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macrumors 6502
Mar 7, 2014
Right… theyll take your device for free…then get all of the parts out of it and then make a profit off of your loss. No, thanks.
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macrumors 6502
May 6, 2008
My gold iPhone 6 Plus was a star in this video. Literally just replaced the battery yesterday. Taking the old battery to the recycler today. Keeping the 6P alive as I wait for Apple's technical and engineering expertise revealed in Apple's OPTIONAL Fairphone-styled models. Thanks Lisa/Tim/Octavia for putting Mother Earth ahead of optimized profits (yeah, yeah, yeah... shareholder value...)


macrumors regular
Sep 17, 2009
Los Angeles
I know a lot are screaming something along the lines of "I won't give it up/recycle for free" ... but I recycled quite a bit of PCs/Macs and whatever back in my IT days, and each time doing so had to pay a per device recycling fee ... could this whole "free" mean that you don't have to pay a penny to recycle that 20y/o or so device and dispose of it properly?


macrumors 65816
Aug 7, 2007
Iowa, USA
Wonder why MR put "for free" in quotes.
Because it's a direct quote from the Apple page they linked to:
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macrumors regular
Oct 5, 2010
A great business strategy is when you can sell something, once outdated or damaged, etc.., get the buyer to give it back to you, and then make a new product with those from the returned item and sell that new product to the same customer.
Is that a suggestion that their recycling effort is a net monetary gain? I would suggest that materials are recovered by Apple at a net loss (person hours to collect, transportation, process development, etc.) and that the only significant gain is in PR, maybe. But not here on MacRumors, where any environmental effort is met with derision.
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macrumors regular
Sep 5, 2020
I don't have a problem with them recycling them "for free." I just can't imagine how anyone thought it was a good idea to specify it.

Oh, but as some people will say, they are Apple and they know better than any of us.


macrumors 68040
Apr 8, 2015
I don’t find the offer bad. Apple can offer whatever they like. It just makes no sense as a user. I have an iPhone 5c in a drawer that’s been obliterated by updates that can’t be rolled back. It works very poorly. It has 8GB. It’s good enough as an Apple Music-enabled player, so it has some value for me, even if it’s only useful as a music playback device. Nobody would buy that device now, Apple certainly wouldn’t, and rather than give it to Apple I’d rather keep it.


macrumors member
Feb 27, 2024
Really? Where? Show me. 👀

I would sell my old MBP 2011 with bloated battery. Or two iPhone 5 and 6 models from the cupboard.

What will I get from Apple for that?
I am so excited to hear 🤩

Never stated that all models are included in trade in program.


macrumors 65816
Jan 26, 2013
Ah yes, give apple something back where they can profit from and the end user gets nothing out of.. So much courage by Apple.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2012
How about trying a better "green" solution, the one that worked well for a century and more in the real world.
and then in LAST place, disposal.


macrumors 68000
Jul 22, 2007
Utica, NY
Apple, how about you stop making planned obsolescence part of your business strategy. Your hardware can last 20+ years, so focus on your software quality and stop chasing shareholder value at the expense of consumer value.

20 years, eh?

I can hear… My 2004 1.33ghz PPC iBook… It speaks to me from the hoard the great beyond.

It says to me… Please. Please don’t put me back into service.

The 3G cellular network also just rang me up. It would also like a word with you. Just kidding! See what I did there?! 3G Humor.

20 (Twenty) years is reaching for personal computing tech, and that’s putting it mildly. Lasting, sure; but useful?


macrumors 6502
Dec 29, 2012
Asean market
If Apple could pay me for bringing recycle materials, no matter what, that would be great. even as little as a USD for a broken lightning cable.


macrumors 65816
Nov 26, 2003
20 years, eh?

I can hear… My 2004 1.33ghz PPC iBook… It speaks to me from the hoard the great beyond.

It says to me… Please. Please don’t put me back into service.

The 3G cellular network also just rang me up. It would also like a word with you. Just kidding! See what I did there?! 3G Humor.

20 (Twenty) years is reaching for personal computing tech, and that’s putting it mildly. Lasting, sure; but useful?
I still have fourteen Macs dating back to 1984. They all still work except for a Mac II that needs a RAM chip. Sold several more that were working at that time. Getting online problematic with most, but functional in terms of apps and docs.


macrumors 6502
Mar 15, 2020
wake me up if they ever offer a program to refurbish/repair/update (for a nominal fee) your old device so you can continue to use it instead of discarding it.


macrumors member
Feb 6, 2024
Yeah sure Tim, now we're paying laptop prices for phones in Australia, we'll most certainly give you our $2000 phones back for free instead of handing them down to family members, or even selling them to make some of that money back that you've almost extorted from us because we know Android is a joke and are locked into the ecosystem, not mention when we need to upgrade our phones once they slow right down from the yearly software updates and ridiculous bugs.

Such an altruistic company looking out for the human race and Mother Earth🙄


macrumors G3
Nov 25, 2017
Apple Trade in offers convenience. Other than that always sell elsewhere to get much better price for the old device. No reason to give it free. Might be able to get at least some money if selling somewhere else.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 4, 2011
A great business strategy is when you can sell something, once outdated or damaged, etc.., get the buyer to give it back to you, and then make a new product with those from the returned item and sell that new product to the same customer.
South Park did a whole episode on this business model (using the Cash for Gold example)... Tim must have see it and asked the team "How do we get our customers doing this with our gold?"

Season 16, Ep. 2 - Cash For Gold - Full Episode | South Park ...
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