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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
continued from this page

Loops (Continued)

- When you add an Apple Loop to the timeline, it is matched to the key of the song. If you change the key of the song, the regions created from the loops are transposed to the new key. GarageBand can also use loops created for other music software. In some cases, these loops may not be matched to the key of the song, or may not be transposed if you change the song's key. (In which case it can be done manually)

- You can add a loop or other audio file (in AIFF, WAV, or MP3 format) to a song by dragging it directly from the Finder to the timeline. You can drag the audio file either to a Real Instrument track or to an empty area below the existing tracks. When you add an MP3 file by dragging it to the timeline, the file is converted to an AIFF file which is stored as part of the song.


- To play the onscreen keyboard, click the notes on the keyboard. You can click when the song is playing or stopped, and record by clicking during recording. Clicking notes lower on the keys plays notes with higher velocity, and clicking higher plays notes with lower velocity.

- You can also connect a MIDI-compatible music keyboard to your computer to play and record Software Instruments.

- You can connect a microphone to your computer using the computer's audio in port, if your computer has one. You can also connect an audio interface to your computer, then connect instruments and microphones to the audio interface for recording. Audio interfaces are available in a variety of compatible formats, including USB, FireWire, PCI, and PC card formats. You can also connect an audio mixer or console to your computer, and record microphones or instruments through the mixer.

- When you add a Real Instrument track, you select the input channel (or pair of channels, for stereo input) for the instrument in the New Track dialog. You can change the input channel, and whether the track uses mono or stereo input, in the Track Info window. You can also turn on monitoring so you can hear the instrument before recording. (According to one report, you can record two mono channels simultaneously)


- You can edit individual notes in a Software Instrument region to adjust their timing, length, and pitch. You can also copy, paste, and delete notes.
The notes in the region are shown in a graphic "piano roll" format. The left edge of a note shows where it starts in the timeline. The length of a note shows how long it plays. The vertical position of the note shows its pitch in relation to the piano keyboard displayed along the left edge of the editor.
Each note also shows how hard you pressed the key when you played the note (called the note's "velocity"). Notes played softly are lighter gray, and notes played more intensely are darker. Many Software Instruments change their sound depending on how hard you press the key.

- Files are exported to iTunes in AIFF format. You can convert the exported file to another format, such as AAC or MP3, from within iTunes.


- The maximum number of notes Software Instruments can play at once depends on the CPU of your computer.

- The maximum number of Real Instrument tracks and Software Instrument Tracks your songs can have depends on the amount of RAM memory installed in your computer.
ive said it once ill say it again GB is just Acid Pro to me with an apple bit of flair added to it. still its a great app more or less free and who the hell wont at least play around with it. I know i will be
Prolly no AAC because Apple's trying to avoid people remixing and distributing songs they *bought* in the ITMS, or other parts of their iTunes colle ction. Kinda odd, anybody with any desire will be able to just burn CDs, then rip them to MP3.

Looks like I need to buy some more RAM.
Originally posted by Sabenth
ive said it once ill say it again GB is just Acid Pro to me with an apple bit of flair added to it.

At $249 less!! :D

Actually, Acid is primarily a loop arranging program with midi support. Loops are only one part of what GarageBand does. I don't the the two programs are very comparable.
Originally posted by elgruga
Also odd it cant import AIFF files - or can it?

Ummm, I think it said

You can add a loop or other audio file (in AIFF, WAV, or MP3 format) to a song by dragging it directly from the Finder to the timeline

Kinda direct in saying what it can import....
Great! Thanks for increased clarity on this bugger. Well if you can import your own loops then it goes with out saying that you can also make your own in other programs then drag 'n drop. Thats a big deal. Soundtrack is compatible with all the ACID loops available commercially. So must GB apparently. If your savvy you can also rip some loops out of AKAI discs. My only remaining question is yay or nay on the AU instruments like Absynth or Kontakt?
What I really want to know for sure (and maybe it's just something that I'm overlooking) is if I get one of those m-box inputs that have 2 xlr and some other inputs and connect via USB, will GB record just one track of all mixed together, or seperate each vocal track and each instrument track?
Originally posted by Sabenth
ive said it once ill say it again GB is just Acid Pro to me with an apple bit of flair added to it. still its a great app more or less free and who the hell wont at least play around with it. I know i will be

Actually, ACID Pro has -zero- included software instruments. While you can do a MIDI piano roll edit to trigger other instruments you purchase elsewhere in ACID, GarageBand is the first mainstream application to combine audio recording/loop aranging/software instruments in one package...
Originally posted by darkhawk64
What I really want to know for sure (and maybe it's just something that I'm overlooking) is if I get one of those m-box inputs that have 2 xlr and some other inputs and connect via USB, will GB record just one track of all mixed together, or seperate each vocal track and each instrument track?

I'd say it's unlikely GB would mix em all together; I'd imagine they'll either record all as separate tracks, or you'll be limited to recording one at a time
Originally posted by darkhawk64
What I really want to know for sure (and maybe it's just something that I'm overlooking) is if I get one of those m-box inputs that have 2 xlr and some other inputs and connect via USB, will GB record just one track of all mixed together, or seperate each vocal track and each instrument track?
I would assume that, to keep things simple, GB only supports mono or stereo recording. More advanced audio routing should be reserved for applications like Logic Audio and Pro Tools. So if anyone out there are using, say, a MOTU 828 or similar multichannel incerfaces, a more advanced application is preferable. Nevertheless, in GB you may still record two unrelated tracks as a stereo track and then split the file into two different mono tracks (this is possible in SoundTrack as well).
edit: To fully answer your question: The Digidesign mbox is a two-channel stereo interface, so even in Pro Tools LE (which is included with the mbox) you will only be able to record either in dual mono or in single stereo. /edit
For all of those who keep blabbing about ACID being $299...there is Screenblast ACID 4.0 for $69.99 list.

I hope Sountrack gets some GB treatment...but instead of Midi Instruments...AU Instruments.
Originally posted by darkhawk64
What I really want to know for sure (and maybe it's just something that I'm overlooking) is if I get one of those m-box inputs that have 2 xlr and some other inputs and connect via USB, will GB record just one track of all mixed together, or seperate each vocal track and each instrument track?

A great question and as someone who owns an Mbox and will be getting iLife the first day it hits an Apple Store I'd be happy to let you know. It really depends on how much trouble Apple may have put into the software recognizing different input device set ups, hopefull some, and the Mbox et al will have dual support. Regardless Mbox is still a good balanced XLR and instrument input device with some bells and whistles just a regular input wouldn't have.
It really looks like they've pulled out all the stops on this little App to produce the most unlimiting thing possible. They've catered for non-musicians and musicians (and probably will start encouraging people who don't play to start!).

This looks just what I'm looking for. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Bass Amps

Am I the only Bass player who is a mac user? I havent noticed any other comments (including other places) about the lack of bass amps.

Or did I miss info on it someplace?

Re: Bass Amps

Ah bass amps all sound the same. ;)

Just kidding! Just another guitar player buggin a bass player.

Originally posted by aaroncd
Am I the only Bass player who is a mac user? I havent noticed any other comments (including other places) about the lack of bass amps.

Or did I miss info on it someplace?

Can it OUTPUT MIDI to real MIDI devices?

The $49 keyboard will still need a USB-MIDI gizmo, right?

To me, GB seems very much like PC's Cakewalk, with added software synths. Of course, hundreds of dollars cheaper, and hopefully a lot easier to use.

The WORST part of GB is that it does NOT play OUT to connected MIDI instruments. Thus, my synth, tone generator and drum machine require another package like Tracktion or Intuem (both under $100 and available for OSX; my preference is ).Tracktion.

But APPLE will NEED to add MIDI OUT for the future, and the ability to save and import .MID files. For a 1.0 release, it's a great program, but it needs more for future development.
Originally posted by cubist
The $49 keyboard will still need a USB-MIDI gizmo, right?
The keyboard showed during the keynote is $99, 49 notes wide, and USB. So I guess it doesn't need an external USB/MIDI converter. This keyboard can actually act like such a converter -- routing the Mac's MIDI messages through USB to the MIDI out port. I don't know if GB outputs them, though.

(Disclaimer: all of this info comes from the Apple Store; I don't own the device.)
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