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Apr 12, 2001

As part of its efforts to add transit directions in iOS 9, Apple has recently updated Apple Maps to include multiple Amtrak routes in the Northeastern United States. Available mainly in the cities where transit directions have been implemented, the longest Amtrak route available runs from Chicago to New York.

Supported routes include the Northeast Regional, Acela Express, Keystone, Lake Shore Limited, Pennsylvanian, and Maple Leaf, many of which operate between cities in the Northeastern United States.


The Acela Express, for example, runs between Boston, New Haven, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington DC. Lake Shore Limited runs from New York/Boston to Albany to Chicago, while Maple Leaf runs from New York to Niagara Falls to Toronto.

Amtrak routes in the South, West, Midwest, and Northwest are not currently available in Apple Maps, but the information will likely be implemented as Apple expands transit information to additional areas across the United States. Transit directions are currently available in Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, and San Francisco.

Along with Amtrak support for several cities where transit directions are supported, Apple has also added transit information for the Boston area. Boston was initially added to Apple's list of supported cities earlier this month, but the page was later updated to note the feature wouldn't officially be working until a later date in October.

As of this morning, transit directions are available in Boston, allowing Boston residents to access directions by Amtrak, commuter rail, buses, and more. The next city to gain transit directions will be Sydney, which was also added to Apple's list of supported cities earlier in the month. While Boston transit information is live, it does not yet appear to be available in Sydney.

(Thanks, Alec!)

Article Link: Apple Maps Adds Amtrak Routes in Northeastern U.S. and Transit Directions for Boston
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I frequently use Amtrack between Portland OR, Seattle WA, and Vancouver BC, so I do hope to see them add these.

I just wish that they would improve their walking directions. Maps always makes you walk all around a block the long way, as if you were driving a car. This makes getting started on walking directions really disorienting, because you other walk too far, or you go against the map and then it freaks out / recalculates you the wrong way around the next block. I want to smash my iPhone when this happens, but the integration with the Apple Watch is really nice ONCE you get walking on a route it likes.
Not every Amtrak route is on here. For example the Capitol Limited, which runs from DC through Cleveland to Chicago, is not painted on the map.
I assume by Boston busses we're talking about the city busses run by the MBTA and not all the intercity busses that go to South Station, right?

Won't give me transit directions between South Station and Pease Airport in Portsmouth, NH, so I'm guessing not, since I know there's a private bus that runs directly between those two places.
It is kind of odd considering they bought Hopstop and Embark 2 years ago. Hopstop had directions for basically every US & Canada transit systems.
Hopefully they integrate that data soon. I'm in NYC, and I will say their implementation of the subway system is pretty detailed, all the way down to including the street locations of entrances and exits.

My hope (naïvely, maybe) is that they're getting a few systems integrated first and then will do a broader rollout once they're satisfied with the way those are working.
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Boston Transit is still unavailable to me. is there a way to refresh the Maps data?

Same for me. When I click on a known station (South Station, any T stop, any commuter rail stop, etc) I'm getting a list of the next arrivals and departures, which I never got before. However, I'm not getting access to routes and directions like I've gotten in other cities. Hopefully it all gets smoothed out soon.
As part of its efforts to add transit directions in iOS 9, Apple has recently updated Apple Maps to include multiple Amtrak routes in the Northeastern United States.

Thank you for calling the mapped area Northeast. I've run into so many from this area that say they're from the Midwest, or even West. Nope, you are East, Northeast specifically. I lived in Minneapolis. That's Midwest. Ohio, Indiana, you ain't Midwest.
I use Apple Maps for everything as a default.
You mean that Apple Maps is the default for everything iOS. And this is why I use it as well. Plus it works for my needs so going through the trouble of downloading an app that is not integrated and then having to open the app every time and type in an address -- well I am tired just thinking about it. :D:p:cool:
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Thank you for calling the mapped area Northeast. I've run into so many from this area that say they're from the Midwest, or even West. Nope, you are East, Northeast specifically. I lived in Minneapolis. That's Midwest. Ohio, Indiana, you ain't Midwest.
So, I was intrigued by your rant and decided to do some fact checking. The Census Bureau has defined the Northeast region as comprising nine states: the New England states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont; and the Mid-Atlantic states of New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Several other definitions add Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. There are a few that extend even further by adding Virginia and West Virginia. The only place I saw that included Ohio, Indiana and Michigan in the Northeast was a the world botanists organization. Who's definition are you referencing to say that they are part of the northeast. As a reference point the Census Bureau does indeed include Ohio and Indiana in their definition of the Midwest.
If I took public transport between my home and work each day, it'd take at least 1 hour 25 minutes for what is a 20-minute car journey, including a ten-minute walk at the end. Yes, I could drive ten minutes north (to go south again) to the next town and catch Amtrak, but being from the UK I'm used to walking to the street corner and starting my journey anywhere in the country from there.

I digress.



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