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Apr 12, 2001

Apple News+ may provide users with an option to listen to audio versions of some stories in the future, according to publishers who spoke with Digiday:
Over the past several months, Apple has been asking the publishers participating in its year-old premium program for permission to produce audio versions of the stories distributed there, according to sources at four different publishers that have heard the pitch.

Apple will handle production costs, and compensate publishers in the same way it compensates them for the written content available on Apple News+, two sources said; Apple metes out 50% of subscriber revenue to publishers based on how much time those subscribers spend with publishers' content in a 30-day period.
There is no timetable for when the audio versions of stories may launch.

The report also notes that many publishers remain dissatisfied with the revenue they earn from Apple News. In December, one publisher told Digiday that they generate less than $20,000 per month from Apple News+.

Speaking on an earnings call last month, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that Apple News had reached 125 million monthly active users, but the company has not provided an update on Apple News+ subscribers since noting that over 200,000 users signed up for the service in the first 48 hours after it launched last year.

Article Link: Apple Considering Offering Audio Versions of News+ Stories
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 1, 2007
Palm Springs, CA
Of all of Apple's service expansions, this is actually my favorite and the one I see having the most long term promise.

That said, it's really embarrassing for Apple how poorly these have performed. Tim Cook has a lot of strengths, but if there was one thing Steve Jobs would have been absolutely perfect for, it would have been extending Apple's reach into the original production and distribution of art and media. It's a real shame we didn't get to see what that would have looked like—especially Apple TV+.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 20, 2015
I’ve tried to warm up to Apple News...for me, it’s less frustrating to simply web search what info I’m looking for. Apple News has too many paywalled stories (which I realize is how it’s paid for), but my admittedly cheapskate view is “why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?” ?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 14, 2018
Way back in 2015, there was a service that did just this. Professional voice actors reading news articles. It was awesome when walking morning commute etc.

This would be a huge feature addition!


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
I’ve tried to warm up to Apple News...for me, it’s less frustrating to simply web search what info I’m looking for. Apple News has too many paywalled stories (which I realize is how it’s paid for), but my admittedly cheapskate view is “why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?” ?
If Apple treated their news service like Apple TV I wouldn't have canceled. Instead of linking existing crap I mean news that I can get for free they should have made their own content. Make it simple, use existing news sources, report only facts and filter out the BS opinions, and report the news. I would easily pay $10 a month for it. The magazines were they only redeeming quality of the news subscription.


macrumors 68020
Jan 15, 2015
I use News+. I like the agglomeration of news and magazines from many sources.

I view magazines and news articles on my TV; mirrored with Apple TV. It would be much better if magazines and articles filled the entire screen. Only certain things, like videos played from an article, fill the entire screen.

Is Apple taking 50%. That's not good if publishers are complaining they're not making enough. Apple should take maybe 25%. Satisfied publishers will make better content.
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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
I use News+. I like the agglomeration of news and magazines from many sources.

I view magazines and news articles on my TV; mirrored with Apple TV. It would be much better if magazines and articles filled the entire screen. Only certain things, like videos played from an article, fill the entire screen.

Is Apple taking 50%. That's not good if publishers are complaining they're not making enough. Apple should take maybe 25%. Satisfied publishers will make better content.
Not really because they're not making the content exclusively for Apple. At least I haven't heard of such content so correct me if I'm wrong.


macrumors regular
Dec 5, 2018
Huntsville, Alabama
I may be in the minority, but I really like Apple News and News+ and think this would be a great enhancement for days I don't feel like reading but want some background. If you use it enough, it will start curating to your tastes and it's great IMO. I definitely get my money's worth in the service.
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macrumors 68020
Jan 15, 2015
Not really because they're not making the content exclusively for Apple. At least I haven't heard of such content so correct me if I'm wrong.

News is coming from all over the place. I don't know what is made for Apple News. Many leading and popular news providers are there. Getting good revenue from Apple News would give them more money to spend on better content. It would benefit everyone.

I don't see the typical advertising in news articles that you'd get on the Internet. This is one reason to make sure publishers are getting paid enough.

Maybe magazines are doing some things specifically for News+ because they're using Apple's SDK for it.
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macrumors regular
Mar 28, 2011
I only use Apple News for my news along with saying “Alexa, tell me the news.” And listening to the NPR broadcast I’m also a huge fan of audiobooks so to have this option is a neat addition to the Apple feature lineup. Huge win in the realm of accessibility also.


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
Too high a price, and Apple takes too much of a cut. I'd sooner consider paying directly for a subscription, so that the company that deserves the money gets it, not Apple. Apple is a middle-man, like a credit card processor, and should be charging accordingly, maybe 10%. Their 50% cut is absolutely insane - Apple is to blame for the declining quality of news.


macrumors 6502a
May 24, 2015
Tried a free trial again after it went live a year ago to see how much better it had been since then... adding audio to something that still sucks just means we can now hear the sucking sound....

There’s a lot of potential, but the UI and the writing are made irrelevant by the internet and up to the minute stories. Not to say there aren’t some interesting reads. But they are so far and few between that Apple has to force feed you these stories as a non subscriber and make you aware this is a premium offering. While I would click on them from time to time, I’ve never seen a story and thought I really wanted to read that!


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
News is coming from all over the place. I don't know what is made for Apple News. Many leading and popular news providers are there. Getting good revenue from Apple News would give them more money to spend on better content. It would benefit everyone.

I don't see the typical advertising in news articles that you'd get on the Internet. This is one reason to make sure publishers are getting paid enough.

Maybe magazines are doing some things specifically for News+ because they're using Apple's SDK for it.
From what I can tell could tell nothing was made for Apple news. It just seems like links to existing content that was already on the Internet. The Apple new subscription got you past some paywalls but I couldn’t find any original news content. I don’t see typical advertising in news articles you get on the Internet either. It’s called an ad blocker. Of course the Apple new subscription like I said got your past some paywalls so if you wanted to read the Wall Street Journal for example it was good. My problem was I didn’t want to read the Wall Street Journal. What I was hoping for was news separated from opinion. I forget the TV show but they used to say "just the facts ma’am". That’s what I wanted. News without hearing what some news caster felt about something. Maybe one day someone will come up with a news service that offers this and I will gladly subscribe. It’s just not Apple news unfortunately because I like Apple products and even Apple TV but Apple news subscription service has nothing Apple about it


macrumors 6502
May 13, 2019
I know a couple of people that listen to podcasts while working out to catch up on news. This would be a nice feature, could even save Apple News


Nov 9, 2013
Apple News is crap. The stories are available through better sources. The articles tend to be old and recycled over and over again for days or even weeks. For news to be news, it needs to be new! An old story ceased being news after it was first reported. And the paywall just makes it all suck even more. I can get my news from other easily accessed sources, and it is more up to date and less of an Entertainment Tonight style of garbage.


macrumors regular
Oct 28, 2007
Being stuck at home I signed up for Apple+. I like the access to the Apple+ stories and e-versions of major magazines.


macrumors 603
May 6, 2008
I haven't even thought about Apple News+ after trying it out when the service first became available. It didn't need a lasting impression on me as I typically ready WSJ, NYT and The Athletic. I honestly didn't see any value subscribing, when I'm not a magazine reader in the first place.


macrumors 6502
Jun 27, 2007
Newsify with RSS feeds (or some of the other RSS apps) is a much better choice. I use the paid version of Newsify so it shows all content and much cheaper than apple news+
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 4, 2003
That said, it's really embarrassing for Apple how poorly these have performed. Tim Cook has a lot of strengths, but if there was one thing Steve Jobs would have been absolutely perfect for, it would have been extending Apple's reach into the original production and distribution of art and media. It's a real shame we didn't get to see what that would have looked like—especially Apple TV+.
Actually, I think Steve would have had the wherewithal to stay the f--- out.

Tim thinks just because you throw a bunch of money at something you can be good at it.


macrumors regular
Sep 18, 2007
I tell it what I am interested in and it shows me things from Fake News. Tim Cook's politicization of the Apple universe it a tragedy. To miss-quote... If it isn't Hardware it is Crap!
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