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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
Appleinsider claims that according to their sources, the 'Brilliant Savings' promotion does not indicate that PowerMac/Display updates are delayed.

According to the site, the June end date for that promotion simply corresponds with Apple's 3rd Fiscal Quarter.

As previously reported, we have received information that Apple is in the process of prepping new products for release.


macrumors newbie
Apr 26, 2003
agreed - soon - not later - they HAVE to. period - done - deal

edit: NOT a newbie - more of a lurker - 2 years+


macrumors regular
Oct 12, 2003
Los Angeles
This Tuesday is as good a time as any -- although I guess I could just settle for another wireless mouse firmware update. That one got my adrenaline pumpin'!!!


macrumors newbie
Dec 18, 2003
I think Apple is forced to release new revisions before the 3Ghz model. Q2 sales will look terrible if they do nothing when everyones is waiting for new machines.


macrumors regular
Feb 27, 2004
In the Brilliant display post I had mentioned that companies do have promos when new products are released to ensure that they sell well, and to boost numbers for potrential buyers. That makes even more sense given that it also is the end of the third quarter. Don't Let me down Apple.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
yeah - seriously. The last thread seemed to be 400 to 4 in bashing Apple for putting off Powermac updates. I know its Apple- but sometimes they want to give customers a good deal - to get the best products out fast so people can rave about them!!!


macrumors regular
Jan 21, 2003
I'm sure this has been mentioned before but maybe the promotion is intended more to reduce the inventory of Cinema HD displays rather than that of the G5s. It doesn't list G5 part numbers in the promotion details, although that might not mean much.


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
Sonofhaig said:
I think we'll be seeing new product soon. I really don't believe this will be too long a dry spell....
I certainly hope so too...even though I'm not in the market for a G5 right now. I will be buying a new machine in 2007 (I bought my iMac G4 in Jan 2004); I'd like to see what comes out between now and then so I know what to expect.


macrumors 65816
Mar 14, 2004
Sonofhaig said:
I think we'll be seeing new product soon. I really don't believe this will be too long a dry spell....

The announced dry spell could be due to the fact that tomorrow is going to be Super Tuesday with lots of upgrades. But honestly, I think there will only be one update tomorrow: iMovie 4.0.1 :D


macrumors G3
Jul 23, 2002
Sol III - Terra
Macrumors said:
Appleinsider claims that according to their sources, the 'Brilliant Savings' promotion does not indicate that PowerMac/Display updates are delayed.

According to the site, the June end date for that promotion simply corresponds with Apple's 3rd Fiscal Quarter.

As previously reported, we have received information that Apple is in the process of prepping new products for release.
What about the extension of the memory specials? This I think is more of an indicator of what might not get updated before the end of the rebate.


macrumors 68000
Oct 8, 2003
Sacramento, CA, USA
Zaty said:
The announced dry spell could be due to the fact that tomorrow is going to be Super Tuesday with lots of upgrades. But honestly, I think there will only be one update tomorrow: iMovie 4.0.1 :D

Which I will welcome with open arms.


macrumors newbie
Dec 31, 2003
What you guys are missing is in the fine print. This isn't a promotion to get rid of G5 stock as much as it's a promo to get rid of Cinema Display stock.

Read the fine print, this offer is good with "ANY G5". Usually these promos specify that it's only applicable to certain Apple model numbers (MxxxxLL/A), but this one doesn't.

What this tells me is G5's will POSSIBLY be announced before the end of this promo, because Apple has covered their bases by not locking themselves into only certain models.


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
I'll remain "cautiously pessimistic," but there could be new towers AND displays soon--but no new 23", and thus that's on sale. (The 23" could be replaced with an entirely new size, or a new 23" could arrive later. Either way, the old 23" should be discounted.)


macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2002
New Zealand
rubbergorilla said:
What you guys are missing is in the fine print. This isn't a promotion to get rid of G5 stock as much as it's a promo to get rid of Cinema Display stock.

Read the fine print, this offer is good with "ANY G5". Usually these promos specify that it's only applicable to certain Apple model numbers (MxxxxLL/A), but this one doesn't.

What this tells me is G5's will POSSIBLY be announced before the end of this promo, because Apple has covered their bases by not locking themselves into only certain models.
Right and maybe they're deciding to release new displays before the promo ends or at WWDC. Either way they're coverd by listing the model number of the display...


macrumors 68000
Dec 6, 2001
Why do I feel like I'm on a see-saw?

PowerMac updates imminent...

Nope. Wait till July

PowerMac updates imminent...

Nope. They'll update iMacs first

PowerMac updates imminent....

I think I'm gonna barf.


macrumors 6502
Jul 17, 2002
I hope it is true. After such a long and torturous period of time with no updates -- not even a hint -- to be asked to wait even longer, is insanity!.

<insane rant>
I want my G5 3 Ghz PowerMac with the 30" Cinema display, and I want it now!!!. </insane rant>

:rolleyes: If anyone needs me I'll be in the corner in the fetal position with both eye's on my wristwatch. :eek:

This site is misleading, it claims zero post but when I clicked the link, several people have already posted!. I wanted to be the first. ;)


macrumors 68000
Nov 22, 2001
Well, the build times on powermacs here in the UK is 5-7 days. It went up from 1-2 days at the end of last week. I believe something is happening.


macrumors newbie
Mar 10, 2004
Macrumors said:
Brilliant Savings'[/url] promotion does not indicate that PowerMac/Display updates are delayed. According to the site, the June end date for that promotion simply corresponds with Apple's 3rd Fiscal Quarter.
I was a bot worried for a moment. Three months without rumors of immediate PowerMac upgrades? Unbearable..
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