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Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
What nonsense! DC and surrounding suburbs are overwhelmingly liberal. You don't have to worry about opposing views because there are hardly any to be found.

My numerous conservative friends and family will be quite shocked to hear this.

Should I tell them they don't actually live here or that they're not actually conservative? I'm not sure which way you meant it.

Any other facts you'd care to correct about my life since you clearly know so much more about it than I do?


macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2007
Your post demonstrates a lack of facility with the terms. What exactly about Obama do you find so far left? He's quite comfortable with capitalism and the wall street community, he filled his cabinet with those people.

Certainly not in his health care reform.. A leftist approach to health care reform would be a single payer solution, not the gift to the private 'for profit' insurance industry and big pharma the ACA actually is. I've never heard Obama disparage anything corporate or privatized. In fact, he's always singing the praises of how wonderful capitalism is. So continue to believe the nonsense if you're predisposed to do so.. But understand that many of us know better.

Um... Obamacare is the bill he could get passed, and a stepping stone to single payer... which he has publicly stated is the long term goal... So no, I don't think OP is believing nonsense, nor do I think that you "know better".


Jun 6, 2005
Universe 0 Timeline
My numerous conservative friends and family will be quite shocked to hear this.

"Overwhelming" doesn't mean 100%. 'Kay?

This might help:

Gallup: Washington, D.C., Is Most Liberal Place In USA

The percentage of people living in Washington, D.C., who call themselves liberals is far greater than the national percentage, and significantly greater than the percentage in any of the fifty states, according to polling data released today by Gallup.

Nationally, 23 percent of American adults call themselves liberals, according to Gallup, and 38 percent call themselves conservatives.

But in Washington, D.C., 38.1 percent call themselves liberals--65.6 percent more than in the nation as a whole.

After D.C., Vermont is the most liberal jurisdiction, with 32.4 percent of people there calling themselves liberals.

The prevalence of liberals in Washington, D.C., according to Gallup's numbers, is 17.6 percent greater than second-place Vermont.​

Any other facts you'd care to correct about my life since you clearly know so much more about it than I do?

I live in the metro area, so I probably know at least as much about DC as you do.


macrumors P6
Oct 23, 2010
The job of a press secretary is to lie and spin for the president. Coincidentally that's also the job of Apple's PR Chief.

If you think of the Presidency as a products company, the Obama Administration is one of the worst products companies we've ever seen, and Jay Carney did the best possible job anyone could do spinning something so terrible.

So if he's joining a company that actually makes tremendously good products, why wouldn't you think he'd do a good job spinning those?

Because once you have a reputation for spinning bad news into "good," you lose credibility. So a too-clever-by-half spinmeister can actually drag down the reputation of a good company. That's why used cars price at deep discounts, even well-maintained cars.

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
Of course they do, you just don't like them.

As of June, according to the DC Board of Elections, Democrats outnumber Republicans by 75.88% to 6.12%.

Just let it go.

You say you're in the area but you consistently fail to understand the difference between DC and the Metro area. You're jumping back and forth with every post.

I'm not sure if you're just confused or if you're trying to cheat, but no, those numbers have nothing to do with me or where I live.

(It's 60/40 where I live, which is hardly a runaway victory for anyone.)


Jun 6, 2005
Universe 0 Timeline
You say you're in the area but you consistently fail to understand the difference between DC and the Metro area. You're jumping back and forth with every post.

I'm not sure if you're just confused or if you're trying to cheat, but no, those numbers have nothing to do with me or where I live.

I guess that "Location: Washington DC" under your name is throwing me off.

Look, I can tell you're not one to surrender gracefully, but I'm getting bored, so I'm going to give you the last word.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2014
I really hope you're not a US citizen. If you are, then this is a shining example of one of the major things wrong with the country today...

What, we don't know the names of all White House staff, including those not even in the Cabinet? Sorry man, I've never heard of this guy in the news, or I have forgotten his name. He's also NOT a politician, if that's what you were thinking. There's no reason for me to look all these names up unless I want to look smart and up-to-date on my trivia like you.
Last edited:


macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2010
He was the mouthpiece for an unpopular administration. You can't understand this controversy until that fact sinks in.

So what career restrictions would you place on someone that previously worked for an unpopular administration? As I pointed out earlier in the thread, Apple didn't have anything to do with his political role. In that sense they wouldn't be paying back any favors.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 29, 2002

I don't think you know what "left" means, or "socialist". I seriously think you just picked up on whatever crap Fox News was telling you. He hasn't done a single socialist thing, or even considerably left thing, since he has gotten into office. I'm not talking about his speeches, I'm talking about what he has actually pushed for.

Sorry, I don't watch Fox News. Apparently you are unable to discern socialism when it is present. Everything Obama does IS socialist (well, technically anti-colonialist as I mentioned previously). What you are seeing going on today is what socialism is all about. Obamacare anyone?

hahaha. I think you've been drinking too much of Rush's kool aid because you're dead wrong on this one.

Policy wise, Obama is an authoritarian conservative... his positions put him in pretty much in line with the Republicans on the political spectrum.

Thanks to the political compass thread we have going on right now:

Candidate Obama in 2008


President Obama in 2012


On the spectrum, President Obama's positions are nearly identical to John McCain, Sarah Palin, and Mitt Romney. He's not even remotely close to liberal. He was pretty moderate when he was running as a candidate.. but since he took office he's made a massive shift to the right.

Nice "political compass" charts. Too bad they're completely erroneous. First of all, you need to understand the distinctions between liberalism/conservatism and Democrat/Republican. They are not the same. The Republican party has moved significantly left over the years. Liberalism/Progressivism has infected both parties. At least real conservatives are making an effort to clean house in the Republican party, but I digress...

As for the charts, for example, to be accurate, Barack would have to be placed in the very top left corner, and Mitt would have to be placed square in the very center.

The point is - trying to get back to the subject of the article, Obama is as leftist as it gets, and Carney (subject) was his lying mouthpiece. With Carney, Apple would lose all credibility. This is a person/group of people Apple should avoid like the plague.

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
Sorry, I don't watch Fox News. Apparently you are unable to discern socialism when it is present. Everything Obama does IS socialist (well, technically anti-colonialist as I mentioned previously). What you are seeing going on today is what socialism is all about. Obamacare anyone?

Nice "political compass" charts. Too bad they're completely erroneous. First of all, you need to understand the distinctions between liberalism/conservatism and Democrat/Republican. They are not the same. The Republican party has moved significantly left over the years. Liberalism/Progressivism has infected both parties. At least real conservatives are making an effort to clean house in the Republican party, but I digress...

As for the charts, for example, to be accurate, Barack would have to be placed in the very top left corner, and Mitt would have to be placed square in the very center.

The point is - trying to get back to the subject of the article, Obama is as leftist as it gets, and Carney (subject) was his lying mouthpiece. With Carney, Apple would lose all credibility. This is a person/group of people Apple should avoid like the plague.

Your only named piece of evidence is Obamacare? You mean the Conservative plan that Newt Gingrich came up with, that was put in place on a state level by Romney while he was a Governor, that is based on a Conservative Plan from the Heritage Foundation? You're using a far-right plan to prove that Obama is a far-left socialist?


Nice "political compass" charts. Too bad they're completely erroneous. First of all, you need to understand the distinctions between liberalism/conservatism and Democrat/Republican. They are not the same. The Republican party has moved significantly left over the years. Liberalism/Progressivism has infected both parties. At least real conservatives are making an effort to clean house in the Republican party, but I digress...

You got any proof to back up this assertion? Because what you're saying here is quite literally in complete opposition of the basic, commonly accepted definitions of political science.


macrumors 65816
Feb 26, 2008
Your only named piece of evidence is Obamacare? You mean the Conservative plan that Newt Gingrich came up with, that was put in place on a state level by Romney while he was a Governor, that is based on a Conservative Plan from the Heritage Foundation? You're using a far-right plan to prove that Obama is a far-left socialist?

Im sooo sick of stating this but a state is supposed to be autonomous in it's laws as long as they dont infringe upon the general rights laid out by the Bill of Rights and are constitutional in both it's own constitution and the state ratified Constitution of the United States. Romneycare, in all it's flaws, was a state law and i as a constitutionalist, believe it's within the state's rights to vote on such laws within their borders.

Federal law shouldn't impose a mandatory buying clause according to the supreme court (which is why it's now a "tax" which Obama said it wasnt).

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
Im sooo sick of stating this but a state is supposed to be autonomous in it's laws as long as they dont infringe upon the general rights laid out by the Bill of Rights and are constitutional in both it's own constitution and the state ratified Constitution of the United States. Romneycare, in all it's flaws, was a state law and i as a constitutionalist, believe it's within the state's rights to vote on such laws within their borders.

Federal law shouldn't impose a mandatory buying clause according to the supreme court (which is why it's now a "tax" which Obama said it wasnt).

I think your argument doesn't counter mine, it's a completely different argument. The discussion I'm having has to do with the whole right/left spectrum and how this law fits in. It wasn't about whether or not Obamacare is constitutional, or whether Romneycare is, but whether or not it is a socialist idea. And it isn't, for the record.

We're arguing two different things.


macrumors 65816
Feb 26, 2008
I think your argument doesn't counter mine, it's a completely different argument. The discussion I'm having has to do with the whole right/left spectrum and how this law fits in. It wasn't about whether or not Obamacare is constitutional, or whether Romneycare is, but whether or not it is a socialist idea. And it isn't, for the record.

We're arguing two different things.

Your argument is that Obamacare is a right wing idea when it's clearly not based on Obama's own goal (step towards single payer) and the many pitfalls that impact religious and privacy rights (IRS). It may have signatures taken from a liberal Massachusetts republican's plan but you won't find a republican Governer from Louisiana endorse such a law (not all republicans are the same, obviously).

Internationally, Obama isn't able to be "left" in that sense because the American voter won't vote for him. But in the American politcal world, he's very left.


macrumors 68000
Feb 18, 2003
Los Angeles
Glad to see

Dalrymple (always has the goods) says "nope."

So you guys have been frothing at the mouth for no purpose whatsoever. Ha-ha.

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
Your argument is that Obamacare is a right wing idea when it's clearly not based on Obama's own goal (step towards single payer) and the many pitfalls that impact religious and privacy rights (IRS). It may have signatures taken from a liberal Massachusetts republican's plan but you won't find a republican Governer from Louisiana endorse such a law (not all republicans are the same, obviously).

Internationally, Obama isn't able to be "left" in that sense because the American voter won't vote for him. But in the American politcal world, he's very left.

He's conservative, through and through. Even lying to yourself and saying that Romney is some liberal, we still have Gingrich and the Heritage Foundation. Neither of them are particularly liberal. And we can only assume his end-goal is single payer. His actions, however, haven't pointed towards that in the slightest.

Also, yeah, you got me. He isn't crazy conservative.

You do know there are levels of conservative that aren't Governor of Louisiana, right?

Salty Pirate

macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2005
kansas city
Sorry, I don't watch Fox News. Apparently you are unable to discern socialism when it is present. Everything Obama does IS socialist (well, technically anti-colonialist as I mentioned previously). What you are seeing going on today is what socialism is all about. Obamacare anyone?

Nice "political compass" charts. Too bad they're completely erroneous. First of all, you need to understand the distinctions between liberalism/conservatism and Democrat/Republican. They are not the same. The Republican party has moved significantly left over the years. Liberalism/Progressivism has infected both parties. At least real conservatives are making an effort to clean house in the Republican party, but I digress...

As for the charts, for example, to be accurate, Barack would have to be placed in the very top left corner, and Mitt would have to be placed square in the very center.

The point is - trying to get back to the subject of the article, Obama is as leftist as it gets, and Carney (subject) was his lying mouthpiece. With Carney, Apple would lose all credibility. This is a person/group of people Apple should avoid like the plague.

100% agreed


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
He's conservative, through and through. Even lying to yourself and saying that Romney is some liberal, we still have Gingrich and the Heritage Foundation. Neither of them are particularly liberal. And we can only assume his end-goal is single payer. His actions, however, haven't pointed towards that in the slightest.

Also, yeah, you got me. He isn't crazy conservative.

You do know there are levels of conservative that aren't Governor of Louisiana, right?

What's really sad is that the general conservative opposition to spending is probably a good thing that helps keep governments relatively lean. Stripping out inefficiency has to be a good thing.

The problem is the delusional nonsense that appears in arguments on the right far more than on the left (e.g no one on the left will claim that the European communist regimes were well governed).

In this case I can't see any possible seriousness to the argument that Obamacare is left wing even though there is an obvious more left wing way of doing it (UHC) and that it was come up with by the Heritage Foundation.


As for the charts, for example, to be accurate, Barack would have to be placed in the very top left corner, and Mitt would have to be placed square in the very center.

So if Obama is as left wing and authoritarian as it is possible to be where exactly would you put Mao, Lenin and Stalin on the chart?

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
What's really sad is that the general conservative opposition to spending is probably a good thing that helps keep governments relatively lean. Stripping out inefficiency has to be a good thing.

The problem is the delusional nonsense that appears in arguments on the right far more than on the left (e.g no one on the left will claim that the European communist regimes were well governed).

In this case I can't see any possible seriousness to the argument that Obamacare is left wing even though there is an obvious more left wing way of doing it (UHC) and that it was come up with by the Heritage Foundation.


So if Obama is as left wing and authoritarian as it is possible to be where exactly would you put Mao, Lenin and Stalin on the chart?

Unless it's military, then they're all for it!
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