I've been waiting for this. I've tried Spotify, Rdio, Beats... I'm ready for the native solution to use my current iTunes Match library right along with a subscription service. I don't like juggling my purchased library in the Music app and a separate streaming library in the others, so I end up ditching those and going back to purchasing in iTunes. Now that it's getting integrated into Music, I'm pretty excited. I just hope it works well!
I'm holding out until it becomes more clear how I can use the service. My primary "music" devices are actually a 160gb iPod classic and a new 16gb Nano. So if Apple Music won't work on these devices, I'll stick with managing my own collection and using iTunes Match.
I've been waiting for this. I've tried Spotify, Rdio, Beats... I'm ready for the native solution to use my current iTunes Match library right along with a subscription service. I don't like juggling my purchased library in the Music app and a separate streaming library in the others, so I end up ditching those and going back to purchasing in iTunes. Now that it's getting integrated into Music, I'm pretty excited. I just hope it works well!
What iOS version are you running at the moment?
When you go to settings, music do you have a toggle for iTunes Match?
I'm sure I used to see the words iTunes Match but since I have been running 8.4 beta those words have been replaced with iCloud Music Library. I still see all of my music but I'm not sure its needed unless you have something in your collection that is not offered by the new Music service. That could happen. Once the Music service is on I will continue with the Match option in the event I ever decide to stop the monthly streaming service but I can see that getting confusing unless there is something that tells me what I own versus what is coming from the new Music Service. Still, looking forward to it replacing Spotify for me and giving me the ability to expand the family plan to 4 of us here at the house.
It will be available, yes.
Streaming requires you have Constant internet connection, and it will cost lots of data.
This could be the Only reason I hate streaming services.
Have you guys compared the volume of Spotify and Apple Music. At the same setting Apple is lower volume. Beats was the same way.
I can comment on OS X desktop only. As you might be aware Apple has updated their iTunes radio stations in the last few days. I have notice a dramatic increase in quality and volume using iTunes radio when compared to Spotify. I would even say the quality sounds better than Spotify. It has a warmer, fuller tone that I have noticed before when comparing AAC vs MP3 and its variants. Volume is identical.
One of my biggest complaints with iTunes radio, like you, was volume was ridiculously low. I will test on my iPhone when I get a free moment.
Thanks for checking. I have 8.4 beta and know the service is not final but I do notice the volume difference. Without touching anything I could move from Spotify to iTunes Radio on my iPhone/iPad and the difference was very noticeable. It stands out in the car. The quality though does appear to be better between the two with the win going to Apple.
Yeah, I was afraid of that. Thanks for checking. Apple is doing some sort of normalization on their end that is very annoying. Sound check dose't seem to have an effect with iTunes radio. Maybe final 8.4 music app will help but I doubt it.
Streaming requires you have Constant internet connection, and it will cost lots of data.
This could be the Only reason I hate streaming services.