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macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
I don't think that is possible to shut down the store and fire them. If that would happen, there is going to be a civil lawsuit from each employee. I don't think Apple would be happy about that. Similar to this lawsuit below.

Actually it's well within Apple's rights to do just that. Apple, and really any retailer, can shut down a store, fire its employees and there's not a thing unions can do to stop it.


macrumors 6502
Feb 6, 2004
Why are Americans so against unions?

They've been brainwashed to fear what is good for them - unions, free healthcare, free education, paid holidays, employment rights, food standards, ....

Free healthcare, free education, paid holidays, employment rights, and food standards should all be expected in every developed country. Unfortunately that is not the case in USA. I hope that will change and we will catch up with the rest of the civilized world.

Unions have little to do with the above. In essence, unions are organized bullying. That worked 100 years ago in fixing some important factory work related problems, but today is a hindrance to the both parties involved.


Nov 8, 2015
I know. I just can't stand unions. In my experience it just creates lazy workers because they know it's next to impossible to be fired. They create this weird cult like environment (calling each other "brother", ect.). And the union dues end up just buying the union bosses nice cars, houses, etc. and workers end up only seeing a small fraction at best coming back to them from what they put in. It's like a ponzi scheme.

Then just the very idea that some peon that is doing a job that literally anyone off the street can do is telling someone that had the talent, vision, money, and blood sweat and tears how they HAVE to run their company is just complete BS.

We have laws to protect workers. If any laws are being broken, then take that up with the labour board. Don't like the benefits, pay, etc. at your job? That sucks, but you're welcome to go find another one that offers what you need.
Good that what you can't stand isn't relevant...


macrumors regular
Jan 10, 2012
Agreed. This store is basically in Baltimore. And Baltimore is filled with weird non-normal people.

I think these people in this store really just ‘dont get it’
White person here living in Baltimore COUNTY, where this store happens to be located at - Towson MD. A region predominantly Asians or white. But fret not, you are free to use the stereotype card to look like a jerk all day long.


macrumors 68020
Sep 26, 2014
unionization = more expensive products

i don't mind paying for better worker pay, but if you're going to complain why the next iPhone is $100 more expensive, this is why

apple passes the cost onto consumers. don't like it? don't buy it. it's very simple
Apple = more expensive products. Fix it for you, don't like it no one is forcing you to buy the product


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
You idiots are getting everything you deserve. You wanted this. You asked for this. You voted for this.

Now reap the consequences of what you sowed while the rest of the world laughs in your face.
Haha, a bit harsh, but not untrue. Ignorance in this instance definitely is not bliss.

Apple gave them the skills to seek better opportunities, but for some odd reason, they decided to unionize, give up a % of their pay to people they don’t know, and continue working for a company that supposedly mistreats them. I find this behavior so very bizarre.


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
Most people? Sounds to me like you live in a bubble. I was introduced to PragerU content from a friend of mine and I found their videos to be quite insightful, factual, and common sensical. I’ve only met a handful of people who think as you do, and these people either never saw a PragerU video or didn’t have any facts to debunk/debate their viewpoints seriously. They were just parroting what other people told them.
Sounds like you live in a bubble.


macrumors 6502
Dec 3, 2012
Wake Forest, NC
This makes me laugh. The sense of entitlement by these employees is overwhelming. They wanted a union to negotiate for them. Now that the union has failed to negotiate what they consider to be fair, they want the rules regarding negotiation to change. Ford and GM non-unionized employees receive different benefits from those negotiated on behalf of their UAW members. It's been that way for decades, and it is perfectly legal. What if Apple decided to cut benefits for all of its non-unionized employees? How long do you think it would take for those represented by the union to scream bloody murder if their benefits were cut beyond those negotiated in the latest contract?

The most ironic, yet sayisfying, thing is that Tim is having to go so much against his progressive grain here.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 2, 2018
Ladies and gentlemen. Here’s a person that defends a trillion dollar company not properly paying and providing benefits for their employees.
"Proper" pay and benefits are what the law requires them to be, which is what Apple is providing. The value of the employer has no bearing on what they need to pay their employees. Are you saying employee pay should be based on the companies profits? Because that's not how it works 😆

NY Guitarist

macrumors 68000
Mar 21, 2011
Apple's unionized workers are pathetic & brainwashed liberal Democrat socialists.
Illiberal propaganda from the 'free market' capitalism ideology that only wants a free market for them, not for everyone.

Thankfully, PragerU has created a few videos on the harmful effects of unions:
^ Speaking of propaganda.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2021
What a bunch of pathetic losers. Hopefully the store gets shut down and they're all fired.

I agree that Apple is handling this whole thing like a petulant child but don’t you think it’s a little harsh? I mean, Tim Cook and his team have been on board for years and this is the first time they’ve done anything this stupid


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
Free healthcare, free education, paid holidays, employment rights, and food standards should all be expected in every developed country. Unfortunately that is not the case in USA. I hope that will change and we will catch up with the rest of the civilized world.

Unions have little to do with the above. In essence, unions are organized bullying. That worked 100 years ago in fixing some important factory work related problems, but today is a hindrance to the both parties involved.
Except they're not free.

Someone, somewhere is paying for it. That whole "Free......." mantra is a complete lie. Just because YOU are not paying for it does not mean that somebody, somewhere else isn't.


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
Have you seen our test scores? We’re not good students of history (or anything for that matter.) 🤣
Haha, so very true. The teachers unions are the absolute worst, and run half the political party in America. Obama had a choice: help inner city (mostly black and Hispanic) school children or help the teachers unions. To no one’s surprise, he let the students suffer (most likely ruining their chances of succeeding in life) and sided with the teachers unions.

There’s a reason why Dems love unions… it has nothing to do with caring about people. They happen to be in bed together, politically speaking.


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
Man I hope things don’t escalate and deteriorate and Apple decides to shut down all their retail stores and only sell through partners and online. That would really stink.


macrumors 6502
Aug 14, 2009
Wow - some hardline capitalists here. Workers must have the right to organise and the right to withdraw labour. The past 30-40 years have seen flatlining in pay relative to increasing productivity, worsening conditions and a dramatic widening of inequalities in wealth and income. Countries with unionised workforces in fact have greater productivity and higher wages and the US used to have this too. Tech companies also have a terrible record in exploitation of workers in Asia. The only way to cement better terms and conditions for all is to unionise - anything else is at the give and take of corporate managers.
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