Isn't the case to protect your iPhone? Guess you could get a case for your case.Wow , so something like a Seidio surface is better I assume ? Or no case at all lol
I don't have the leather but from reviews, the lighter colors tend to discolor from normal use and if the leather gets wet. You can spray with a stain/water proofer or like the patina. Black would show discoloration the least.
I have the white silicone so I can speak for it. If you just put it on and leave it - it stays looking like new for a long time. The white stays clean and doesn't discolor like PTU. If you have a hard drop either leather or silicone will show damage but will protect your phone. The main problem with the silicone is that if you take it off an on a lot, the bottom corners will come apart from the inner plastic and chip or peel. The flexing of the corners to remove the case causes the problem. If you just put the case on and leave it - the peeling doesn't happen.
I've tried a ton of other cases and like the fit and overall feel of the silicone.
My blue leather looks great after 5-6 months of use. No signs of wear or discoloration. By far the best case I've had of the 8 or 9 I've tried!
The leather holds up longer than the silicone. The silicone surrounds a hard plastic shell, and over the course of a couple of months, the silicone is prone to peel at the bottom edges.
I had a black silicone on my 6+ for about 3 months. It peeled and I took it into Apple so they could look at it. The rep said they indeed had some issues with peeling silicone and offered to take back the case for full credit.
I have two 6+ phones and have a black leathercase on each one. I've had the cases for over a month and have not had any issues as of yet.
Of course leather is going to discolor and change texture over time. You learn this in T-Ball and little league baseball when you are 5 years old. It's the nature of leather.
The peeling issue with the silicone seems to happen when inserting/removing your phone from pants pockets frequently. Over a few months, I had some moderate peeling from this and only took the case off maybe 2 or 3 times.
It's a tie. Both not durable.
This. They both wear but in different ways. The leather will get scratched up, the silicone will leave fingerprints and pick up a crapload of lint. I wouldn't mind either as much, except for the fact that these cases ain't cheap.