Apple market director Jason Barlia has confirmed the company's plans to open a retail store at the World Trade Center Transportation Hub in Lower Manhattan, according to CNET. The store will be located in the Oculus transit and retail complex, and it is expected to open later this year.
WTC Transportation Hub - Oculus (Image: Priscilla C. via Instagram)
The location will mark Apple's tenth retail store in New York City after its first Brooklyn store opens in Williamsburg this Saturday. Apple has another six stores in Manhattan, one in Queens, and one on Staten Island. The Bronx is the only borough that remains without an Apple Store within New York City limits.
Apple's plans to open a retail store at the new World Trade Center have been rumored since 2013, and an alteration permit confirmed the company's construction plans earlier this year. The store is said to be situated at the underground level, and it will reportedly span two floors with up to 10,000 square feet of space each.
Update: Apple plans to open its World Trade Center retail store on August 16, the latest projected opening date of the Oculus complex, according to multiple sources.
Article Link: Apple Confirms Upcoming Retail Store at World Trade Center [Updated]
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