I tried Apple Pay for the first time at my local liquor store. No one else was in line so I decided to give it a go. I held my iPhone next to the terminal and Passbook opened to let me choose a credit card, I authorized it (the finger touch wasn't quite working because I was nervous with the clerk watching so I had to type in my code). Then the terminal just sat and said "Processing" and some other words I can't remember. We waited for a while but it didn't change and someone else got in line so we killed it and I paid with a credit card the regular way. The cashier has a register that is tied into the NFC terminal and something is supposed to come up on her register for her to complete the transaction but nothing was happening. Is this connection to her register the thing that broke the process? She had never seen it before so didn't know how to fix it or if it would even work with their system. Does it have anything to do with it being a liquor store that might need extra approvals? Or would it have finished with more time?