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macrumors regular
Jun 18, 2010
Sacramento, CA
good job.. but too late.. by now most of us either copped the bootleg version that many shared after the first day it was out since the drm codes were all screwed up or actually rented it from google.. meh


macrumors 68000
Feb 18, 2003
Los Angeles
It was about Apple not wanting to be a hacking target.

Now the storm has passed and everyone else has had it, the danger has passed.

I hate it when people just pull things out of their behinds, to use a metaphor that this movie does a hundred times.

Michael Scrip

macrumors 604
Mar 4, 2011
good job.. but too late.. by now most of us either copped the bootleg version that many shared after the first day it was out since the drm codes were all screwed up or actually rented it from google.. meh

Wow.... so everyone who would ever want to see this movie has already seen it in 3 days?

That's one short release window :D


macrumors 68020
Jul 22, 2002
Sorry Apple too late, seen it already now I'll just wait for Foxtel and then FTA to show it in a couple of years.


macrumors 603
Mar 18, 2008
it wasn't tasteless or shoddy. it was very well made and very funny. it may be the funniest movie of 2014. lowbrow, yes, tasteless no!!!

I hate Apotow and Rogen. Can we please just move on and get over this pile of horse manure.

I want to see a retina iMac redesign :mad:


May 6, 2011
Hilarious. Makes half the people commenting in the other post look as clueless as they are.


macrumors regular
Feb 11, 2009
I saw the movie. Although I did laugh a few times, I do think it's the worst movie of the year.

Despite how I personally think about the movie, I 'm glad Apple made it available though on iTunes.


macrumors regular
Oct 25, 2013
This has been quite an original marketing ploy. Rogen and Franco are low-life degenerates so, like most of their other nonsense, I can safely say I will never see this film.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 23, 2014
About face. About time. Well done, Apple.

As usual they have Google to thank.

If not for Googles lead and foresight Apple would have remained behind out of fear of offending their customers. While envisioning themselves as superior and progressive, Apples rather conservative and stodgy these days :)


macrumors 6502
Jun 1, 2014
Many other new rental releases are $5.99. Guardians of the Galaxy, Neighbors, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

Fair enough. For a movie of this quality, the reaction might be: "Rent for $5.99, when their other movies are $5.99? I don't think so."


macrumors 6502a
Oct 25, 2006
This movie has received waaaaaay more free publicity than any other movie known to man.

Seems like Sony basically pushed them and said 'WE WANT IT RELEASED NOW!!!!!!' Apple said 'sure... we'd love to do business with you, but we have processes/procedures to follow'.

In the mean time North Korea supposedly started an internet-based war of WWIII proportions, which again... supposedly centres around their hatred of this movie.

I dunno... end of the day it's a STORY and I think people find North Korea mysterious because they've never been there (and never will because it's so effed up).

No idea if this is a good movie, but for what I'm guessing is a reasonably low budget movie it's gonna sell like hotcakes and top all of the charts during the holiday season due to the huuuuge amount of free advertising. VERY smart business moves there from Sony IMO...


Nov 25, 2005
Not sure if this is a cowardly move by Apple, or perhaps a calculated lack of faith in their own security, which has been proven suspect as of late.


I'd say it's a case of not being bothered to interrupt someone's Christmas holiday to add _one_ second-class movie to thousands of movies that are already on the store. And surely, people would want to watch something other than this rubbish over Christmas? Re-runs of "Home Alone" are ten times more exciting than this movie.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Seems like a Johnny come lately to me. Google seemed willing to step up to the plate and show it last week, apple backed down. I'm sure they'll make money but it seems like they're not leading but following in this area.


macrumors 68000
Jan 14, 2003
And a few weeks later, North Korea attacks Apple...


Yeah, I hope Apple can survive not being allowed to open an Apple Store in Pyongyang.

As for the availability of The Interview on the iTunes Store, I commend the company for joining the rest of the free world and not caving in to a badly written terrorist threat. For a moment there, it looked like Apple were trying to appease North Korea's sponsor and enabler China by refusing to carry the film but common sense has prevailed.


macrumors 68000
Oct 2, 2011
El Segundo
As usual they have Google to thank.

If not for Googles lead and foresight Apple would have remained behind out of fear of offending their customers. While envisioning themselves as superior and progressive, Apples rather conservative and stodgy these days :)

Sadly I agree. But hey, at least Apple's taken a lead stance on defending marriage equality!


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
Seems like a Johnny come lately to me. Google seemed willing to step up to the plate and show it last week, apple backed down. I'm sure they'll make money but it seems like they're not leading but following in this area.

And I don't think they care. As others have said this movie is getting far more attention than it deserves all under the guise of "free speech". I'm still skeptical about the whole thing. Where are all the attacks that were supposed to happen if this movie came out on Christmas Day? The movie release came and went without incident. And even with all the additional attention it got (that it otherwise probably wouldn't have received) it still only brought in $15M from online sales. That's pocket change for Apple.


Yeah, I hope Apple can survive not being allowed to open an Apple Store in Pyongyang.

As for the availability of The Interview on the iTunes Store, I commend the company for joining the rest of the free world and not caving in to a badly written terrorist threat. For a moment there, it looked like Apple were trying to appease North Korea's sponsor and enabler China by refusing to carry the film but common sense has prevailed.

Because they didn't offer the movie on Christmas day that means they were appeasing North Korea? If North Korea (and China) are against this film do you honestly think they care whether it's shown on Christmas Day or 3 days later? And how come we haven't seen any attacks (cyber or otherwise) since the film's been available? Amazing how the movie release has come and gone without incident.
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