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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Signs are starting to appear that Apple may be prepping for a revision of their Mac laptops in the near future. Following up a previous Commercial Times report that pointed to a Q3 (July-September) order for MacBook displays, the paper now reports that Apple has increased its order of "notebook-use printed circuit boards" by 20% this quarter.

Meanwhile, Apple has notified Best Buy that they would have limited MacBook shipments over the next two weeks. While retail inventories alone aren't typically an accurate predictor of Apple product refreshes, combined with these other reports it may be more suggestive.

Apple has been rumored to be working on new aluminum MacBook Pro designs that will adopt features of the current iMac and MacBook Air.

Article Link


macrumors 6502
May 17, 2007
Let's hope when this roll out eventually happens, that it goes a bit smoother than the iPhone release. :rolleyes:


macrumors newbie
Jun 4, 2008
Please please please release new MBPs in August... I'm going to be travelling and need to get rid of my iMac in exchange for a notebook and I'd hate to buy a MBP only to see new ones a month later... Seems to be a fear associated with any Apple product but maybe this time I can beat it.


macrumors member
Apr 22, 2008
I'm hoping this time around something will actually happen.

Been holding out for a macbook refresh, and having the sweets for a Lenovo x200. Which ever comes first / cheapest.


macrumors regular
Apr 20, 2003
Wish I knew when this was happening...

This is interesting, especially considering that I need to order nearly 60 17" MBPs for the business I do, and I am on a time table.

I am sure someone won't be happy if a new design comes out right after ours get distributed... Oh, well. What can you do? :shrug:


macrumors member
Jun 10, 2008
I would love a new MBP.

I am not so concerned about the specs as I am about the case design. To be honest, all this talk of making it look like the MBA with tapered design and black keyboard makes me nervous. I'm not crazy about the MBA design but I know some people love it.


macrumors 6502
May 17, 2007
This is interesting, especially considering that I need to order nearly 60 17" MBPs for the business I do, and I am on a time table.

I am sure someone won't be happy if a new design comes out right after ours get distributed... Oh, well. What can you do? :shrug:

Dude, order 61 and send one to Long Island, if you don't mind, that is....:p


macrumors member
Oct 14, 2007
South Bend, IN
Macbook over MacBook Pro

I would much rather a revision to the MB lineup than the MBP. Bring the MBs in line with the rest of Apple's lineup. (except iPhone 3G!) We are needing a new MB for school this year and are waiting to get the MB + iPod Touch deal. (Of course, get the rebate, and then sell it on eBay!) = a decently priced Apple Computer!


macrumors 68020
Feb 2, 2007
Pasadena CA
There are now £600 laptops with Blu-ray drives.

I'd say it was overdue in supposed 'pro' products, but that's not quite the right phrase. My desktop PC now has a BR drive. If my next laptop choice is between an MBP without, or a PC laptop with...I'm afraid I will seriously consider ' un ' switching.



macrumors regular
Sep 4, 2006
Vancouver, BC
darn... just ordered a blackbook, shipping today....

sounds like the MBPs will get updated cases soon, macbooks will get the minor bump? if so, i'd be happy.


macrumors member
Oct 14, 2007
South Bend, IN
This is all good and bad news. My friend called me yesterday and said that he was at the Apple Store buying a new MB. I told him to wait a month or so. Unfortunately, he HAD to buy one yesterday due to the fact that his old iBook had completely died. Hopefully a new one will come out soon and he can get a cheap upgrade!


macrumors regular
Nov 27, 2007
Lansing, MI
I've been waiting what seems like forever to get the upgrade....I just need it to come out before September....from the sounds of it that sounds likely...thank god I'm going crazy waiting.....


macrumors member
Jun 8, 2008
Looking forward to the revision. I am looking for a laptop... I hope the revision is not limited to MBP, so that the MacBook gets a "lifting" :eek:


macrumors 603
Jul 5, 2004
New laptops? What?

What about an updated Mac mini (or a replacement)?

Are Apple going back to their "if you want a Mac you have to spend one thousand dollars" mindset? It's not going to attract more switchers, that's for sure.

And if non-Mac mini users think they've waited "long enough", let's remind them (from the Mac Buyer's Guide of MacRumors):
- Mac mini, days Since Update = 346 (Avg = 188)
- iMac, days Since Update = 81 (Avg = 211)
- Mac Pro, days Since Update = 192 (Avg = 217)
- MacBook, days Since Update = 143 (Avg = 192)
- MacBook Pro, days Since Update = 143 (Avg = 194)
- MacBook Air, days Since Update = 185 (Avg = 0)

MacBook, MacBook Pro and iMac users have no rights to complain IMHO. And while the Mac Pro is due for an update, the Mac mini should still come first.
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