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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 24, 2011
Dallas/Ft. Worth
Anyone else get this email?

My IUP order errored our early this morning when Pre-orders went live. I ended up ordering directly through AT&T for Nov 3 delivery. I would love to not be locked to AT&T with Next. However, I am going to be upset if I do this, get a credit hit and they quote a date other than November 3 which is very likely. :( Kudos to Apple for the extraordinary customer service though.

What would you do?



macrumors newbie
Sep 23, 2017
My thoughts are in line with yours. I don’t want another credit inquiry and would like to get the original delivery date.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 11, 2014
I got this email too. Last night my IUP had failed and had ended up in reservation queue due to ATT crap. I loved this gesture from Apple. Something which ATT should learn.


macrumors newbie
Apr 23, 2015
Hey guys - my wife got the following email tonight. Look suspicious but I honestly can't tell. Anyone have any ideas about this? She thought it was legit and responded so now I'm worried. Thanks. - Respond email was to

Information about your iPhone loan
Our records show that you may have recently encountered an issue while applying for a loan for an iPhone X.

To help us solve this issue as quickly as possible, please do one of the following by Sunday, October 29th, 11:59 PM PDT:

  1. If you have already placed a new order, please reply to this email and provide your order number (e.g. W1234567).
  2. If you have not placed a new order yet, visit or Apple Store app and place a new iPhone Upgrade Program order. Please then reply to this email and provide your order number.
We're excited to get you your new iPhone X, and we’re working hard to get it to you as soon as possible. Please check Online Order Status in three days to check the status of your order.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-800-MY-APPLE.



macrumors 68000
Sep 16, 2014
Seattle, WA
Did she apply for an iPhone loan? I would say this is suspicious because it seems unsolicited and I've never seen anything like it. But the fact that the reply-to email is at the domain makes it seem legitimate.


macrumors newbie
Apr 23, 2015
Yes, she did apply for the loan. I did also and got the same email (but haven't responded). I called Apple but of course you can't get through for your life right now.
call that phone number.

(if you're concerned with the content/authenticity of the email.. that's a real Apple number)

Yeah, I'm wondering if they disguised the whole thing to look real (with real links and numbers) hoping people would reply with the info they want. Or maybe this is legit and is coming more from the loan company side of things. It's very strange.


macrumors 68030
Dec 20, 2009
a small village near London
This seems exceptionally dodgy.

It’s good practice to never reply back to an email, I can’t see Apple emailing asking for numbers rather than asking you to contact them!!

Be on the lookout for an address change on your order and call Apple ASAP using a number from their website
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flat five

macrumors 603
Feb 6, 2007
Yeah, I'm wondering if they disguised the whole thing to look real (with real links and numbers) hoping people would reply with the info they want. .
that's why you should call the number.
it's an actual, documented, common -- Apple phone number..

they can't phish info from that number.. if it's fake, the Apple rep will know.

(but, i don't think it's fake.. still, the # is the safe play ;) )
call Apple ASAP using a number from their website
oh.. like the number in the email?

Screen Shot 2017-10-28 at 1.00.16 AM.png
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macrumors newbie
Oct 27, 2017
Anyone else get this email?

My IUP order errored our early this morning when Pre-orders went live. I ended up ordering directly through AT&T for Nov 3 delivery. I would love to not be locked to AT&T with Next. However, I am going to be upset if I do this, get a credit hit and they quote a date other than November 3 which is very likely. :( Kudos to Apple for the extraordinary customer service though.

What would you do?

View attachment 728290

Last night I was pretty bummed out going to sleep expecting to wake up to the email I did in fact receive 3 hours after the failed order telling me there was a problem verifying my information and that the order couldnt be processed.

so I prepared myself for no iPhone until 2018.

Then this evening around 6:45 pst I received this same email, immediately placed the order the same way I tried to last night and everything went through. I replied to the email with my order number.

So either Apple wins the best customer service EVER award for hunting us out and giving us an opportunity OR they got me hook line and sinker with a cyrpitic email that just eludes to prepping my order for nov 3 delivery and I’ll get it mid December. Hopeing for the latter! Will update if I receive official word that my delivery date has been changed from the mid December window.


macrumors newbie
Oct 27, 2017
I received the email and went for it... figured it can get cleaned up if once I do get Apple on the phone and this wasn’t genuine.


macrumors 68030
Dec 20, 2009
a small village near London
that's why you should call the number.
it's an actual, documented, common -- Apple phone number..

they can't phish info from that number.. if it's fake, the Apple rep will know.

(but, i don't think it's fake.. still, the # is the safe play ;) )
oh.. like the number in the email?

View attachment 728322

We don’t have numbers like that in the U.K. so I have no idea what’s correct or not.

my point is it’s good practice to not do anything through the email and instead go to the companies website.


macrumors newbie
Oct 27, 2017
We don’t have numbers like that in the U.K. so I have no idea what’s correct or not.

my point is it’s good practice to not do anything through the email and instead go to the companies website.

With the Sunday night deadline I figured why not, I’m pretty sure Apple could handle taking care of me if some scammer was able to do anything with an order number. I have plenty of documention via emails from the order and the email in question I think they’d rectify it.
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macrumors 65816
Jun 21, 2010
We don’t have numbers like that in the U.K. so I have no idea what’s correct or not.

my point is it’s good practice to not do anything through the email and instead go to the companies website.

In the US, phone buttons have numbers and letters (2ABC, 3DEF, 4GHI, etc.), I think you would have the same thing. The point of 1-800-MY APPLE, it's easy to remember, but the number is actually 1-800-792-8853.


macrumors 68030
Dec 20, 2009
a small village near London
In the US, phone buttons have numbers and letters (2ABC, 3DEF, 4GHI, etc.), I think you would have the same thing. The point of 1-800-MY APPLE, it's easy to remember, but the number is actually 1-800-792-8853.

Yeah we have the letters but never use numbers like that! (Not that I’ve seen anyway) wonder why it’s much better way of remembering a number.


macrumors 68030
Dec 20, 2009
a small village near London
he just showed you..
what's easier to remember

1-800-MY APPLE




What on earth is wrong with you???? I was agreeing with him!!

Every response from you has been sarcastic so far. Welcome to the blocked list.
Apple would never ask you to respond to an email and provide your order number.

That was my concern
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flat five

macrumors 603
Feb 6, 2007
What on earth is wrong with you???? I was agreeing with him!!

i misinterpreted what you said then..

"wonder why it’s much better way of remembering a number."

i thought you meant you were questioning as to whether or not a phone # is easier to remember if it's written as words..
my bad.

Every response from you has been sarcastic so far. Welcome to the blocked list.

i'm sorry but i don't think i'm being sarcastic with you..

the issue is this (as i see it)..

the advice you've given to the OP is good advice and a safe way to approach questionable emails.. i completely agree with you..
it's just that, in this particular scenario, you're saying "go to the website and find the number there then call it"..
great.. good advice.

but -- that's what it's saying to do in the email.
it's listing in the email and giving the phone # that you'll find when you do your advice..

when you follow your advice in order to verify the authenticity of this email, in this scenario, you'll end up calling the phone number that the email is telling you to call. ; )

that user

macrumors member
Jan 4, 2011
I got the same email.

I had so many errors and the whole process was so glitchy at every single step that I don’t really know which try they are referring to.

I currently have the December 11-18 delivery window. Hopefully they will expedite it somehow.

It says wait for 3 days and then check your status so I will update here on Monday or whenever there’s any movement.
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