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macrumors 6502
Apr 16, 2005
Useless, TX
I boycotted Sony for being ... chickens...

I got the movie from third party and will not pay a penny to a company who bends backwards at the will of tewowists and hackers.

It's not like James Franco and Seth Rogen haven't gotten paid, and this will destroy their earnings anyways...

After seeing sony's leaked emails, they don't deserve our money either...


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I got the movie from third party and will not pay a penny to a company who bends backwards at the will of tewowists and hackers.
Technically by releasing the movie, they are not bending over backwards, additionally, I don't see how Sony's actions serve as justification for you to see the movie without paying for it.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2012
Is anybody else here severely ****ted off with this? Boycott this insidious propaganda cr@p!


macrumors 6502
Apr 8, 2006
Wish they had done this last week. For $15, I thought about buying the movie last week. I just didn't want to own it on Youtube or Xbox. So, I rented it on Xbox. I'm now not interested in buying a movie that I just rented.


macrumors G4
Mar 20, 2007
Last I checked it took Sony 3 days to do what MS was able to do in a few hours.

Protection from Denial of service attacks are guaged on how quickly you can recover from them. MS did a pretty good job during the busiest time of the year.

Sony Pictures is separate from Sony Computers. The PSN hack was handled horribly (imo).


macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
It never was. It really is a simple thing, Apple was shut down for the week. Now, they're back from the shutdown, all stuff starts to arrive and the backlog will be caught up.

This movie isn't worth pulling the iTunes team from holidays just to push it on Christmas day. Screw that.

I don't know what's sadder. That you believe what you wrote and/or that 13 people agreed enough with you to upvote your comment.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 3, 2009
Rent for $5.99, when their other movies are $3.99? I don't think so.

Normally you cannot rent a new movie.

It's a good price to be able to watch a movie that you'd normally have to buy a cinema ticket to see and not have to deal with idiots, tall people, pricey crap food/drinks.

Sure the movie sucked, i knew it would but i's love to see more movies available to rent for this price at release. Much better than shelling out £40+ to see it with a couple of friends. Not to mention i can have bear and my own choice of food and most importantly i can get to the bathroom faster.

Cinema's suck.


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
Hyperbole anyone. This was a good picture. Maybe it wasn't what you were expecting. Watch it again sometime. You'll be surprised how views can change once you get expectations out of the way.

No, really not hyperbole. I've tried to think of the total list of worse movies I've ever seen and only came up with the nutty professor 2, from about a dozen years ago. I can't think of anything else this appallingly bad.

Badly written, badly cast, badly acted, terribly unfunny jokes, cringe worthy "action" sequences. I've tried to think of a single thing this movie did well and can't come up with one. Shockingly bad in every way - and I went in with no expectations other than that it would be funny (and had made NK mad).


macrumors 6502a
May 8, 2008
Austin, TX
My brother and brother-in-law really wanted to watch this over Christmas. I would have rented it on Apple rentals, but it wasn't available. So Google Play got my money instead.

Gasu E.

macrumors 603
Mar 20, 2004
Not far from Boston, MA.
Companies don't just shut down.

Apple has people working over holiday who could make these kinds of decisions at a moment's notice, if necessary. Apple willfully decided not to because of fear of the "terrorists".

No. The studios publish a schedule of releases well in advance, and the people at Apple whose job it is to post new movies work off of this. Having an executive come in off his vacation to make an emergency approval to show a fairly dumb movie would be unprecedented. Apple does not keep an on-call staff to make impromptu film posting approvals.


macrumors 6502a
May 8, 2008
Austin, TX
Is anybody else here severely ****ted off with this? Boycott this insidious propaganda cr@p!

I didn't know Kim was a poster on MacRumors!

It's a comedy. It's not propaganda. It's VERY clearly not supposed to be taken seriously. No one thinks Kim plays basketball and gives puppies to reporters as presents.


macrumors 6502a
May 8, 2008
Austin, TX
Technically by releasing the movie, they are not bending over backwards, additionally, I don't see how Sony's actions serve as justification for you to see the movie without paying for it.

It's funny logic right?



macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
No. The studios publish a schedule of releases well in advance, and the people at Apple whose job it is to post new movies work off of this. Having an executive come in off his vacation to make an emergency approval to show a fairly dumb movie would be unprecedented. Apple does not keep an on-call staff to make impromptu film posting approvals.

Because an exec would need to "come in?" What age are you living in?

Further - I don't know of a single "exec" that isn't still connected to work even when they are on vacation.

My mind is boggled at how some people think a company works.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 26, 2010
1080p (3.71Gb) is smaller than 720p (3.73Gb) version.

I went to purchase a few films last month and noticed this appears to be the case for quite a few films on iTunes and makes little sense to me either



macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2012
So first they say no. Taking the cowards way out.

Then they do it after people are going to see the movie in droves in what most say is a patriotic event.

Apple is so predictable and shameless.


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2009
I went to purchase a few films last month and noticed this appears to be the case for quite a few films on iTunes and makes little sense to me either


resolution and bit rate are two different things. i bet the 1080p is compressed to hell to play at a lower bit rate.

which is why i almost always buy the blu ray instead of digital crap. it doesn't cost best buy any money for me to play my blu ray the 30th time. unlike with the cloud and itunes/vudu


Even then, I'm not sure it's worth the $1.50 or the time.

i just got an unofficial free copy and i'm not even sure it's worth my time for free


macrumors 6502
Apr 14, 2010
Apple blinked and missed out.

Has anyone considered that the entire iTunes team was out for the holiday? Wasn't it 12/20 - 12/29 for the annual iTunes Connect shutdown?

Releasing this movie during that window meant getting some bodies to break their usual holiday schedules and create an exception for Sony, which might not have been as instant as it normally would/could have been...


macrumors 68020
Jun 24, 2010
If you excluded tasteless and shoddy films, half of the iTunes store would be taken down but isn't that the point? The films that need the most protections are the offensive, questionable and yes, shoddy ones too.

Your comment brought a tear to my eye. People want to bash this movie because it does not fit their taste but their missing the entire point. It’s about the freedom of being able to watch it. I know people that refuse to watch Sci-Fi movies of any type; my wife cannot stand to watch Star Wars. And I can’t stand these crime drama shows (CSI, Law and order,ect) but my wife loves them. I even know Christians that will refuse to watch Harry Potter because it has witchcraft in it. Do I want CSI pulled from the networks because I don’t like it; heck no. I’m adult enough to know that many people like that type of show and it’s not all about me.
The people that wanted to see the interview before all this crap hit the fan knew that this comedy was going to be very offensive and over the top which is what I like. I was going to see the movie in the theater anyway so to have a legal copy for $15 before official release was great. I loved the movie but it would be silly to expect other people would like it as well. I’m just upset that someone would recommend not having it available because it’s trash. Why should my freedom to watch a movie (or read a book) be stopped by someone who thinks its trash?


macrumors 65816
Apr 26, 2005
Nobody really knows that North Korea is behind anything. No proof. Most security experts think it is not very likely. Obviously the government-owned security experts think otherwise, but that's most likely because it would be too embarassing to admit that a couple of hackers could take down Sony the way they did. And Sony security is notoriously bad, as was shown on more than one occassion before.
You shouldn't make such statements that you can't confirm. You're guessing that nobody knows, and that they haven't obtained evidence. This forum has been taken over by pretend security experts armchair quarterbacking this entire thing.


macrumors 65816
Dec 6, 2006
Only a genuine knucklehead would not only pay but actually watch this trash of a film but it seems that there are plenty out there, LOL!


macrumors 68000
and $5.99 is cheaper than paying $7-8+ per person at the movies.

does anyone think other big movies will do this in the future by allowing stream the day of the release?

Hopefully not. It would harm theaters and ruin the experience for everyone. Streaming should not be available until at least one year after theatrical release. Streaming should be the last thing available.

1. Theaters (initial release)
2. DVD/Blu-ray (6 months to a year after theatrical release)
3. Online Streaming/digital rental (3 to 6 months after DVD/Blu-ray release)

This is the best release timeline.

Only a genuine knucklehead would not only pay but actually watch this trash of a film but it seems that there are plenty out there, LOL!

Your opinion. But you can say the same thing about 95% of all comedy films. It's a comedy. What do you expect?
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