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macrumors member
Dec 13, 2021
I also have a 2015 macbook pro and can fell you, 4 usb-c ports makes the conectivity almost useless, specially in university enviroments, where they normally (at least here in spain, dont know how they are in germany) have hdmi/usb-A electronic equiment. And you are also working as well which is very important also!

This post has been like a tennis court with the ball going from: your not entitled, to: you should ask for everything. but in fact you should definitelly fight for the m1 pro 14” it is quite a normal thing to do, your just asking to equalize what you had which in this case the only thing they have is a 14 inch macbook pro you cant ask less because there isnt anything else. You simply need a 3 display support + certain type of conectors, something M1’s dont have

To push for a 4000€ macbook is really not something you’re entitled, but your original macbook pro value does go arround the same as the stock 14 inch. Apple is still a company and even if they want to compensate you they will try to save on their side if they can, it is a business after all. Really push them a lot to get it, going to the store and being able to physically speak and re-emphasize the importance of your problem will help. I normally dont like to do it but stubbornness has helped me in the past.

I really hope you get the best outcome in this matter, viel Glück.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
This thread has gone on a long time, with little really said.

The way I see it:
- The OP's original MBP is lost (probably stolen).
- Apple didn't "lose it". UPS (or the carrier that was being used) did.
- There really isn't much Apple can do to change that. All they can do is offer a replacement to the OP. This really isn't their fault, they'll be losing money on it, and they probably don't know much more about what's going on (at UPS) than the OP does.
- The OP is worried about the data on it, but that is AND WILL REMAIN unresolved.
The MBP is gone/stolen, and that's pretty much that. If it was stolen, the thief probably won't be able to access the data anyway.
- Apple is offering the OP a 2020 MBP 13".
- That's probably the best the OP can do, so he'd better take them up on it. Smile and say "danke"...
- OP can restore data from a backup

... and that's pretty much "the end of the story"...unless UPS suddenly "discovers" the MPB in the next few days.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
And? And? And? And?

LATEST TERRIBLE NEWS: long story short: they are insisting on the 2020 M1 13". And todays manager was extremely unhelpful and careless.

I went to the store, genius Bar, there was none of the persons I talked to 2 days ago. I could not find the employee, nor the manager.
Another manager came to my desk, told me that the previous manager is sick and not here, but he is already informed about the issue.
We started talking. First, he told me that the issue is still going by the UPS. Hence we need to wait until tomorrow. If tomorrow no news exist, okay it is 100% time to replace the device with a new one, that is 2020 M1 13". And he also was like already informed about my concerns like input ports, and displays.

Here is what have happened!:

After he told me these, I started talking. I expressed that I am feeling like it is a DEJAVU, because I was already told the same things 2 days ago by the previous manager and the employee.
He told me again, the investigation is still going even today. He was expressing confidently like he does not know (!) if my device lost or not. But the previous manager was already guessing it is 99% lost, and he understood all of my concerns 2 days ago. Todays manager was so confident and careless, did not even try to understand and help. He just went through the ordinary process.

Then I told him one more thing:
I had all the ports and 2 display support with my Early 2015 device, but now you are offering me the 2020 M1 one and you are considering these two devices as equal. How do you give me 2 additional monitor support and the HDMI-SD Card ports?
He answered like:
We can give you a HDMI dongle, and I am not sure but we can maybe try to give the SD Card dongle as well. And when you purchase a USB Type C Hub, you can get 2 display support with the help of that hub.

Can you believe this? He wants me to spend money and purchase an expensive TypeC hub for the 2 additional display problem. And also he was not sure to give the SD Card dongle as well, which I will completely ignore and deny.

After 1 hour of talk, I got really angry and upset. I started expressing the same things; he was not looking at the issue from the perspective of my job and education. I told him that I always and everyday need 2 display support and HDMI-SD Card ports. Instead of understanding and finding a better solution, he was so confident and careless to offer me 2020 M1 13", with a free dongle (!), and he advised me to purchase an expensive TypeC Hub for the displays.

The guy who offered these to me was the "manager" of that store. Imagine please. It was "Apple" (!).
He kept also telling me that if I want a 2021 14" MBP, I have to pay the price difference. I can not get it. This is not fair. They took my device from me, and they are now trying to take the productivity and usability features from me as well. He does not care how I was using my Early 2015, he does not care about the functionality, he does not care about the ports and display support.
The only things he were mentioning was like "Your device was around 1100 USD in 2016, but now we are giving you a 1500 USD device for free (for free? look at the below to see what is for free)", and also "2020 M1 device is more faster than yours, so it is enough and fair to have it".
You see that he is just looking at the issue from the perspective of "speed and hardware" and "price".
I got really upset and unsatisfied after all these, when I expressed my feelings to him, he was careless as well.

There is one more thing which made me to lose all of my trust to the Apple employees/managers:
2 days ago when I asked the first manager about any price, like, "how much should I pay when you give me a replacement for free", he told me that "There will be no price, zero, as we have lost your computer".

But today, the new manager told me that: "In either case like 2020 M1 or 2021 14", you have to pay the battery replacement cost as 209 Euro. If you want to upgrade from 2020 to 2021 MBP, it will be 209 Euro + the difference in between two devices (around 800 Euro)".

I was really shocked at that moment! There existed a completely different information. First manager told there will be no cost, zero, todays told there will be at least the battery replacement cost in either case.
Terrible experience!

I made another appointment for tomorrow to see the previous employee and the manager, as they were way more helpful and trying to find a way to make me satisfied. And also in these 2 days, these people give me completely different information.

Now the final options are:
1) To have a chance to get the 2021 14" for free (almost impossible if I consider today)
2) To get the 2020 M1 13" for free (almost impossible as well since he wants me to pay the battery replacement price)
3) To pay the difference only from 2020 to 2021 (almost 800 Euro, but almost 650 Euro with student discount)
4) To pay the difference (either normal or student cost) + the battery replacement cost (209) which todays manager wants


macrumors 65816
Mar 28, 2019
Yeah, that sucks. I think trying to meet the original manager is a good idea, but you might be out of luck. It might be time to send an email to Tim Cook. I know it’s a long shot, but sometimes good things can happen. Sorry this has happened to you, and I’m sorry they’ve decided to take a hard line, you don’t deserve it.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
Yeah, that sucks. I think trying to meet the original manager is a good idea, but you might be out of luck. It might be time to send an email to Tim Cook. I know it’s a long shot, but sometimes good things can happen. Sorry this has happened to you, and I’m sorry they’ve decided to take a hard line, you don’t deserve it.
I really would like to elevate all these issues to an upper department, but how do I do this?
I have no proofs, I have not recorded any speech 2 days ago, when the previous manager told me there was going to be no cost in the replacement with 2020 M1.

But from my heart, I am extremely feeling like this is not fair. They took all the things from me, but they do not try to help at all. I would like all these to be known by the upper sides of the Apple as well. However I do not know how to do.

Sending a letter or an e-mail now is really a long shot, it takes maybe days or weeks to be seen, or maybe infinitely time. But I can not believe how these can apple in the middle of an European country.
They are careless.
Where are the customer based solutions?
Where are the premium quality?
Why do they try to avoid understanding me and my usage type, and try to cut the chance of 2021 models?
I can not understand, todays person was an extreme careless.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
i'm so frustrated and sad for you.
Thanks for your kind words. I can not believe these happened to me.

But I am a person who always keep fighting with unfair situations. Now, this is a complete unfairness!

I am the victim, and they are still giving me damage. This, in either way, is going to be elevated to higher departments and higher managers.


macrumors 65816
Mar 28, 2019
This thread is so long, I can’t remember all the details. Did you have any luck when you called support? I don’t know if maybe you called them, then calmly described the whole situation, including the changing response and the continued delay, if they might escalate you to someone who could actually do something about it. I‘ve had apple do a good job with me, and I’ve had them do the bare minimum, so it’s really chance at play here.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
This thread is so long, I can’t remember all the details. Did you have any luck when you called support? I don’t know if maybe you called them, then calmly described the whole situation, including the changing response and the continued delay, if they might escalate you to someone who could actually do something about it. I‘ve had apple do a good job with me, and I’ve had them do the bare minimum, so it’s really chance at play here.
I have already called them last week, but it was not about these last issues.
Maybe I try one more time. You are right.


macrumors 6502
Oct 24, 2014
Firstly, I hope tomorrow’s guys go back to what they previously offered.

It’s frustrating that the news is not perfect, but it could be worse. Remember that your device had more ports, etc., but is 6 years old and is more and more likely to die every day. The replacement offered would be current generation, with a warranty and will run rings around your old Mac! Yes, you may need to get an additional hub for your workflow, but I think you’ll still be in a better position overall – what would you need to spend for the next say 3 years? So, spending E209 on a battery vs. < E209 for a hub for a new Mac? I’d take the hub option.

However, they want you to pay the E209…again, IMO, that is a little harsh and they should waive that, all things considered. So long story short, having the 2020 is not terrible at all, maybe just get them to compromise on the E209?

Edit: life doesn’t always work out 100% perfectly and it’s sometimes worthwhile compromising. The effort required for an all-out win may not be worth it. Talking from current and previous experiences. Good luck ?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
Firstly, I hope tomorrow’s guys go back to what they previously offered.

It’s frustrating that the news is not perfect, but it could be worse. Remember that your device had more ports, etc., but is 6 years old and is more and more likely to die every day. The replacement offered would be current generation, with a warranty and will run rings around your old Mac! Yes, you may need to get an additional hub for your workflow, but I think you’ll still be in a better position overall – what would you need to spend for the next say 3 years? So, spending E209 on a battery vs. < E209 for a hub for a new Mac? I’d take the hub option.

However, they want you to pay the E209…again, IMO, that is a little harsh and they should waive that, all things considered. So long story short, having the 2020 is not terrible at all, maybe just get them to compromise on the E209?

Edit: life doesn’t always work out 100% perfectly and it’s sometimes worthwhile compromising. The effort required for an all-out win may not be worth it. Talking from current and previous experiences. Good luck ?
First of all, getting a 2020 M1 is not an option for me. It is because I can not benefit that device, which I already thought of it 1-2 months ago, and then decided not to purchase due to the disadvantages. It is completely lower than my early 2015, not about speed and hardware, but in terms of productivity and functionality. And I will need a hub, which I hate. I can not carry a hub or some dongles to everywhere. If I would, I would buy another brand of computer. Apple is not this kind.

For this reason, there is no chance for me to just accept the 2020 model. In either way, it is going to be the 2021 one, but they want me to pay a loooot money (the difference between two models + battery).
Where is the senseful point here?
Where is the standard? How could he say this to me today, while the previous manager told me there was going to be no (zero(!!)) cost?

If I consider the situation in a way that you mentioned, you are right, I can agree.
However this is not so easy like that.

They lost my device, they are replacing with a less functional and less productivity-friendly device, why?
Because it is faster and more expensive.
Really?! Is this the only point I must consider?!
And then they are still making me to be pushed down, by telling me that "You will need to buy a TypeC Hub".
He should feel himself ashamed.


macrumors 6502
Jan 9, 2007
New Zealand
I really would like to elevate all these issues to an upper department, but how do I do this?
I have no proofs, I have not recorded any speech 2 days ago, when the previous manager told me there was going to be no cost in the replacement with 2020 M1.

But from my heart, I am extremely feeling like this is not fair. They took all the things from me, but they do not try to help at all. I would like all these to be known by the upper sides of the Apple as well. However I do not know how to do.

Sending a letter or an e-mail now is really a long shot, it takes maybe days or weeks to be seen, or maybe infinitely time. But I can not believe how these can apple in the middle of an European country.
They are careless.
Where are the customer based solutions?
Where are the premium quality?
Why do they try to avoid understanding me and my usage type, and try to cut the chance of 2021 models?
I can not understand, todays person was an extreme careless.
If your story makes the front page of MacRumors, that may will help elevate your concerns to Apple? ?

Not sure if you considered this: If you relied on virtual machines (e.g., Windows or Linux) on your old Intel mac, then these won't run on an M1 mac.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
If your story makes the front page of MacRumors, that may will help elevate your concerns to Apple? ?

Not sure if you considered this: If you relied on virtual machines (e.g., Windows or Linux) on your old Intel mac, then these won't run on an M1 mac.
I was using a Win10 via BootCamp on my Early 2015, but I already accepted this right now. Because I was using it so rarely, so if I ever need it on a M1 or a M1 Pro device, I have no idea what to do. Right now I just hope I will not need them.

This is another disadvantage which I can handle, I guess. I do not pay attention to this so much now.

Besides this, I hope someone important from Apple comes and sees these all comments from me, maybe he/she tries to understand why I am screaming and why I am fighting for this issue so much. I will definitely need those 2 DISPLAY SUPPORT and HDMI-SD INPUTS!

There is no sense for me to make me offered the 2020 M1 ones. Please.

By the way, I am now looking for current e-mail adresses of the Apple. All possible departments, all possible upper sides, either from USA or Europe. I would like everyone be informed and maybe take an action after what all happened here.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 24, 2014
First of all, getting a 2020 M1 is not an option for me. It is because I can not benefit that device, which I already thought of it 1-2 months ago, and then decided not to purchase due to the disadvantages. It is completely lower than my early 2015, not about speed and hardware, but in terms of productivity and functionality. And I will need a hub, which I hate. I can not carry a hub or some dongles to everywhere. If I would, I would buy another brand of computer. Apple is not this kind.

For this reason, there is no chance for me to just accept the 2020 model. In either way, it is going to be the 2021 one, but they want me to pay a loooot money (the difference between two models + battery).
Where is the senseful point here?
Where is the standard? How could he say this to me today, while the previous manager told me there was going to be no (zero(!!)) cost?

If I consider the situation in a way that you mentioned, you are right, I can agree.
However this is not so easy like that.

They lost my device, they are replacing with a less functional and less productivity-friendly device, why?
Because it is faster and more expensive.
Really?! Is this the only point I must consider?!
And then they are still making me to be pushed down, by telling me that "You will need to buy a TypeC Hub".
He should feel himself ashamed.
I hear you and it’s clear you’re frustrated. See what the guys say tomorrow, hopefully they offer a 14”. If they do…fantastic!

But bear in mind:
  • Your 2015 is old and unfortunately not worth that much
  • They are still offering a new replacement Mac.
  • I would say that carrying a couple of dongles in a bag is worth saving the big price difference (I have a 2018 15”, otherwise known as “dongle central” ?)
  • You won’t have to keep it forever, but at this point, it may just work out pretty inexpensive for you. Also if you decide to sell/trade it, it’ll be worth a lot more…


macrumors 68030
Apr 20, 2015
I really would like to elevate all these issues to an upper department, but how do I do this?
I have no proofs, I have not recorded any speech 2 days ago, when the previous manager told me there was going to be no cost in the replacement with 2020 M1.

But from my heart, I am extremely feeling like this is not fair. They took all the things from me, but they do not try to help at all. I would like all these to be known by the upper sides of the Apple as well. However I do not know how to do.

Sending a letter or an e-mail now is really a long shot, it takes maybe days or weeks to be seen, or maybe infinitely time. But I can not believe how these can apple in the middle of an European country.
They are careless.
Where are the customer based solutions?
Where are the premium quality?
Why do they try to avoid understanding me and my usage type, and try to cut the chance of 2021 models?
I can not understand, todays person was an extreme careless.
If you have your Mac serial number call Apple and ask for it to be escalated. Give them a full account of what happened and hopefully you will get a call from a member of the customer support team in Austin. They should be able to help.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
I hear you and it’s clear you’re frustrated. See what the guys say tomorrow, hopefully they offer a 14”. If they do…fantastic!

But bear in mind:
  • Your 2015 is old and unfortunately not worth that much
  • They are still offering a new replacement Mac.
  • I would say that carrying a couple of dongles in a bag is worth saving the big price difference (I have a 2018 15”, otherwise known as “dongle central” ?)
  • You won’t have to keep it forever, but at this point, it may just work out pretty inexpensive for you. Also if you decide to sell/trade it, it’ll be worth a lot more…
I always hate dongles, hence I will always avoid them. There is no sense in my opinion.
I can not take it directly "accepted".

If you have your Mac serial number call Apple and ask for it to be escalated. Give them a full account of what happened and hopefully you will get a call from a member of the customer support team in Austin. They should be able to help.
Yes I still have it. I am now chatting with someone on the Apple Support.
If it does not work, I will try phone call.


macrumors regular
May 23, 2016
Yes a frustrating situation but why don't you take the 2020 MB, sell it and get your 2015 version from Ebay Kleinanzeigen or another refurbished mac store? It's not like you need a new device just the one with the same ports and options.

Would even make some money with that deal


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
Yes a frustrating situation but why don't you take the 2020 MB, sell it and get your 2015 version from Ebay Kleinanzeigen or another refurbished mac store? It's not like you need a new device just the one with the same ports and options.

Would even make some money with that deal
Why do I get a second hand device? I could do this definitely, I know you provided a reasonable solution, but my lost device was an excellent one. It was in decent condition, it even had a keyboard sticker cover on it. Palmrest, screen protector. All the things. There is no second hand one that I can find like mine. I kept it excellent except the old battery.
I would not want to invest my money to a risky thing, it is 2nd hand at all. Now this is my completely last option.


macrumors 68040
Jun 12, 2011
I really would like to elevate all these issues to an upper department, but how do I do this?
I have no proofs, I have not recorded any speech 2 days ago, when the previous manager told me there was going to be no cost in the replacement with 2020 M1.

But from my heart, I am extremely feeling like this is not fair. They took all the things from me, but they do not try to help at all. I would like all these to be known by the upper sides of the Apple as well. However I do not know how to do.

Sending a letter or an e-mail now is really a long shot, it takes maybe days or weeks to be seen, or maybe infinitely time. But I can not believe how these can apple in the middle of an European country.
They are careless.
Where are the customer based solutions?
Where are the premium quality?
Why do they try to avoid understanding me and my usage type, and try to cut the chance of 2021 models?
I can not understand, todays person was an extreme careless.
I have had Executive Customer Relations (the team who monitors Tim Cook’s public email) get back to me in as little as 24 hours. It’s worth a shot.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
I have had Executive Customer Relations (the team who monitors Tim Cook’s public email) get back to me in as little as 24 hours. It’s worth a shot.
How did you manage to reach there? I just tried the chat support and he told me that I will be called in the morning at 08.00 AM, but I am not sure who calls me.
Is there any exact way to reach the Executive Customer Relations?


macrumors regular
May 23, 2016
There is no second hand one that I can find like mine.
How can you know? There are a lot of shops offering refurbished - so it means they come with a new battery and guarantees.

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Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
How did you manage to reach there? I just tried the chat support and he told me that I will be called in the morning at 08.00 AM, but I am not sure who calls me.
Is there any exact way to reach the Executive Customer Relations?

Keep your email short and to the point and most of all, thankful for Apple's offer. However, without a dock, it won't fit your current needs.


macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
How can you know? There are a lot of shops offering refurbished - so it means they come with a new battery and guarantees.

They're not Apple. Guessing they're not even official Apple resellers.

Apple's refurb process is arguably much better than any third party.
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