So I'm going to be a diva here and claim the outage today and Friday as my doing. Well okay there's an enormous chance that's not the case, but here's what happened with me. On Friday this is the problem I was having as I typed it into Apple Support Chat:
"For about the past five days, songs ripped from CDs in my iTunes library uploaded to Apple Music's cloud that aren't otherwise available on Apple Music won't play half the time on PlayStation 5's Apple Music app and will just get skipped past. Weirdly though whenever I try playing the same songs on the Apple Music app on my Android phone they play fine. I've had no issue with playback for songs that are directly on Apple Music not uploaded to the cloud via my own library."
This led to a phone call with Apple Support, where they had me take a video of the problem and send it to them, and then told me it was something on Sony's end and to contact them. Well, I thought I would test that by installing Apple Music on an LG TV I have and check if the problem would happen on it too, and sure enough it did. So I called them back, gave them my case number from the previous call, and told them that the problem was actually happening on the app on an LG TV too. They had me take a video of that as well, and then somewhat incoherently told me they'd look into the problem, scheduled a call back with me for Thursday, and, well, sounded something like bothered or irritated as they ended the call. It was about forty-five minutes later that the outage towards the end of the work-day on Friday happened, and now there was this one towards the beginning of the workday on Monday. So, just thought I'd share that for what it's worth.