Interesting.
A user was telling me the other day that Apple has an endless supply of money and he was suggesting that something like that would allow Apple to do anything.


macrumors 68020
Aug 15, 2010
I’m not a Trump supporter, but if assembling products in the US led to a 10% price increase, I’d still buy it.

Good for you. Any customers in Europe or Asia feeling similarly generous? By assembling in the US, Apple would need to cover the additional labour costs AND the 25% Trump tax on all the imported parts, THEN pass on those costs, not just to US customers who would be 'happy to pay' (yeah, right), but all customers worldwide, who would be very much not happy to pay. How MAGA would it be to have a domestic version for the US and a 20% cheaper Chinese-made version for the rest of the world?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 30, 2014
Apple can afford to pay people a good wage and sell their products at the same price, they don't even cost them 50 percent of what they charge to make.


macrumors 68020
Aug 15, 2010
So why does Apple need an import tariff exemption if, as Tim Cook says, Apple is planning to build the Mac Pro in the USA?

To import the parts. If they have to pay tariffs on the parts, they'll have to pass that price hike on to every customer worldwide. If they assemble in China instead, only US customers would need to pay the Trump tax.


macrumors 6502
Feb 14, 2016
Thank whoever that the real specialists about everything are here on MacRumors and not in the driver’s seat.


macrumors 6502
Dec 3, 2005
Does Trump (and his supporters) really believe that Americans want to assemble iPhones for minimum wage pay? There's a reason these companies outsource work.

Well according to the majority of the Americans I've been speaking to about all of this, certainly the majority appear to be happy to pay more for a product manufactured in the USA in the name of patriotism alone. If those same Americans are so passionate as to realise that in order to bring these jobs back to the States, that they will have to work for stupidly cheap rates - in the name of patriotism, the unemployment figures will plummet! However, when those people realise that there is no way that they will ever get their bills paid while doing that, it will soon come home to them that giving the jobs back to China might be the better option after all. Or else, in order to compete, the labour rate has to go up, the company bins half its staff and the rest have to work twice as hard.
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Jan 11, 2018
As China begins to rise in class and its economy continues to prosper, its people will get richer over time. To the point where their price of labour increases. "making it cheap in China" will be a thing of the past then, as the people too rich to accept jobs like that. They'll be working in Starbucks for minimum wage instead... This is why I think China has been investing in African nations lately.. to make Africa the new 'China' that they can use for cheap labour and in the process maybe cash in on some of its natural resources. It's just one big cycle, isn't it?! But... can't blame Trump for trying. And similarly, can't blame Apple for choosing the cheapest place. Thing is, they could take a moral stance, but its competitors wouldn't, and it'd just be us paying the price.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 3, 2005
Try Google.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with a company called “Foxconn”.
There should be a wealth of information about it!!!

For example, did you know that the largest iPhone production facility employs 400,000 employees?
Wow! That’s a big number, huh?
Let’s put it into perspective, shall we?

Obviously, a facility that size would need to kinda be in the middle of nowhere... we’re talking about the population of a city descending upon it on a daily basis.
But for nice round numbers.... let’s pretend it could be put smack dab in the middle of Los Angeles. That’s a big city, right?
I believe the Los Angeles population is about 4 million.
Easy math! =)
You just get one out of every ten people living in the city of LA to start working at Foxconn, & your idea (If I can even call it such) will work fine.

Hopefully your mind went “Wait... that would never work, I mean are there even that many unemployed? what’s the chances of literally every single one of them wanting to work there & appropriate candidates? Huh, maybe I should Google more. Wow, it seems like Foxconn, even in densely populated China has to run fleets of buses miles into other provinces even, to collect up a workforce that size. This doesn’t seem remotely feasible in America”.

Further... I don’t feign to know what you and any of your friends and family do for a living, but I would hazard a guess near zero of them have repetitive motion production laborer jobs.
The type of people that usually do that work here are high school drop outs and felons.... and they HATE their jobs. We’re taught in America that creativity & freedom in the workplace are hallmarks of success. Nobody here is going to proudly state at a dinner party “I put a single speaker in iPhone housings thousands of times a night”. That job would be performed here, begrudgingly, with heavy complaining, to the lowest acceptable rate, with very little pride in the work, because our society doesn’t value that type of work. Now, switch to China... the above proudly exclaimed statement may illicit comments like... “Really? How impressive & fastidious! Would you like to meet my daughter? She’s unmarried, you know...”.
Their ENTIRE SOCIETY is set up for this type of work to be of higher quality there!!!! Step outside your American bubble & try to fathom other cultures. It’ll reward you in many ways... having the business acumen to quite easily parse why iPhone production in America is near impossible is but one small benefit, sir!

^ This. Plus, Apple aren't going to move from China to the US to avoid tariffs. There are plenty of other Eastern countries that are far better equipped, in terms of labour at least, where production can move to. There was a thread on Trump's Facebook page proudly stating how companies are "seeing the light" and moving out of China - Yay! Couldn't pinpoint where they were moving to, but it sure as heck isn't the United States. Trump's going to have to tariff the whole of the Far East before America sees any action.

"You just get one out of every ten people living in the city of LA to start working at Foxconn, & your idea (If I can even call it such) will work fine." Not only in terms of unemployment, what about all the EMPLOYMENT currently being filled in the area? If a vast number of people were to quit to work for this fictional Foxconn, the number of Accountants, Bakers, Car Salesmen, Designers, Electricians (you get the idea) will dwindle. A Foxconn engineer can't sell you a car!!


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2011
I have no regard for it to be made in USA or China, but prefer it to be made in China. China makes top quality products with a very highly skilled and competent workforce. China has made Tim Cook and shareholders very rich and consumers have benefited with a relatively cheaper product for much better quality.
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macrumors 68040
Oct 15, 2008
As China begins to rise in class and its economy continues to prosper, its people will get richer over time. To the point where their price of labour increases. "making it cheap in China" will be a thing of the past then, as the people too rich to accept jobs like that. They'll be working in Starbucks for minimum wage instead... This is why I think China has been investing in African nations lately.. to make Africa the new 'China' that they can use for cheap labour and in the process maybe cash in on some of its natural resources. It's just one big cycle, isn't it?! But... can't blame Trump for trying. And similarly, can't blame Apple for choosing the cheapest place. Thing is, they could take a moral stance, but its competitors wouldn't, and it'd just be us paying the price.

You are already paying the price. The Apple gadgets are sold with extremely high profit margins, and at the same time you actually invest in China's economy and development, while at the same time your own home country loses the capability and the know how and the work force to manufacture and assemble these products. Since your educational system is so broken and expensive, you have already been "importing" most of your intellectual work force (up to the higher and even C-grade management level) for decades. I'm not sure if Trump really understands what he's talking about, but at least his gut feeling is certainly right about this one: If you outsource your production, you kill your own industry, economy and future -- and build someone else's industry, economy and future instead. First Japan, now China has become "the factory of the world". First production in Japan became too expensive, now the same is happening in China already. Yes, history keeps repeating itself, because the economic mechanics are still the same. So maybe in a hundred years or so production will come back to the West, because by then we have sunken back to Third World status.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2011
As China begins to rise in class and its economy continues to prosper, its people will get richer over time. To the point where their price of labour increases. "making it cheap in China" will be a thing of the past then, as the people too rich to accept jobs like that. They'll be working in Starbucks for minimum wage instead... This is why I think China has been investing in African nations lately.. to make Africa the new 'China' that they can use for cheap labour and in the process maybe cash in on some of its natural resources. It's just one big cycle, isn't it?! But... can't blame Trump for trying. And similarly, can't blame Apple for choosing the cheapest place. Thing is, they could take a moral stance, but its competitors wouldn't, and it'd just be us paying the price.

Agree. China is fully aware of this, as well as the US of course. The planning for a future cheaper and obedient workforce and a compliant government is already underway by both.
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macrumors 68040
Oct 15, 2008
I have no regard for it to be made in USA or China, but prefer it to be made in China. China makes top quality products with a very highly skilled and competent workforce. China has made Tim Cook and shareholders very rich and consumers have benefited with a relatively cheaper product for much better quality.

Ah, yeah. There was an article once here on Macrumors saying that the iPhone would only be USD 11 more expensive if it were manufactured in the US. With the gigantic profit margins that Apple has with the iPhone, they could simply be a bit less greedy than they are, consumers would not have to pay more money and the manufacturing facilities could come back to your home country. But hey -- let's give another standing ovation to Tim Cook for making the fistful of Apple shareholders a few bucks more at the expense of __everybody__ else, shall we?
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