Love the Apple leather cases I had one for my 7. Will they protect the X from getting scratched up? The only thing I hate about them is the bottom is exposed.
Agree. I love the way it protects the camera bump. I loved it on the 7+ and it’s even better on the X. I would use this case or no case at all.Yes, the Apple leather case for the iPhone X is fantastic, it's just as protective as the one you've used in the past for the 7 which I find to be more than acceptable considering it's quality and thinness.
Thanks guys. I’m just a little more careful with this phone cause it’s quite a bit more expensive and I plan to keep it for awhile lol
Yeah I kinda like that color and the midnight blue one.Saddle brown Apple leather case is best case.
Saddle brown Apple leather case is best case.
The only thing I don’t understand is why Apple left the bottom exposed.
Apple leather case is attractive and protective. It has a small lip in front which may prevent damage in case of a Face down fall. The case is not slippery and is well designed
That may be true. That’s why I’m using the Apple leather case + Apple Care. I think I’m plenty covered.Apple cases do not adequately protect the phone when it is accidentally dropped especially from the height above the waist. They are nice but they are not protective enough against impact and high level drop.
Apple cases do not adequately protect the phone when it is accidentally dropped especially from the height above the waist. They are nice but they are not protective enough against impact and high level drop.
Apple cases do not adequately protect the phone when it is accidentally dropped especially from the height above the waist. They are nice but they are not protective enough against impact and high level drop.
Are you saying this from experience or just your opinion? I ask because it's very hard to find actual "i dropped my phone" stories from people with the leather case.
Yeah, but you need patience for the patina to kick in and in its new state it looks awkward.
What's your patina level?
Depends a lot on what it lands on. Carpet has been fine, I can tell you from experience. Stone/tile is a problem. Hardwood, I would be worried.
I actually have dropped phones in Apple leather cases, but only on carpet. Actually, that's not quite true. I've dropped it on the train, which has a linoleum floor, and that's always been fine, too. But I have learned, the hard way, that a minimal case like this does not make a safe bet over hard surfaces.
Sweet just got mine about 30 mins ago. I love it. I got the red one on my spacegrey.I have the saddle brown leather case for my X and so far I have only dropped it once from about 4 feet onto a wood floor. There was no damage and no cosmetic blemishes. If I dropped it on gravel or some other uneven surface it's likely there would be little scratches on exposed portions depending on how it fell. Regardless, I think Apple's cases are a good balance between protection and still allowing some design elements of the phone to show. I've got Applecare for catastrophic damage.
The case itself gets a little scratched from my fingernails (they are clipped short!) but they rub out after a day or so.
Well I never no what I’m gonna do next year lol. If they drastically change things I may sell this one and buy a new one. So I want to keep it scratch/damage free. I’m just hoping the little edges on the bottom will keep it from getting scratched.Had it on my 6 for 2.5 years and bought it again for my X. Considering I dropped my phone every other day and never use a screen protector, it held up fine.
It's inevitable to not get scratches/nicks with the bottom exposed, nor should it matter if you're planning on keeping your phone for a while. Those nicks won't hinder the performance of the phone and since you're keeping it for a long time, resale value won't be as high regardless.